racist idiot (fao anyone who's been reading over the last 30 mins)

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ValveTime Admin | Mighty Pirate
Staff member
Jul 23, 1981
Reaction score
Apologies to anyone who saw all the racist/sexist posts by a certain person over the last half hour or so.

I've just cleared it up and banned the idiot.

their ip is if anyone's interested :)

If they dont stop, I'm sure their isp would like to see copies of the stuff they posted ;)
If they post again I will be happy to call their ISP for you. Once there was a idiot like this on our server, so I took it upon myself to contact his ISP. I told them to forward a letter to the account owner for me (aka his parents). The kid was slightly shocked and we never heard from him again.
Pfft, ISP calls?

Nothx, trojan + screw up harddrive is more like it.
If someone could tell me where he lives I will happliy go to his house and beat the shit out of him.
tracert ... i have no idea what state he's in, but he uses cox.net.

6 20 ms 20 ms 20 ms asn22773-cox.pxpaca.sbcglobal.net [
7 501 ms 360 ms 240 ms paltbbrj01-pos000000.r2.pt.cox.net []

8 210 ms 50 ms 40 ms fed1bbrc02-pos0100.rd.sd.cox.net []
9 70 ms 60 ms 70 ms mtc3bbrc01-pos0103.rd.ok.cox.net []
10 70 ms 70 ms 60 ms mtc3bbrc02-pos0100.rd.ok.cox.net []
11 90 ms 91 ms 90 ms lkhnbbrc01-pos0200.rd.at.cox.net []
12 100 ms 90 ms 90 ms nrfkbbrc01-pos0102.rd.hr.cox.net []
13 90 ms 90 ms 90 ms nrfkdsrc01-pos0901.rd.hr.cox.net []
14 100 ms 90 ms 100 ms
15 90 ms 100 ms 100 ms
16 100 ms 100 ms 91 ms
17 * * * Request timed out.
18 * * * Request timed out.
19 * * * Request timed out.
20 * * * Request timed out.
21 * * * Request timed out.
22 * * * Request timed out.
23 * * * Request timed out.
24 * * * Request timed out.
25 * * * Request timed out.
26 * * * Request timed out.
27 * * * Request timed out.
28 * * * Request timed out.
29 * * * Request timed out.
30 * * * Request timed out.

Trace complete.

StarMonkey, was it anyone that already existed on the forums or was it a new user?
Thanks admin. That guy was getting out of control...Now for the Telnet hacking. :p
I've contacted Cox Communications....

I think he (most likely his parents) should expect a terms of service breach letter soon...
Originally posted by StarMonkey
Apologies to anyone who saw all the racist/sexist posts by a certain person over the last half hour or so.

I've just cleared it up and banned the idiot.

their ip is if anyone's interested :)

If they dont stop, I'm sure their isp would like to see copies of the stuff they posted ;)

Well done Mr. Monkey!:bounce:
Chris_D - It was someone who registered a couple of racist names tonight, not one of our regular users.

BlumenKohl - On the off chance you hear anything, the threads still exist (somewhere that the public cant see) in case the isp want to see anything
i think we should just ban people who use them for offensive purposes... honors system with harsh consequences and zero tolerance sounds good imho
We can't do anything illegal to him.. and post it on these forums. =P Now a DOS can't be done because it has been posted.
we could all use the gopher command in dos. but thats illegal?
gah im such a nub.
we could organize over irc a massive IP ping/gopher whatever
just keep on knocking on his ip faster then it can handle if we get enough people :)
Hmm, this thread is troubling me. I do not know who this guy is or what he did (therefore I can't condemn or condone his actions) - however the actions of the mod or very shocking. I hope this is not marking a pattern of censorship on this board. Many people would consider me to be a "racist," but that does not make me a bad person, or a troublemaker....
Originally posted by StarMonkey
[If they dont stop, I'm sure their isp would like to see copies of the stuff they posted ;) [/B]

Oh yes, I'm sure that would do a lot.


Originally posted by TheOriginalEvil
We can't do anything illegal to him.. and post it on these forums. =P Now a DOS can't be done because it has been posted.

Ok, howabout now?
Thanks Star, he needed to get out of here. There's a couple of more people around here posting senseless threads that's really just wasting people's time. It wouldn't hurt to ban some more IP's tonight if your in the mood :) Cause I mean this is starting to get out of hand.
Tredoslop - I've slightly altered the censored word list, and disallowed names list :)
On another note, what is with all you idiots and wanting to do malicious stuff to him, bordering on illegal, just because he has a different opinion than you?
What a bunch of dumbass lemmings.
On another note, what is with all you idiots and wanting to do malicious stuff to him, bordering on illegal, just because he has a different opinion than you?

I cant belive you just said that ...
I used neotrace to locate him.


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Originally posted by sayam
I cant belive you just said that ...

You question why I think it's dumb to attack someone maliciously because of their beliefs? You sir, are a class A moron and should avoid breeding at all costs.
differing opinions. . . Well its true we should rise above racist/biggot ish remarks.

But its Hard to accept someone using verbotten language just for the hell of it.
Censorship is not right(because its objective, and may be proven wrong in the future), but when racy comments aren't even on topic, they do not have ANY reason to use webspace reserved for another purpose.

I get a little touchy when people say "gay" on the forums (rarely thankfully :) and that might now be a banned word, not sure), but at least its usually intended (even if its used wrongly >< ) to fit into context of HL2 or the thread.
theres a very thin line between racism and jokeing, its scary, thats why i dont say **** about anyone.
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