

Sep 7, 2007
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All right let me do this before anyone else; what was your favorite quote in HL2EP2

mine was when you were leaving the two resistance members in the mine shaft, you know the ones who actually had names,
Griggs(I think): bye Freeman and be adequate
Checkley(I think): what the hell does that mean
Griggs: I don't know sounded like something the vorts would say

this is particularly funny since I use adequate all the time and no one knows what it means
post away
Griggs and Checkley have to be the prime source of comedy quotes for Ep2. Most of them weren't laugh out loud funny, but few of them failed to raise a smile.

My favourite was when all the tunnel alarms are going off, and Griggs (I think) shouts in a panicked voice: 'I think we misunderestimated!!!'

And who wouldn't nominate that Magnusson line: '...I might even forgive you for that debacle at Black Mesa - a certain microwave casserole...' Perfect.
The whole lecture on the AR2, with the radio guy who apparently killed hunters with his bare hands.
Griggs or his friend asking "ever see an antlion before?"

Considering that by this point Gordon has destroyed the ecological balance of several colonies, that question is kinda ironic.
"Freeman, you ever seen something like this?!" as a half a dozen striders and twice as many Hunters are running at you headlong...
The whole lecture on the AR2, with the radio guy who apparently killed hunters with his bare hands.
That was such a good sequence.

"Sure, I used to kill ten, twenty a day. Brought 'em down with my bare fists."
"So you're going to punch Hunters out in the field?"
"In the field? Hell no, I'm a radio operator!"
"That's it. I'm stopping the lesson and I'm not going to continue until you leave."
"What did the Freeman expect to find down there?"
"Truly, the Freeman leaves no path unexplored."
"No pit would be complete without a Freeman climbing out of it."
When that vort's head just popped up "Surprise!" as I was climbing the ladder I shot him in the face with both barrels.
"Deep breaths! Deep breaths!"

I LOL'd.

"Oh, he's always up for it."

I got a chuckle and a wry smile on my face, much like the one Alyx had when she said it.
I got kinda irked, myself...its like "Oh, sure, just offer me up for another death-defying mission while you chill in the garage and have a Coke, vintage 1995...
But she wasn't just sitting in the garage, lounging. She was assisting in fixing the Hotrod, and if she hadn't you wouldn't have made it to the White Forest base in time.

Although I see where the attitude comes from, I think a lot of people ignore the bigger picture whenever they say "Why do I always have to do everything?" Ironically, a lot of these people are the ones who clamor for more "alone time" in the game.

I'm not saying you're like that, I'm just pointing out a trend I've noticed.
I am checking the captions file right now. The only other thing he says in that sequence is "I think you will be very glad you saved those crates."
"Reeeeturn to sendaar! Made me laugh when you fire a mine back at the helicopter, lol.

Dr. Magasuun had some awesome quotes too.
Like someone else said, the thing with the AR2 and AR3 and taking hunters down with his bare hands was great.
Oh, and the bloke asking Alyx "Is that your boyfriend?"
... and lets not forget Eli saying something about Alyx and Gordon having his grandchildren.
"The last thing on my mind was submitting it for the Kleiner Stamp of Approval!"
"There was a time when they cared nothing for Ms. Vance when their only experience with humanity was a crowbar coming at them down a steel corridor."

It's true IIRC, the first time you see a Vortigaunt in HL1 was when you are armed with nothing but the crowbar and you are in some sort of steel corridor.
Actually, you see several when you get teleported about during the resonance cascade.

But you only fight them in the corridor though. Two of them at once, blasting through the door. Bastards.
True. But the first time Freeman is able to really interact with them is in the corridor.

But anyway...

"Oh fie, the transmission..."

I LOL'd at that one.
Like someone else said, the thing with the AR2 and AR3 and taking hunters down with his bare hands was great.
Oh, and the bloke asking Alyx "Is that your boyfriend?"
... and lets not forget Eli saying something about Alyx and Gordon having his grandchildren.

I lol'ed when he said "We all have to do our part" The look on Alyx's face was priceless...
And who wouldn't nominate that Magnusson line: '...I might even forgive you for that debacle at Black Mesa - a certain microwave casserole...' Perfect.

That one definitely had me laughing the hardest, because you just don't expect it. There's a bit more of a pause, too, so the punchline is even better.

"I might even forgive you for that debacle at Black Mesa. You know the one - involving a certain microwave casserole?"
everything the vortigaunt traveling with you said when he praised you like you're his pimp. I had to laugh every time when he said how awesome and genious I am. lol
When that vort's head just popped up "Surprise!" as I was climbing the ladder I shot him in the face with both barrels.

That's exactly what i did. Scared the shit out of me.
man I never expected the thread to be this popular
(this is gonna probably be a long post so get some caffeine)
but yeah griggs and sheckley were awesome everything from their base, turrets, happy face hopper mines, quotes
Griggs: sheckley, sheckley,
Sheckley: what,
Griggs: forget it.
Oh and music playing while you fight with them is awesome, sweet Vishnu its good. What I really like is how for there comedy wasn't clishae, they could have gone for dumb guy and smart guy but no they went for the good love-hate duo.
drastically off topic(it's my thread and I'll hijack it as I please): whats the difference between a duo and a duet is it a gender thing or what?
anyway I really want to see those guys somewhere, anything from episode three to a gmod comic
I loved Magnusson, especailly when Kliener is saying hello to Alyx and Gordon.

Kliener: If I delay a second longer he'll (Magnusson) have my head(or something like that).
Magnusson: You have my word on it!

I laughed a little since I wasn't expecting it.
"Dr. Freeeeeeeeeeman." That's when the game's story started becoming awesome.

I also wasted a shotgun shell on the Vort at the top of that ladder.
"The Freeman dispatches with great... dispatch."

The vorts face is quite funny when he says that.
I love the part when the rocket gets launched. Eli and Alyx are having a moment and then there's Magnusson in the background screaming "MY ROCKET! MY ROCKET! OhhhItoldallofyouitwouldwork! I'm a genius, a GENIUS!!"

My other fave that made me laugh like an idiot: "I might just forgive you for that debacle at Black Mesa. You know the one I mean, involving a certain microwave cassorole"

Oh, and of course: "There was a time when they cared nothing for Missss Vance... when their only experience of humanity was a crowbar...coming at them down a sssteel corridor"
I found it amusing when Alyx said to me "Good luck Gordon! And be careful!" when they sent me out to get the car across the bridge. Miss "I got stabbed in the back by a hunter and barely made it out alive" tells me to be careful. Jeez!
I found it amusing when Alyx said to me "Good luck Gordon! And be careful!" when they sent me out to get the car across the bridge. Miss "I got stabbed in the back by a hunter and barely made it out alive" tells me to be careful. Jeez!
OT: Did you name yourself after the sumo wrestler?
OT: Did you name yourself after the sumo wrestler?
Nope. If one translates my given name into Japanese, one gets Takeshi. Then there was once a Imperial Japanese Army pilot, who had named his aircraft Kimikaze after his wife Kimiko. Bingo :P