Quick Question about the graphics


Jul 3, 2003
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The graphics in the 600mb movie were absolutely spectacular, especially the textures and the high quality of everything...

But, is that what the game is going to look like when it launches? It seemed like everything had an insane amount of polys, so I'm not sure if current Hardware would be able to run those graphics too well...

In fact, I think I read somewhere that they would be shipping with graphics that weren't quite as good as what was in the movie, but that they'll release a better graphics expansion or something afterward.

Am I right?
To get gfx at the same quality as in the movie, you'll need a top of the line system with at least a Radeon 9700 (I'm pretty sure that Gabe said the Radeon 9700 was the card used for the e3 demo).
i think what you should really be asking is.... "will it run on my 486?"


uh, to stay on topic, yes. be prepared to crank out a few thousand if u want to play this baby like they do :D only, with more skill. too busy making the game to actually play it... bah! forfeit your sleep, you lazy programmers! be a game developer, and a gamer.
Originally posted by Risiko
The graphics in the 600mb movie were absolutely spectacular, especially the textures and the high quality of everything...

But, is that what the game is going to look like when it launches? It seemed like everything had an insane amount of polys, so I'm not sure if current Hardware would be able to run those graphics too well...

In fact, I think I read somewhere that they would be shipping with graphics that weren't quite as good as what was in the movie, but that they'll release a better graphics expansion or something afterward.

Am I right?

If you have a good enough system it will look that way yes, if not even a little better.
Actually, it doesn't have that many polygons for all I know.
Human characters have 5000 polygons.

That's not true. But they've said that they will upgrade the graphics when the hardware allows it.
Originally posted by eediot
i think what you should really be asking is.... "will it run on my 486?"


roffffffffffl. I laughed so hard when I first heard that.
They aim for about 7500 polygons for human characters and 3000 for something the size of the headcrabs.
Originally posted by Sushi
To get gfx at the same quality as in the movie, you'll need a top of the line system with at least a Radeon 9700 (I'm pretty sure that Gabe said the Radeon 9700 was the card used for the e3 demo).

not 9700 but a 9800 pro. it is mentioned over and over. 9800 pro on a p4 2ghz machine
Originally posted by eediot
i think what you should really be asking is.... "will it run on my 486?"

That was actually the funniest htings i heard innweeks when i heard that. that ranks up thier with EVIL's e-penis comment. :)
"not 9700 but a 9800 pro. it is mentioned over and over. 9800 pro on a p4 2ghz machine" - EVIL

didnt they run it on the 128MB? that means there is like may be 5 fps drop. and they also ran it at 60 fps.
yup 128 mb version. however ati claims it was the 256 mb version
Wait, wait, wait. So you guys are saying that the new rig that I plan to get within a month (Athlon 2800+, gig of ram, radeon 9800 pro) will run this game looking just as good as the movie with a solid 60 fps ? ?

What resolution did the demo play at?

For some reason I thought that they would'nt launch with that quality of graphics - I mean, look at the G-man's face. And the water effects and terrain! That vehicle in the demo also looked like it had a TON of poly's as well.

Anyway, if it is true that top of the line hardware will run the game at that graphic level at a very solid framerate - Woo!
Really, current games out there (Including Unreal 2) Have a Target machine at around 1.3Ghz with a GeForce3 MAXIMUM. Half-life 2 is just around that also. We haven't fully scene what top-of-the-line computers can do, and we won't for a couple years.
e3 demo was at 30 fps because of vsync, but because of vsync it looekd like 50-60
Originally posted by Risiko
Wait, wait, wait. So you guys are saying that the new rig that I plan to get within a month (Athlon 2800+, gig of ram, radeon 9800 pro) will run this game looking just as good as the movie with a solid 60 fps ? ?

What resolution did the demo play at?

For some reason I thought that they would'nt launch with that quality of graphics - I mean, look at the G-man's face. And the water effects and terrain! That vehicle in the demo also looked like it had a TON of poly's as well.

Anyway, if it is true that top of the line hardware will run the game at that graphic level at a very solid framerate - Woo!

One thing they will definatelly not scale down are the character's faces.

However, the LOD will be automatically adjusted so that the game is playable on your hardware.
Originally posted by Risiko

What resolution did the demo play at?

Gabe couldn't remember totally, but he said it was something like 13xx*7xx, my guess is it was 1360*768.
Its a really smart approach: basically the engine scales the graphics to look as good as any game can look on any system that meets the min requirements. So it'll play on your old system, and look as good as the games your system can handle. But it'll also look awesome on other higherend systems.
" I laughed so hard when I first heard that."

