Radeon 9600


Feb 17, 2004
Reaction score
How big of a difference is their between the 9800 and the 9600 pro? And is there really a 9600 pro 256? I saw it in a site but I think they are lieing about the 256.
I've seen reports of the 9600 Pro 256, you're not getting much of a performance increase from the extra ram though, maybe 1 or 2 FPS. The 9800 uses a different core with more efficent architecture in the VPU, it also has higher clock speeds than the 9600 Pro. The nice thing about a 9800 is that it's fairly easy to soft mod it to a 9800 pro without needing any extra cooling.

Edit: On pricewatch a lot of the companies are not very relyable, i said this in another post, which applys definately to pricewatch.

If you're going to be buying from an online retailer, a great source to check first is http://www.resellerratings.com/ and also http://search.bbb.org/search.html for the better business complaints. I have the two favorited for whenever i make an online buy.

It's not a bad site, but definately check the site on both those places before you make a purchace. Some of the low prices are only because the company got like an overstock or is trying to get rid of supplys at a loss or various other reasons.
I don't want to soft mod anything...what about 9600 pro and XT what is the difference between the two?
Alright, thanks for your advice I am a complete n00b with graphics cards.
Is there a big difference between the 9800 and 9800 pro, and the 9800 128 and 256?
RADEON 9600 |---------------------------------------------------|
............................................... PRO ......... | .......... XT ....
Pixel Fillrate (Gpixels/sec) .......... 1.6 ....................... 2 ......
Engine Clock (MHz) ................... 400 ..................... 500 ....
Memory Clock (MHz) ................. 600 ..................... 600 ....

Not much difference...
Ok the stats on the Radeon 9800 pro 128 look just fine, so I think I am going to get that. Is it a good choice?
Yes, very good choice. The 256MB is too expensive for so little gain in performance so you should get the 9800PRO 128MB.

For the price I can't help you because I live in a small town in Quebec so the prices are very differents and I don't order on the Web... Sorry :eek:
Any suggestions on where to buy it from? I went to pricewatch.com but I am afriad they will sell me a low quality card or some other BS.
Thanks for your help with everything else though :D
Well price watch is great if you find a good company with a high rating. Just use the links i posted. newegg is always popularly recomended on here too, and they're supposed to have good prices.
That card looks fine.

OEM/Barebone means that the package you get will be cut down - expect the graphics card, driver CD and not much else.
Yeah, there's a Radeon 9600 Pro 256MB. I'm using it right now. Got mine from Powercolour.
Before Badger does it I feel like saying that if you buy a 9800SE Hercules you can softmod it into a 9800pro woowoo
Yea but like Foxtrot said: "I don't want to soft mod anything". What are the clock speeds for the SE? I guess you have to use cooling systems such as the Zalman Heatpipe ZM80C-HP with the ZM-OP1 fan to achieve that.
Ti133700N said:
Yea but like Foxtrot said: "I don't want to soft mod anything". What are the clock speeds for the SE? I guess you have to use cooling systems such as the Zalman Heatpipe ZM80C-HP with the ZM-OP1 fan to achieve that.
Ti, my 9800SE is clocked at 405mhz Core and 364mhz RAM, stock cooling, no artifacts \o/
Cool, what are your Case/CPU/VidCard temps? Is it true that the SE have only 4 pipelines instead of 8 and is 128-bit instead of 256 for the Pro? I think you can unlock the additionnal 4 pipelines with RivaTuner.
Mine's 256bit, the 4 pipes were disabled via means of software. Case temp is about 30 degrees C :)
my 9600xt is a beauty card and cost me £130 with HL2 free (when its out)

oh and its got 256mb onboard memory :p

the 9800xt is just too expensive for what it is and for the current games out.
craig, you know it takes 4-6 weeks for shipping of HL2 with the free XT deal thing right? What I would do though is buy HL2 when it comes out and then return it when you get it in the mail 6 weeks later. Just to make sure they don't bitch at you return the one your got from the XT deal so it is unopened.
Foxtrot said:
craig, you know it takes 4-6 weeks for shipping of HL2 with the free XT deal thing right? What I would do though is buy HL2 when it comes out and then return it when you get it in the mail 6 weeks later. Just to make sure they don't bitch at you return the one your got from the XT deal so it is unopened.

So you actually get a retail box and everything through the XT deal? I thought the deal was you'd get it through steam or something besides the retail version....
It said it will mail you the game so I assume you would get the box and not just a CD key, but your way does sound logical too...
it will be a stripped down box, not gonna be the same as the retail version.
You are probably right, just a paper sleeve with a CD key on it or somthing of as low quality.
you have both options with it.

you can download through steam, or have it delivered to you. i chose steam and i'm on a 1 meg connection so speed isnt really an issue.
Sorry to revive an old thread, but I searched for a Radeon 9600 post and this was the most recent.

I'm going to have to upgrade from my GF4 Ti4200 with all these new games coming out (Far Cry, HL2, Doom 3 etc.), but my computer is getting on a bit now (one and a half years old), so I'm not sure whether to go for a 9600 or 9800.

I have an Athlon XP 2200+ (1.8Ghz), 512MB DDR RAM and a K7VTA3 / KT333 motherboard (4x AGP).
I've read that putting a 9800 on this computer would only bottle-neck the card and I wouldn't get much performance out of it. I haven't read anything like this for the 9600, so should I buy one of them? Thanks in advance for any help.