Rag Doll Kung Fu Released over Steam!


Jan 15, 2004
Reaction score
Rag Doll Kung Fu - Mark Healey's imaginative fighting platformer game, has now been officially released over Steam. Those who have pre-ordered can load it up straight away, while everyone else can purchase it for a slim $14.95 (about £8.50 in the UK). [br]
[br]Still not sure whether to make a purchase? Click here to read the Halflife2.net review!
if there is, it will be released soon. Not always at the sometime of the game release.
First impressions:
Mouse lags about a half-second behind, making for a very steep learning curve.

Server selection screen sucks. Seriously sucks. Keeps refreshing every 5 seconds, and dishes up high-ping, low-ping servers at random. Couldn't seem to sort it by ping.

A little more adult than I expected. You'd think a laid-back game like this would be targeted towards a younger audience. But there's a good deal of cursing, drug innuendo (Fat Bong, mushrooms), and outright nudity (one of the player models has a woman with a tit hanging out, Jackson-Super-Bowl style).

But the gameplay and the graphics seem very solid. Once I got used to seeing my avatar flop around the screen like a fish out of water, I was actually able to do things like punch and jump. I was very impressed at how smoothly the graphics ran on my laptop. Just... sit back from your monitor- there's a lot of camera rape going on, and you're bound to get seasick.
I had no mouse lag probs, try changing mouse speed?

Also you CAN sort by ping in server selection, just click "Ping". WOW, that was a hard one to figure out :P (But I agree, server selection is not as good as the normal valve one, but it does the job).

As for the camera rape, you can change it from automatic to manual, not tried it, but that should fix it.
Buy it Now!


Was this necessary?Yes,it was.

NEXT! (soup nazi voice)
Yeah, I'm very impressed by how smooth everything in the game is. The graphics, the movement, the effects, ect.

Overall, it's a great game, and very fun to play, when you get the hang of it.
I haven't completely mastered it yet.

And I also thought the cutscenes were really funny!
The humor is strange, but that's how I like it. ;P

We should have a HalfLife2.net RDKF-tournament! :O
Well, maybe after they sort out the server selection. ;D
I bought it but steam doesnt seem to think its released yet wtf ZEDIT: Argh had to restart Steam 4 times.
This is weird. Now, whatever game comes out on Steam, everyone isexcited as if it were another Half-Life 2 release. But that's ridiculous, because this Kung Fu thing is not related to Valve in any way ... I can't believe that Half-Life2.net reviewed this game!!!!!!!!! It's an aberration!!!

What if Halo 2 comes out on Steam tomorrow? Will you still be excited? Will it get reviewed by the site and awarded a 98%?
No but halflife2.net is covering steam news.. cause gues what there isnt much other news unless you count the 300000 mods thats get featured and most likely will never see it past beta.

@Geogriffith I had the same crazy mouselag problem and sensitivity didnt change it.. I fixed it by playing in windowed mode.
Downloading at a blistering 35.5 KB/s, must be popular; or a bad server.

Terrific game! There's a bit of a learning curve, but it's not bad, and once you're past it, the game is an absolute blast. And I'm really digging the quirky sense of humor. Is "Fat Bong" a great character name, or what?
My credit card was Declined called my credit card company and nothing is wrong on that end i have money on it

now i have to pay full price i mean it's 2 bucks i know but thts not the point i feel cheated and used!
go to try it again and then card use exceeded?

wtf i dont have any more cards i can use it's not like they grow on trees
can someone help me?

i sent a troble ticket
Ques1 said:
My credit card was Declined called my credit card company and nothing is wrong on that end i have money on it

now i have to pay full price i mean it's 2 bucks i know but thts not the point i feel cheated and used!
go to try it again and then card use exceeded?

wtf i dont have any more cards i can use it's not like they grow on trees
can someone help me?

i sent a troble ticket

I know I have seen this post somewhere...
RDKF says Steam has not downloaded hi rez video ... am I missing something?
It's still being developed, I'm guessing a lot of stuff isn't uploaded. I don't think the hi resolution videos are even on the steam servers yet.
Ques1 said:
My credit card was Declined called my credit card company and nothing is wrong on that end i have money on it

now i have to pay full price i mean it's 2 bucks i know but thts not the point i feel cheated and used!
go to try it again and then card use exceeded?

