Rag Doll Kung Fu Screenshots

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
Valve's Doug Lombardi gave me some screenshots earlier from the upcoming Rag Doll Kung Fu (released October 12th).[br]I'm not entirely sure if these are new, but once again they provide an intriguing look into the game.[br]

ok...whose's making this game? From those pictures i'd like to email them and tell them to spend their time on something good that more people will care about. Sorry but i'm looking at those pictures and laughing. What were they thinking? I hope i got the wrong end of the stick with this thing :)

edit: read that other thread...they want real money for this? Oh dear god my eyes, they burn :(
Well, for one it was done in Mr. Healey's spare time. Atleast it has some originality to it. I'm buying it because I think he deserves it.
pizzahut said:
There will also be a demo so you can try it first.
i'll give it a try when it comes out, i'm open to new ideas, not expecting to be impressed tbh, alot of fuss over nothing it seems to me.
If it used the SOurce Engine i would probably buy it, but withount the Awsome power of the physics engine...meh..

Now I will definatly be getting all the games that are on source and available on steam(SIN episodes!). And the other game powered by source. Love the Physics Engine.
If Vampier Bloodlines was available on Steam i would have definatly baught it.
People need to quit being such annoyances with their complaining about this game. If you like strictly fps, don't gripe about the new attempts of this game. It's nothing monumental, and it's price tag is rather generous for any new title. People, watch the videos, it shows that it's physics engine can easily execute what the developers had in mind. Get out of your narrow minded perspectives on video games for once.
the source engine has nothing to do with RDKF I believe, made one a guy in his spare time.
pvtbones said:
the source engine has nothing to do with RDKF I believe, made one a guy in his spare time.

It's made with the Source engine.
Looks ok, don’t really like the orangeish filter that seems to be applied to everything. At least the screens are at 1280x1024 which means it wont look like shit on my LCD, I hate it when new games come out and don't support that res :frown:
I'll be waiting for a demo before I think about buying it.
SixThree said:
It's made with the Source engine.
No It's not? I've read many times that its independently made...no Source engine involved.

Actually here we go
Chris_D said:
Once again, this isn't a total conversion of anything. It is not made by Valve or made on the Source engine. It isn't a Half-Life 2 mod, it's a full game!
JrdnGrn said:
No It's not? I've read many times that its independtly made...no Source engine involved.

Actually here we go

Ah well then, thanks for clearing that up. I knew that it was not made by Valve, but I assumed that it did use Source tech (which apparently it does not).
heee. I find it amusing, and I'm looking forward to giving it a try.
Hectic Glenn said:
ok...whose's making this game? From those pictures i'd like to email them and tell them to spend their time on something good that more people will care about. Sorry but i'm looking at those pictures and laughing. What were they thinking? I hope i got the wrong end of the stick with this thing :)

edit: read that other thread...they want real money for this? Oh dear god my eyes, they burn :(

Good job being a dick. How about being alittle polite.
It looks like Eye Toy, DDR and a hint of Pokemon Camera. I won't buy it. (If it's free i'd get it lol)
somebody should tell those guys that they wasted there life making such a pointless game if you pay for that you seriously need to get outside
cyan!de said:
somebody should tell those guys that they wasted there life making such a pointless game if you pay for that you seriously need to get outside

You're an idiot.
Actually, I believe it is built in the source engine. It's not a half-life 2 mod because it has completely original content.
cyan!de said:
somebody should tell those guys that they wasted there life making such a pointless game if you pay for that you seriously need to get outside
Agreed..you're an idiot.

Wasted their life? lmfao..they made this game in their spare time, I'm sure for their own fun. Now they're gonna make MONEY off of it, such a wasted life.

I hate making things that will get me money in my spare time.

It wont be a huge sum of money..but it's more than they would have got if they didn't make it.

Dont diss it until you've tried it.
Glo-Boy said:
Actually, I believe it is built in the source engine. It's not a half-life 2 mod because it has completely original content.

Chris_D said:
Remember, this isn't actually a Source engine or Valve-made game. It's simply being sold commercially over Steam.

Tian from SteamPowered Forums said:
Also its not source engine related. Its a 3rd party project programmed by Mark Healey himself. The original FAQ is written by Lourens Veen.

Seriously, do we need it in big bold writing with every RDKF announcement?

JrdnGrn said:
Agreed..you're an idiot.

Wasted their life? lmfao..they made this game in their spare time, I'm sure for their own fun. Now they're gonna make MONEY off of it, such a wasted life.

I hate making things that will get me money in my spare time.

It wont be a huge sum of money..but it's more than they would have got if they didn't make it.

Dont diss it until you've tried it.
it is a waste of life they couldve done something fun? and if your 1 of the people paying for it please cut the thick vein on your neck itl do your family proud!
Cyan!de it seems to me you do care since you keep coming back and replying to the thread, it looks like you want everyone else to hate the game as well, is your mind that little that you cant except anything else why dont you get off the internet and get a life. Anyway the game looks good seems like its freeform movement and fighting which could be fun.
cyan!de said:
care-o-meter [-|-----------]
Then stop replying, prick. You don't have to start a fight over anything..people state opinions and facts in a mature way..you do not.

Grow up before you post.
cyan!de said:
somebody should tell those guys that they wasted there life making such a pointless game if you pay for that you seriously need to get outside
So what makes this game any worse than Half Life 2 or anything else. I'm sure some people will love it. I personally won't buy it but I don't see any reason to call it a waste of time if certain people clearly want to buy it.
So many of you are so close-minded and stupid it makes me sick.

Danimal said:
It looks like Eye Toy, DDR and a hint of Pokemon Camera. I won't buy it. (If it's free i'd get it lol)

...I seriously hope that was sarcasm.

You guys who diss the game, do you have any idea how the game works?
Have you watched the GDC presentation?
If you haven't, shut up.

If you still don't like the premise of the game, well then there has got to be something wrong with you. :p
cyan!de said:
somebody should tell those guys that they wasted there life making such a pointless game if you pay for that you seriously need to get outside

The guy who made the game works professionally in the games industry, RDKF is a labour of love on his part and Valve saw it at a gameshow and were bowled over by it (as were a lot of the gaming press there) and throught it deserved a wider audience, thus the steam release. That people like Gabe consider it a worthwhile project to promote seems to indicate that the fun to the game lies more in how it plays rather than how it necessarily appears. Let's face it fun as they are, none of the GTA Series would win any awards for graphical excellence.
cyan!de said:
it is a waste of life they couldve done something fun? and if your 1 of the people paying for it please cut the thick vein on your neck itl do your family proud!

Maybe one day you can join the rest of the adults in the gene pool, instead of splashing about in the shallow end. If you're unable to maintain a civil attitude, don't post.
I used to be a senior over at Newgrounds.com, and you really seem like one of the newgroundites.

Simple, stupid, single track and closed minded, abreviate words with swearing, and think that "go kill yourself" is a reasonable comeback.

Really, I don't think much would miss you if you were to take your own advice.

Now MY advice is to sit down, shut up, and post FACTS and REASONABLE oppinions about the game. Not bashes and one sided oppinions.
For $12 you really can't go wrong. I'd pick this up just to support innovative indie development, even if it didn't look like ten hells of fun. I can't wait to hook up two mice to my computer and play this with a friend. It seems like a great "chillin with beers and havin' fun" kinda game.
So if this has nothing to do with source, why's it on this website?
Hectic Glenn said:
ok...whose's making this game? From those pictures i'd like to email them and tell them to spend their time on something good that more people will care about. Sorry but i'm looking at those pictures and laughing. What were they thinking? I hope i got the wrong end of the stick with this thing :)

edit: read that other thread...they want real money for this? Oh dear god my eyes, they burn :(

lol i know

from the media out i would never pay 13$ for that

seems like its going to get clutterd with all those players along a 2D plane

It certainly looks intriguing, and the price is right. It's time for gamers to put their money where their mouth is and reward innovative and original games that don't pander to the lowest common denominator.