If thats the funniest thing you heard that day. I feel kinda bad for you...

But anywho, how do u think this bitch will run on my 2.4 gig comp with a radeon 7200 pro or something... Close to those graphics at least?
Err.... you don't need a 9700 PRO to get the graphics looking that good. Half-Life 2 is not as demanding as most of you think it is. A 9700 PRO and above is recommended for maximum performance though (like in 1600x)

Half Life 2 is mostly Direct X 7/8 and a few bits of DX9 in an overall sense. Even if you have a Geforce 4 you can get the graphics looking very close to what was shown at E3 running on a Radeon 9700. The performance of course wouldn't be as good in the higher resolutions, but you would be able to run the game fine in medium resolutions and still have it looking almost as good...
Lifthz, your obviously saying that because your insecure. There is an enormous difference betweeen DX7/8 and DX9 compatible cards. You won't get half as beautiful graphics with a Geforce 4. Gabe said it himself.
Originally posted by :>~
guinny people like you are the reason for people like me

Cheers mother ****er.

Originally posted by guinny
Lifthz, your obviously saying that because your insecure. There is an enormous difference betweeen DX7/8 and DX9 compatible cards. You won't get half as beautiful graphics with a Geforce 4. Gabe said it himself.

utter utter rubbush, you do talk alot of shit.

Yes, HL2 will be mostly Directx8. It will look almost what is shown on the E3 demos, you'll be hard pressed to see a differernce other than frame rate

Man, u annoy me so much with your nerdy shit, being a nerd you'd think you'd know better than the obvious crap you do know

A nerd? Sorry but I'm far from it. GABE NEWELL, you know, the creator of the ****ing game, said himself, DX9 is in no comparison to DX7/8 in terms of the graphic quality you'll get in HL2. You flame me for no reason, other than to look like a bigger asshole than you are already.
I have a huge favor to ask. How will this sytem work with Half-Life 2?

AMD Athlon 1.2GHZ
64MB ATI Radeon 7000
Sound Blaster Live! Value

With maximum graphics which will probably be shitty, make the FPS drop much since its a shitty card?

Or with the lowest graphics will the FPS be fast?

What will be my best bet?
Ouch, dude, time to upgrade. Get about 800 more mhz...get that much DDR ram, get about 2800 more radeion (that was a joke for getting a 9700 or 9800), sound card...ick....get....you know what, buy a whole new damn system.
Originally posted by MIWojo11
I have a huge favor to ask. How will this sytem work with Half-Life 2?

AMD Athlon 1.2GHZ
64MB ATI Radeon 7000
Sound Blaster Live! Value

With maximum graphics which will probably be shitty, make the FPS drop much since its a shitty card?

Or with the lowest graphics will the FPS be fast?

What will be my best bet?

I think you will definatelly have to upgrade you video card if you want to play at descent FPS.
While your buying your new system might I suggest a dell,

cheaper then alot of company's out there. if you dont plan on upgrading things like the Motherboard.. you wont have a problem with dell.
Or, if you can, buy all the parts individually at wholesale prices, and put the thing together yourself, thats what I'm doing.:)
Originally posted by EVIL
not 9700 but a 9800 pro. it is mentioned over and over. 9800 pro on a p4 2ghz machine

P4 3.06 Ghz ;) (at least that is what Erik said it was)
Got myself an XP 2ghz , 512mb ddr and a GeForce 4 Ti4800se. Looking forward :)
p4 3ghz, 9800 pro, santa cruz, 1024mb corsair....bring on hl2 :)
Bah since its the new trend for this minute.. ill post my soon to be spec: p4 3.2 ghz, 9800 pro, audigy 2 plat, 1537 ddr 400 corsair, big speakers.. mmmm
did u say 1537? wtf u doin with that much ram lol. its sitting there doing absolutely nothing. 3.2 ghz? nice:) i got the 3ghz, but i doubt theres much a difference.
yeah.. I might buy the 3.0 instead.. maybe not.. depends on how much cash I spend between now and half life 2
no.. when i buy it.. I mean.. it will be overclocked when i get it

edit: I meant to say ill buy the 3.0 instead of lower.. bah.. ill go change it
MIWojo: you GFX card is your best bet to upgrade: there are some cheap, even sub100$ cards that are good and much better than what you have now. The rest should work, though of course the better hardware you have, the better things will look and play. But unless you want to upgrade your entire system (mobo so you can get faster memory), the graphics card is the biggest bang for the buck. The CPU is next in line, though I don't know how much faster a chip your mobo can handle at its bus speed.