


I used to be able to get the cheat menu up by just pushing the '~' button but now it dosnt come up. How do I get it to come back up when I push it. Sorry if I sound like a noob.
I can't make it come too. It appears in the menu, but if i close it, even if i press "~", "\" or "ç" it won't come!

Help us! :(
the cheat menu? do you mean the console?

Try going to Options>Controls>Advanced and tick "Enable Developers Console". Then go back and press tilde (~) to open it.
It's called the 'console' and isn't just used for cheats.

Either start your steam game with the -console parameter or go into advanced options and enable the console (can't remember the exact setting).
set "-console" in proportoes, then HL2 will start with the console open. Write there bind <chose key> toggleconsole. After that you open the console with the button that you chose, but ingame only.
The_Monkey said:
set "-console" in proportoes, then HL2 will start with the console open. Write there bind <chose key> toggleconsole. After that you open the console with the button that you chose, but ingame only.

It doesn't work... the console doesn't appears when i press the key...

And yes, i've put the "-console" in the properties...
ahahahahahaha my eyes are watering from laughing :LOL:, lol i what other people think of it as.
Do what jesus says and it should work, i think there was another way by putting -console at the end of the half life 2 shortcut in 'target' but im not 100% sure

It doesn't work!! You are thinking that we are some super n00bs or something! It just doesn't works!
create a Half life 2 desktop shortcut, then right click on the shortcut, and in the target box add after the "c:\path\to\halflife2.exe" -console.

Now that'll definetly work.
Omg i'm so tired... did you even read my posts??? I've done ALL of those things! Does not work. But forget it, i guess that it is my destiny... omg thank ya...
You're obviously not doing them right. Otherwise it would work
OMG i did it right. The console appears in the beggining, and if I load it continues there, but I can not have a key that bring it up. Did you get it? I dunno of this happens with all the ppl.
when you get to the console at the start, type in it
bind F3 toggleconsole
end of thread.
I had trouble at first but what i did is right click the half life 2 icon in the steam thing, then click on properties then luanch options and type -console. hope this helps
:LOL: :LOL: I wonder if ANYONE reads what's already been posted before posting themselves these days.

I suspect it's a problem with your keyboard or bindings.
right click on HL2, click on launch properties, write -console. Dubble click on Halflife2, write "bind F3 toggleconsole" without the " in console. now press F3.
It most likely has something to do with non-US keyboards that have the ~ character somewhere other than the key below ESC. On my Finnish keyboard it's right next to the Enter key.

Anyway, binding the console function to another key like F3, for example, solves the problem. Or you could maybe bind it to the character that your key below the ESC produces in your Windows settings. For me, that would be § :)
ahahahha CHEAT MENU. all my years of PC gaming (well...not that many, but enough) I have never heard someone refer to it as a cheat menu.

That's awesome.
when you have the console up in the start write in with the ""

bind "F3" "toggleconsole"

now you can close it, and everytime you hit F3 or what ever you choosed as bind key it will apear...i had the same can disable all the other things now the -console in the shortcuts and stuff, so it wont start with the console...but pops up when hitting F3 :)