Racism In CS?

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...word to all of u out there who r agiast Raczism in CS...

...word to all of u out there who agiast r Raczism in CS...

I think myself as gamer and nothing else. I happen to like l33t talk (might be call something eles but can't rember) so AzN, in my humble opinion is kewl wit me. Plus i don't want to be uptite aobut this issue because a few people were screaming stuff a 13 year old newb would say. I just want people 2 be awar3....maybe admins who read this will kick them flamtarded ractist wh0rz , i don't know, but the first thing towards anything good is to make people aw0rz.

:cheers: *thank god for forums* :cheers:

personally, i'd rather have beer :cheers: than care about how to speel AzN. Supirsed, don't be...I LUV BEER....... BEEER BEER BEER


when i play CS and like i said most people who play cs are cool people. It's just the flamtarded ractist wh0rz who ruin for the rest of us. i just totally was suprised to hear people accullty saying shat like that and getting off of what they were saying. as for pwing them... the dicks were on my team...hinces the com blaring raczict crap.

for now am just gunna remove any barance of race in player name. it's better i guess not to give these people fuel to feed there fire. Plus anoymity allows me to do what i do best and thatz pwneing u all.
Amen :)

Once i had some1 on my team callin me names, And lucky for me TK was Enabled :D
The level of maturity of hte average CS player is, unfortunately, very low. People make racist comments because they can. It's a shame really. I try to play on good pubs. that almost always have admins, and luckily those admins are not tolerant of racism. If you find other players getting abusive, change servers. There are friendly places about....

AzN. I'd seen that but it never occurred to me what it meant. Lol. duh

Every game has it's racists and biggotists. Sadly, it's everywhere on the internet. There will always be atleast one person out there who hates African-Americans or Jewish people. :(
Can you just stop bitchin and use the mute command? Racism wont go away no matter how much you complain about it, so just mute them and kill them. That's it. You can't fight on their level so might as well fight on game level.
I know a guy I play w\ often who is black, & he doesn't get flamed often. But it is there, & it does happen on ocassion. Our band of regulars stand up for him & we ban whoever says he's a "F*g N***er".

Point is, like it's been said, these people are everywhere, & you can't get past them. Just blow them & their stupid comments off, or report them.
Sadly, racism and other forms of predujice are prevalent in all online games.
If I ever mention that I'm part-Polish in a CS server, I'll probably get someone bringing up something about Holocausts and Poles being stupid, or other whatnot.
As an experiment, my brother and hmy father set their names to those of women when joining a server on CS, and roleplayed as ladies. As soon as they reached near the top of the table, they got people jumping them with sexist remarks and general hate.
Goes to show that the Internet is full of intolerant pricks.

-Angry Lawyer
While I dont play CS (waste of time for me), I DO see the same thing in HL2DM. I'm usually never involved, but it is quite a show how people actualy care about what is being said over an online game. If you experience racism, just ignore it. They WANT you to respond, they WANT you to be offended. If you say nothing, they end up looking like an ass. If you do say something and try to argue, it only shows that you sincerely care about what is said over an online game, which, in my opinion, is quite odd. There are ignorant and intolerant piricks everywhere, and when they start talking, they only prove how much of a waste of human flesh they are, and should be banned not only from a game, but also from life if they care that much about your skin color or what country you come from. Also, hey Vorac1ous! This wouldn't be the same one from BSE, now would it?
Unfortunately racism is a problem within CS. Its all too frequent in fact.

I've found it worse on European servers. It's up to the community to stamp it out, there's not always (is there ever) a sensible admin on hand to kick the offenders.
I always laugh when I join a server, read over its list of rules and find that "No racist comments" is above "no hacking/cheating/exploiting".

You can't stop morons from making derogatory remarks about races. What you CAN do is ignore it. They want a reaction from you and you shouldn't give them the satisfaction of acting like your offended. On a CS server you ignore it, or you fight nonsense with nonsense. You can't go all intellectual on them and start explaining how "you are blinded by ignorance and hatred" because your text will be swallowed by parrallel conversations and text flow. Plus nobody is really paying attention anyway, people are more focused on the game.

In short, ignore them and/or laugh at them and their mistakes.

I rarely type anything when I'm playing, maybe a "lol" or "ns" once in a while but I don't read what anyone else types, it's usually just stupid gibberish anyways. Less typing more killing!

Let your gun do the talking. Mine never shuts up! :devil:
I played 1.6 a while ago and there was this one girl on, and she was getting taunted mercilessly. I told to stick with me, and we worked together and took out the other team. It was cool. She gave me her phone number... and i promptly lost it, oh well. Just be nice to people, you will make some cool friends.
Kebean PFC said:
I played 1.6 a while ago and there was this one girl on, and she was getting taunted mercilessly. I told to stick with me, and we worked together and took out the other team. It was cool. She gave me her phone number... .

Awww how romantic.
CS is not the best place for chatting with people as most of the people on that game are people who just don't care what other people think about what they say...mainly stupid teens. I've seen some very nice people on CS but there are a few servers that you should avoid.
Sexist remarks aren't as prevailent. Theres usually at least person claiming to be a girl at any game I play, and I haven't seen them targeting just for that.

However I'm seeing racist comments everywhere. I regular see a person playing as "Nigg*r Lyncher", seeing some cock with a "No nigg*rs" spray, having people constantly say "Stop being such a jew and buy a real gun" and so forth. Not surprisingly these morons are always clueless newbs and campers.

I wish Valve would ban more frequently and actually go through complaints.
I don't chat much, but I do enjoy the banter you find on a friendly server... Much better than HL2:DM. There's no opportunity to chat in that game... feels so impersonal. =|

Oh, btw. I was playing CS:S earlier today, and someone said something negative using the 'n-word.' The admin slayed him three rounds in a row. I'm not sure if he left or not, but I didn't hear from him again. :E

edit: Same server, their clan has three female members. I've been owned by them many times. No shit talking against teh wimmen ther. :dork:

Actually there is, the girls just shit-talk more than the rest. :|

There are plenty of good servers out there, with good admins. If one place really bothers you, try some others. :)