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:flame: where is the new gauss ???
thats the only thing i wanna know :flame:
silly boy, don't knock Counter Strike, its the most successful mod and has been stated to be one of the main reasons half-life has remained to be one of the top games, counter-strike is huge, bigger than you will ever be, it has its own culture, clans and pro leagues, counter-strike is big money with top prizes fetchin upto £200 000, and sponcership deals giving you the best equipment, top spec kit even before its official release date as those who win the world leagues with such a computer is great advertisment
c.s. pays big time, i'm sure valve have made alot from its existance which would add to funds that allow them to make and develop half-life 2, so don't knock you're bread and butter or you will starve
Looks like you got told ;)

Personally, I've never found CS to be as bad as most people make out. Sure you get people moaning or camping for hours, but not really excessively more than in other mods and I hardly ever see cheaters on the servers I play on. The only thing I would say is that the better players and the "pros" should calm down a bit, and give us little people a chance.
i enjoy c.s. it can be fun and all depends on servers u play on, some servers have bad admins who will abuse their admin which ruins the game, same goes for ***** who are a clan of profesional cheaters who delibratly hack to anoy and piss people off and sometimes even hack a server, however good c.s. is worth all of this, there are fun maps where u can race jeeps or boats about, sometimes a server will have a fun night in which the grav is turned low and silly guns are used this is mainly done on custom maps and u also have theme night which is sort of the same as fun night and if the right sort of people are on the server then it is really good and loads of fun.
c.s. involves more stratagy and skill than other games like quake or UT, and on a properly admined and run server you can have hours of fun whith very little abuse (if the admins are doing their job they kick or ban abusive players) and hardly any cheaters (yet again with good admins cheaters get an instant ban and reported, also with servers set up to run configs that detect cheats)
i enjoy c.s. so much that i am now in a clan (though it is mainly a fun clan which is the best type) and have risen to the rank of chief deputy clan leader meaning that the only person above me is the clan leader

AG > valve > CS

if any AG players (AG is the "leetest" HL mod, ALL the "leets" play it, thats why i play it , im not the best of the world but i can kick many asses) practice CS during 1 - 2 weeks , he will be a pro , but if a CS player comes to AG it will take more time to get leet, some months caus you have to leanr MANY things , like gauss jump, the LJ , the bunny hop , the binds , the nukes .

if an AG player comes to CS , he just need to camp and shoot. so lame, thats why i hate CS. to much stupid gay noob campers (and some of them camp with a pistol, how pathetic !!! )

if you wanna see what is AG , icq me , 105634213
wtf is AG?

and you just said all you would have to do is go camp to win, then said you hate campers...
Sorry , but Valve > all mod makers for HL. Why? Because they are the ones who created the game, engine and updated netcode for it. I could care less about future of CS 2, because single player of Hl2 is MUCH more important for me.

Anyhow, for reals, what the hell is AG? And with that attitude of elitness I can say you not much better than any other average CS player, who screams a lot, but never actually can back up anything. Wise people keep things quiet.
Wow, is it me, or in only two posts has this whole thread been turned into a flame war? For those who just skipped to my post (Everybody does! You all love me, right?), it went something like this:

Post 1:
Gauss gun?
"CS Sucks" Signature

Post 2:
On dune buggy!

Post 3:

Post 4/5:

Post 6:

*still awaiting reply post from fried, and awaiting reply to reply from alakazou -- future arch enemies*

Originally posted by Vertigo
Wow, is it me, or in only two posts has this whole thread been turned into a flame war? For those who just skipped to my post (Everybody does! You all love me, right?), it went something like this:


Hheheheh :D
Well, CS SUXOR OFMGH TEH SUXOR!! ME LLEET p0ster, pwned!

Anyway, the dude's question has been answered, so time to flame :D
Originally posted by bonanzaguy
wtf is AG?

and you just said all you would have to do is go camp to win, then said you hate campers...

yep, to win in Cs , you must camp , to win in AG its skills

btw , AG is like the old valvs's patch , with the bunnyhop

jesus that font is tiny...

and it takes "skillz" to win at CS also. not just camping.
Originally posted by alakazou
pffff LIAR :D

You never played in CS clan match, so shut up and go play more of AG (or Quake, no difference).
I smell a sequel to the critically acclaimed (actually, just self-acclaimed) "Flame Wars: The Pointless Flame". Let's sit down and watch the trailer!

