Questions from a total n00b about HL2/Steam



Ok, so I'm slow. I admit it. I haven't jumped on the HL2 bandwagon yet, despite the glowing reviews, how much I liked the first game, etc. Whats really kept me out of the action is this whole Steam thing, and not really understanding how it works.

For reasons we won't get into here, I have a very nice custom-built machine I put together myself with what were top-of-the-line components about a year ago, but I am still handicapping it with a dial-up connection (don't ask). Its never been a problem before, as I don't game online (other than EQ, which I stopped a few years ago), I just surf the web a bit and check e-mail. All my gaming is done offline.

So, how am I going to play HL2? From what I understand, every time I want to play the game, I have to log on, let it do something or another with Steam, whatever that is, which will probably take hours considering its dial-up. Is that about correct?

Also, apparently I can't unistall Steam? Great shades of Starforce copy protection...I don't want to put anything on my $2k machine that I can't get off later. Talk about pissing me off royally.

So...I've hunted around for FAQ's and such on the matter, and other threads, but everything ends up being a conversation between people who already know whats going on, leaving me unenlightened. Can someone explain in simple terms exactly what is involved with installing and playing HL2, and whether its worth my time on dial up, especially considering its probably the only Steam/Valve game I am going to get?


1) as far as I know you can uninstall Steam.
2) If you buy the game at a shop (don't get it second hand off anywhere, even ebay), then after installation there will be updates which are critical to HL2 running fine with no hiccups. This will probably take a while on your dial-up, so if you can, leave it on overnight (shouldn't be more than 200mb maximum, so 1 night should do it). After that, Steam can be set to offline mode and you can play.

It is ideal if you occasionally turn Steam back into Online mode, so it can check for updates, but there hasn't been an update since 2006 so not likely it'll get one now.

How to install Half-life 2:
What you'll most likely want to do is buy it from a shop. This means you won't have to download as much. so grab the game, and install it like a normal game. It should just install steam straight away where you create a new account and register the CD key to that account (Whatever you do don't lose that account information after you've installed the game. Your CD key is bound to that account forever. Lose the account and you won't be able to install the game again with that CD. Upshot: If you go somewhere with high-speed access and want to play your game, download steam, log into your account, and click install hl2. It'll all download for you then no matter which computer you're on).

After that, leave the net on to download whatever you want, and then play.
ROFLMAO @ "Also, apparently I can't unistall Steam? Great shades of Starforce copy protection". Someone has been yanking your chain, or trying to create a new "zomg! conspiracy!". Steam is a normal program, that can be uninstalled perfectly fine and easily. It's not some sort of badly coded, invasive and destructive hidden driver that must be surgically removed and avoided like the plague - like Starforce.

Steam is fine - although a pain in the arse with dial-up.
Thanks, guys. Thats the sort of info I was looking for. And will probably make me buy HL2 and the expansions.

So, to recap...

I basically buy a good, solid retail version, install it, let it do its update thingy (however long that takes, as mentioned, probably overnight), then I can log off and play offline. Perfect. And, when I'm done, I can look for another Steam-driven product or just dump the whole thing altogether if I want.

I appreciate the help.
You will have to let Steam onto the net occasionally, I think. That might be just a rumour, i don't remember if it was confirmed.

Anyway, that's about it.
The first time you update online, it could take upto an hour on 56k. After that you can play offline, AFAIK.
What Jintor said was for an earlier version of Steam. The current version has full offline mode.
for me, i need to log in every two months or more or offline mode turns off for me..