wtf i dont have any more cards i can use it's not like they grow on trees
can someone help me?

i sent a troble ticket

I had exactly the same issue and I tried a couple of different cards. I think that Valves validation software is on the blink atm and that is where the problem lies.
Suicide42 had this problem with DOD: Source. He paid me the money and I bought it for him on my card... I'd offer to do the same, but my card won't work on any other than his account now as that's one of the security features.
If my card was declined why do i still have the gcf file in my c/programfiles/steam/steamapps?
Ques1 said:
If my card was declined why do i still have the gcf file in my c/programfiles/steam/steamapps?
You preloaded it, right ?
So is there a limit to the amount of accounts you purchase things for with your creditcard? Also, this "Creditcard use limit exceeded" thing, do I have to wait a number of days for that to go away or something? I gots the same problem as Ques1, and I have two friends other than me who want to use my card...
Damn, I'm getting the missing text problem. There is no text anywhere in the game. I've heard restarting might help. Oh well, it's worth a shot.
I'm having problems paying for it too :( Very annoying as I now lost my discount. Tried 2 cards, different banks (but both visa)
Crap. Restarting didn't fix it. I still have a blank menu screen.
I've heard that Visa have been having some problems...

OCybrManO -- try validating your cache files... you can now do this by going into the properties of the game and its in one of the tabs in there. Should sort out any inconsistancies.
Thanks Chris :) Steam forums are busy atm too - next thing i'm gonna try it checking that I'm typing my address *exactly* as it appears on my statements. I always wonder about the first name thing

Suppose on my card is written


What's my 'first name'? MR JSS, J, ... it's kinda silly and unclear. Not a steam problem of course, tho.

PS. I notice a lack of flaming posts ... perhaps the children are in bed already ;)
Chris_D said:
I've heard that Visa have been having some problems...

OCybrManO -- try validating your cache files... you can now do this by going into the properties of the game and its in one of the tabs in there. Should sort out any inconsistancies.
No, I've done it three times already... among other things. I've deleted the RDKF folder. I've deleted the GCF files and redownloaded. I've downloaded a copy of the font from someone else and manually added it. I've restarted. I've tried every resolution. I've tried running it windowed. Other people are having this problem, too.

On the other hand, at least it accepted my Visa! :p
Kirkburn said:
Thanks Chris :) Steam forums are busy atm too - next thing i'm gonna try it checking that I'm typing my address *exactly* as it appears on my statements. I always wonder about the first name thing

Suppose on my card is written


What's my 'first name'? MR JSS, J, ... it's kinda silly and unclear. Not a steam problem of course, tho.

PS. I notice a lack of flaming posts ... perhaps the children are in bed already ;)
If on the card it is JSS then your first name would be "JSS".

If on the card it is J S S then I'd say the first name would be "J"...

It shouldn't be too pedantic though. On my card it is MR C DEEMING... pretty straight forward. First name is "C"...
OCybrManO said:

On the other hand, at least it accepted my Visa! :p
Damn you!

Chris_D said:
It shouldn't be too pedantic though.
Pedantic enough to decline my cards 4 times so far :D Even without using the 'MR', checking the address on my statements, making sure the cases were correct ... pedantic enough.
Alternatively, we're going thru an insterstellar gas cloud and I'm hallucinating and cannot type ... it's a possibility.
I find it ironic I can order series 1 of LOST from Amazon with my Visa with no hassles whatsoever today yet the same card has been declined 4 times through steam despite the fact my details are exactly the same. That 10 hours later the situation hasn't changed seems to indicate to me that Valve need to deliver a swift kicking to the nads of their creditcard ppl. No Ragdoll and discount for me it seems (and no phat loot for RDKF duder either). :|
This game has hilarious humor, someone came up behind me and was like "Playing monkeys?" I was like "Something like that"
Great, now I tried ordering it again. It didn't work, denied, but the money still got reserved in my account. So now I'm ****ed, we'll see what happens...