Rag Doll Kung Fu Available Via Steam October 12th

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
This just in via a press release from Doug Lombardi:
Rag Doll Kung Fu, a wildly entertaining new game from designer Mark Healey, will be made available to gamers everywhere on October 12, 2005 via Steam.[br]Featuring a wide collection of single and multiplayer games, either online or with multiple mice, Rag Doll Kung Fu provides players with one of the most creative and unique game experiences delivered in years. Additionally, between game rounds, the challenges of an aspiring Kung Fu master are revealed via outlandish cut scenes inspired by classic Kung Fu cinema.[br]The game is the brainchild of artist and designer Mark Healey (who moonlights as a lead artist at Lionhead Entertainment). During last year's Game Developer Conference, Healey presented Rag Doll to industry colleagues. Immediately after this presentation, several Valve employees invited Healey to visit Valve and discuss Steam distribution of Rag Doll Kung Fu.[br]"Rag Doll was originally just an idea for me and some friends to have some fun making an old style Kung Fu movie," said Healey. "It's amazing to think that a tongue in cheek film project has now evolved into a full game being distributed via Steam. I hope everyone enjoys it as much as my friends and I enjoyed making it."[br]Steam offers developers and publishers a direct distribution channel to over 5.5 million customers. Rag Doll Kung Fu will be made available for purchase via Steam on October 12, 2005 for $12.95. For more information on Steam, please visit www.steampowered.com . For more information on Rag Doll Kung Fu, please visit http://www.ragdollkungfu.com.
I'm personally looking forward to this one. It's going to be interesting to see what they've done with the game. Remember, this isn't actually a Source engine or Valve-made game. It's simply being sold commercially over Steam.[br]So far, Valve have been very positive about the title, and I must say the media I've seen on the game so far is intriguing, to say the least. I have however spoken to someone who has played the game who thinks it's really good but it's not a game for everyone. I'm definitely getting it so stay tuned for a review of the game as soon as possible after release!
I might consider buying it, looks like a pretty funky game!
It looks like an EXTREMELY funky game...!
from the looks of it and the media available i would not pay one cent for this 2D game

seeing that eclips was a total conversion and for free i doubt this game will get much attention as a 2D total conversion

Once again, this isn't a total conversion of anything. It is not made by Valve or made on the Source engine. It isn't a Half-Life 2 mod, it's a full game!
Yarrr, it be lookin' purty mateys.
Avast ye, me be a true pirate, yaaarr.
Then what does "Bring her to try with main-course" ["Her" bieng your pirate ship] mean?
Hmmm I would like to play it first before parting with cash. They should do a timed demo of it or something.
Murray_H said:
Hmmm I would like to play it first before parting with cash. They should do a timed demo of it or something.

there will be a demo
Doesn't really look like my kind of game, but I'm certainly excited about the business model it purposes. It looks like Steam is doing what we were promised and making it easier for independent developers to make a profit and sell the game for a reasonable price by cutting out greedy publishers.

Viva La Revolition!...........Mateys
it be lookin' well worth the money.

Ghroth said:

it's a matter of opinion, but this really saddens me. I think it's nice to see a reversal of the trend of spending increasingly more time watching loading screens when you could be playing the game, which recent 3D games seem to be incurably cursed by.

I may be wrong, but i get the feeling that this will be a polished, 2D game which i should be able to be played at almost anytime, and not just when you have 2 hours to spare to make it justifiable to play.

Still, time will tell. All I hope is that most people don't take the '2D<3D' view... but seeing how the first news post on this being released on steam was received, i have my doubts. Maybe they'll change their minds when they see how much fun everyone else is having with a 'subpar' game? :D
not going to buy it.
i only hope that "rag doll kung fu" will not be cluttering the "play games" window of steam ;(
it could be easy to load and play as long as its not loaded into steam. Steam would be a mistake imo, takes forever to load, oyu have to be conscious about turning off automatic updates, or it starts. on 56k, steam is a total bitch.

i wish valve would mix steam with a site to download this shit from if they want to get into the greedy publisher business. you do have access to 5 million people through steam as the article says, but you have access to billions of people if you simply put the game on a freaking website to download. then people like me can download it at another pc, take it home and play it. to play via steam on 56k is too much of a pain in the ass.

I sooooooo hope this trend doesn't continue. as much as i love lionhead devs I would love to see this bomb, so people will rethink how they distribute games. scarey as shit to think valve will one day be the ea of online game distribution, and turn into what the community supported them in fighting
polyguns said:
then people like me can download it at another pc, take it home and play it.
And Steam stops you from doing this, how?

Go to another PC, log in with your Steam account, download it, take it home and play it...
I'm loving this 13 dollars for a game. Added with the fact of no shipping fee, and taxes( I hope), this will be awesome. If not, then woo hoo. I threw a box of donuts in the trash. I'll play the demo before hand anyway. I also like the easy character creation possibilites, so anyone who can work Photoshop can create their own characters. Or even MSPaint. Easier than modeling...
Ghroth said:
from the looks of it and the media available i would not pay one cent for this 2D game

seeing that eclips was a total conversion and for free i doubt this game will get much attention as a 2D total conversion


most media is old and/or low quality.
the 2d sprites are parallaxed and very detailed, the game is beatiful.

it can run on low-end systems (runs well on my old 733mhz, 256mb RAM, GeForce 4mx system. the first version of beta even ran (not very well) on my very old 400nhz, 92mb RAM, TNT2 system, haven't tried it since)

MSPaint isn't great for skins, you need an alpha channel, unless you want square bodyparts.

Mark said the demo will include 2 levels of the story and the Ninja Onslaught game mode, but that was a long time ago and may change.

-Fire of Evil, RDKF betatester
To be honest, this game looks like it could be fun for a few hours. I dont know about actually buying it. I will try the demo and make a decision after words.
BerserkForces said:
$12.95? Thats a great deal.

it's not if you have fun for 5 minutes with it, and it looks exactly like a game you'll have fun with for 5 minutes tops
wilka91 said:
it's not if you have fun for 5 minutes with it, and it looks exactly like a game you'll have fun with for 5 minutes tops

I've been playing it for over a year now, it's still a lot of fun

EDIT: this game can't be 3d, it would be too hard to control with the mouse
FireofEvil said:
I've been playing it for over a year now, it's still a lot of fun

EDIT: this game can't be 3d, it would be too hard to control with the mouse
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Hmmm... What's your connection? Are you involved in the making of the game in some way? How is it?
ill try the demo first , then ill think if ill get it
FireofEvil said:
MSPaint isn't great for skins, you need an alpha channel, unless you want square bodyparts.
Will it work in Photoshop with a blank background, or is a lot more difficult, because I've seen a Mime player model represented as a face and such in an image file. Just wondering.i
I'm going to get it.

And I think this signals a revolution in game publishing. The first ever game [not by VALVe] made widely available via Steam.

I think that in no less than a few years, Steam will become on of our main methods of buying games, and there will be nearly thousands of games at our fingertips/creditcards.
I doubt I'll be getting it, but I will try the demo if there is one.
Reminds me of that little "Interactive Buddy" flash game. Basically, you had control points at his appendages & could pull him around, play catch, toss grenades at the round little fella & much more you'd have to see yourself; could pretty much be as devious or nice as you wished.

Anyway, this looks to be the same sort of fun timewaster. Plus, the production quality here is almost overkill, it's a definite future purchase.
I would have bought this game for $20 or more.. For 13 bucks I'm definantly going to pick it up..

Hell, I've paid more to see a crappy movie with some crappy popcorn and soda.
wilka91 said:
it's not if you have fun for 5 minutes with it, and it looks exactly like a game you'll have fun with for 5 minutes tops
It looks exactly like you havent played the game.