
Blackfable said:
It's crazy how it all worked out. My dad loves Radiohead and he gave me the Kid A CD (What a choice for a first Radiohead album, but it was his favorite too) so I popped it in, and loved it when I heard Idioteque. That's all I listened to for about a week, and then moved on to the other songs. Kid A (Title song) was the most unreal song when I first heard it and now it's my favorite song.....ever. SO yeah I had to kind of get used to it, because all I use to listen to was the mainstream **** that's on the Radiowaves. But after I got Kid A, my music taste evolved completely and now I am into Mogwai, GYBE, EITS, Sigur Ros and all post-rock out there. Long post :p
Cool :) I wish my parents were more tolerant of Radiohead.. When I first bought Ok Computer, I was in the car with my parents, and my sister, who was nagging me to put the CD on. I knew she wouldn't like it (she only listened to top 40) but eventually the whining became too much so I put it on.. By the end of Paranoid Android, mum couldn't stop going on about how "horrible" it was (presumably because it was somewhat dark, not enough sunshine or lollipops) which made me feel, at the time, rather uncomfortable about liking it. My dad didn't think much of it either (or other albums I showed him in later years, he's more of a Steely Dan fan :rolleyes: ) so I basically kept quiet about how much I liked them for... well, years, keeping my enjoyment of their music to private headphone listens in my room. Amazing how much impact a parent's opinion can have on a kid.

Of course, being much older now, I'm quite vocal about my appreciation of Radiohead... but it still bums me out that I only know three or four people (in person) who like the band. Oh well, at least I got to see them live when they came to Australia :E
I love to walk through the shopping mall listening to Paranoid Android on my portable MP3 player. It gives me an air of superiority :D

Radiohead is awsome, but they are fvcking depressing.
It's weird, but their music is not too depressing to me. The lyrics, on the other hand, are depression city.

It's the same phenomenon with the smiths, smashing pumpkins, rob dougan, and just about every other band with depressing lyrics.
I find the music itself to happy, even if all the songs are about despair and death. :p
Hey, don't knock Steely Dan.

Radiohead for me initially was like a disturbing movie or book, I told myself I had to be in a particular mood to listen to it, otherwise it would just bring me down. With the exception of OK Computer, I used to consider all of their albums as vaguely depressing. You have to approach it in a certain way, to really appreciate it. I don't know.

It's like, I used to think Richard D. James made eccentric music, now I look at people funny if they call his work unusual. It's about what you're familiar with at the time.
Orgonomist said:
Hey, don't knock Steely Dan.

Radiohead for me initially was like a disturbing movie or book, I told myself I had to be in a particular mood to listen to it, otherwise it would just bring me down. With the exception of OK Computer, I used to consider all of their albums as vaguely depressing. You have to approach it in a certain way, to really appreciate it. I don't know.

It's like, I used to think Richard D. James made eccentric music, now I look at people funny if they call his work unusual. It's about what you're familiar with at the time.

Aphex Twin is like really happy music with that bit of seedy music underneath it all. Windowlicker is a hilarious song though.
Logic said:
By the end of Paranoid Android, mum couldn't stop going on about how "horrible" it was (presumably because it was somewhat dark, not enough sunshine or lollipops) which made me feel, at the time, rather uncomfortable about liking it. My dad didn't think much of it either (or other albums I showed him in later years, he's more of a Steely Dan fan :rolleyes: )
maybe you should introduce your mom to call & response (listen to "stars have eyes" hahaha). and yeah, steely dan is awesome.
I've got nothing against Steely Dan, but I can't say it grabs me all that much either.
in the interest of 'burying the hachet', here are my favorite radiohead songs:

Fake Plastic Trees
Talk Show Host
Go to Sleep
High and Dry
Exit Music (For A Film)

and my favorite of all time, is an acoustic version of Blowout that they did live on a radio station...
Radiohead is my favorite band, but I think their OK Computer album is a bit overrated. Or maybe it's just because I have listened to it too many times...

Favorite songs:
-Fake Plastic Trees
-The National Anthem
-You and Whose Army?
-There, There
-Everything in its Right Place
-The live version of Like Spinning Plates on their "I Might Be Wrong" EP
Swive said:
Radiohead is my favorite band, but I think their OK Computer album is a bit overrated. Or maybe it's just because I have listened to it too many times...

Favorite songs:
-Fake Plastic Trees
-The National Anthem
-You and Whose Army?
-There, There
-Everything in its Right Place
-The live version of Like Spinning Plates on their "I Might Be Wrong" EP

welcome to the forums but ease up on digging up all the old threads already.
Hmmm, Radiohead were one of the best until the decided to get all experimental...or maybe that should just be Mental.

I like music to have proper words, guitars and stuff.
stemot said:
Hmmm, Radiohead were one of the best until the decided to get all experimental...or maybe that should just be Mental.

I like music to have proper words, guitars and stuff.
Heard Hail to the Thief? It has guitars, words, and even stuff, but it's still completely insane - and completely brilliant.
I think Radiohead were a great prog-rock band, OKC obviously being their peak, but as a post-rock band, there are superior acts out there. While I love Kid A just as much OKC, the songs just lack the same urgency as their previous albums, while I admit some of my favourite songs have come from this period (Fog, Like Spinning Plates, True Love Waits, Motion Picture Soundtrack), a return to the more progressive-rock stuff would be nice.

Personally, unless Coldplay call it a day after this album, they'll be locked into the same course U2/Oasis are in, releasing albums that continuely sound the same - bland vapid pop. Muse's recent output is on par with The Bends, they're next album really could equal OKC if they get it together, as they are a really great technical band, just like Radiohead.
I listen to extreme metal over stuff like Radiohead, so obviously I wont rate them too highly, but they also strike me as too pretentious (pet hate). Stuff like Yorke's forced vocal slur...ugh.

Forced at gunpoint to choose between the 2 I would pick Muse. Then I would wrest the gun from my attacker and charge into battle listening to War Metal.
Radiohead are great...

I have way too much radiohead on my playlist... lol :thumbs: