Quick Question about Gman and Alyx *Spoiler maybe?*


Apr 13, 2004
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Quick question. Sorry if this has been covered.

If Gman left Alyx to die in the explosion at the end of HL2, why is he so interested in her now? What have i missed?
She was a link to Eli, and according to Eli, GMAN saved her in Black Mesa.
That's my point though. Why was he going to let her die in HL2 if she is so important to him? One of his "investments".
That's my point though. Why was he going to let her die in HL2 if she is so important to him? One of his "investments".

Who said he was? He froze time.

Maybe at the time she wasn't important, but now that Gordon isn't under GMANs control as much he can use her.
0-o. Don't believe anything on that site, it is Pure Speculation.
I think it's that she's important to him now, now that she has proven her worth throughout HL2 and the episodes, G-Man realizes she's worth more than he originally thought.

He was going to let her die--but she's worth something now.
Yeah seems like the most reasonable explanation.
Plus when he threw you back into Stasis who knows when he was gonna thaw you out some odds are Alyx no longer factored into the equation. Probably using your connection with Eli and then Alyx to get ya to do all that shit in the first place. Once its done the incentive isn't needed.

Or he was going to go back and save her when the Vorts got in the way.
That's a good point. Gordon was only "hired" for that one task, then the Vorts' stepped in. Makes more sense now :D
0-o. Don't believe anything on that site, it is Pure Speculation.

"Good job! Marc Laidlaw pointed this out to me as being pretty darn accurate for the most part."

- Gary McTaggart (Valve)

I think its a pretty good source for the storyline...
Yeah, that's a good website, but with Ep2 info, this part is wrong:
A mysterious figure, G-Man is aware of Breen's plan and tries to prevent the Resonance Cascade, but fails.
Yeah he was definately leaving ALyx to perish. However I'm sure that the GMan just roll's with the punches and is perfectly happy to use the tools at his disposal. We don't know what course of events may have been set in motion by Alyx's death either, the Vortigaunts talk about her later in terms that make her seem as important as the one free man.
"Good job! Marc Laidlaw pointed this out to me as being pretty darn accurate for the most part."

- Gary McTaggart (Valve)

I think its a pretty good source for the storyline...
Do some searches, this debate is as old as hell. The conclusion to it is that regardless of some offhanded compliment, the site is WRONG on a large amount of info.