Originally posted by mr fried
silly boy, don't knock Counter Strike, its the most successful mod and has been stated to be one of the main reasons half-life has remained to be one of the top games, counter-strike is huge, bigger than you will ever be, it has its own culture, clans and pro leagues, counter-strike is big money with top prizes fetchin upto £200 000, and sponcership deals giving you the best equipment, top spec kit even before its official release date as those who win the world leagues with such a computer is great advertisment
c.s. pays big time, i'm sure valve have made alot from its existance which would add to funds that allow them to make and develop half-life 2, so don't knock you're bread and butter or you will starve

he has got a point..people liked hl but not so many people liked hl with cs and tfc being very good hl mods valve had the time and money to make hl2....all tho I didnt enjoy tfc and I dont like cs anymore im pretty sure a lot off people still do and always will do.
To get back on-topic: I don't think the gun on the buggy is a gauss gun. I heard it was some machinegun alike thingie but to be honest I don't remember the name of it.
HL Multiplayer i$ t3h l33t3$t! :cool:

And uh.. How can a mod be better than Valve? :eek:

I'm pretty sure the thing on the buggy was a modified Gauss Gun, it spun around when he shot it and shot out laser thingies incredibly similar to the ones from the original Gauss. I just hope Gordon is strong enough to rip it off the buggy and use it properly :E
nobody said it was the gauss gun, but it looks like it with the 3 spinning coils. But I think its a lightweigt version (didnt made much damage on the helicopter critter) of the gaussgun and you will be able to pick up a more powerfull version for your self.
he doesn't hit the heli-creature-thingie....

and it is a notice the first man he shoots with it, he powers it up and it has the same sound as in HL1 plus the rotating thingie-nob it's definatly a gauss-gun....I just hope you will get a hand held one aswell...
just because it sounds like it and you can charge it doesnt mean its 100% a guass gun. im not saying it isnt but you shouldnt base your opinion on looks and sounds alone
he does hit the creature heli thingy :) but i nitised that he didtn charged the gauss gun as much as when he shot at the combine soldier. you can definatly feel the strength of it (the buggy moves :))
Originally posted by bonanzaguy
just because it sounds like it and you can charge it doesnt mean its 100% a guass gun. im not saying it isnt but you shouldnt base your opinion on looks and sounds alone

What exactly should we base our opinions on? All we have seen is a video.

Oh yeah and not only did he not charge the gun very long, the helicopter thing is probably alot thougher than an apache being as this is set in hte future.
Everyone complains about this bullshit 'camping'. There is nothing wrong with camping. In real life if you were a Counter-Terrorist Swat team or some such, and you turned a corner, and there was some Terrorist behind a box who blew you all away as you turned, you wouldn't be thinking, ah what a lamer, he's camping. Camping lets you win in some cases, and anything that lets you win is good. Also other campers raise your awarness, lets say someone was camping behind that door on cs_xyz, then the next time you play it, you're going to think 'ah there was someone behind that door... it might be a popular camping spot, so you jump round and blow the camper away next time, or find nothing and carry on safely. I'm not a camping type of player, I usually go for the assault head on rush type, but everyone needs to camp sometimes, due to either low hp, or perhaps you hear someone coming round the corner and its a good way to take them out.
the gun on the vehicle is a form of a gauss gun.. that doesn't mean it has to be the same as the gauss gun you're going to get in the game.. people don't realize that..

the gauss gun you hold in your hands will probably have a much cooler animation and be easier to aim with then the one attached to the buggy.. god just thinking about it makes me want to charge it up and shoot some combine soldiers through some walls. MUAHAHHAHA
Having it on the buggy begs the question, will you actually get a hand held gauss gun in HL2, or will they have taken it out?
Originally posted by Alzxul
Having it on the buggy begs the question, will you actually get a hand held gauss gun in HL2, or will they have taken it out?
nobody ****ing knows yet.. knowing valve and half-life.. i'd expect they'd have the vehicle mounted and hand held versions in the game.. but nobody knows at this point so stop asking stupid questions like somebody is going to devine the knowledge and answer truthfully.
Its a rhetorical question, if you read my post it says 'It begs the question'. I'm not asking for an answer, i'm pointing out that perhaps it might not be in it.
Originally posted by Alzxul
Its a rhetorical question, if you read my post it says 'It begs the question'. I'm not asking for an answer, i'm pointing out that perhaps it might not be in it.
sorry i missed that.. but my first part of the response still stands.. ofcourse they'll have a non-vehicle mounted version of the gauss gun.. christ it's half-life.. how could they not?
Originally posted by Alzxul
They could not have it because its Half-Life 2 not half-life :cheese:
bite me.. heh.. halflife-2 is just a continuation of the story of halflife.. it's not like it's a seperate game.. and i know you're being sarcastic.. but if they don't have the original gauss with improved graphics.. then they are going to have some sort of super gauss which is 10x as cool..

they're not going to just "not include it"
Well nothing is certain at this point, so a weapon which they haven't said anything about i.e. the gauss gun isn't defintely going to be in the game. I was reading a post about the HL1 Alpha, and looked at some of the screenshots, take a look at Scandanavian Gordon Freeman for example :cheese: Nothing is set in stone.
The Guass Gun was created at Black Mesa. Black Mesa was destroyed (?). Gordon probably had the last surviving Gauss Gun, but the G-Man took it away.
Hey thats right, all of his weapons were 'Government Property'. I like your thinking Dave, very sexy !:cool:
Originally posted by Alzxul
Well nothing is certain at this point, so a weapon which they haven't said anything about i.e. the gauss gun isn't defintely going to be in the game. I was reading a post about the HL1 Alpha, and looked at some of the screenshots, take a look at Scandanavian Gordon Freeman for example :cheese: Nothing is set in stone.
i like some of the early shots of the scientists.. their faces look absolutely insane..

the best i could get of the early renders: