ragdolls in HL2 and CS:S

Must be something wrong with the phys collision detection hulls on the feet. Most of the rest of the model seems to not clip into the floor, so it's probably a model bug.
While i agree that midair movement is too slow [falling off something is way too floaty], the ragdoll is the most impressive i've seen in any game.
the feet through the floor thing never happened to me.. and the arms flop when they get blown away by a grenade... i made a few css moveis and i just saw them now and yes their arms moved in mid air.. no matter what any1 else says.. fact is i saw it for myself.

/me breathes heavily
This is a guess:
The reason that the models go a bit stiff in the airis that there is a set stance for a rag dolled character, which is legs apart and arms out but on about a 30 - 45 degree angle. If you have a look at the screenshot of the Dr. Kleiner(sp?) animation tools you'll see there is a rag doll stance.
The trouble is that that the character goes from their current stance at the point of dying and into the rag doll stance as they go into the air, once a part of their body touches the ground they go out of the rag doll stance and their limbs bend to match the ground plane.
On short ground level deaths this works fine but if someone falls off of a high area or is launched into the sky for a longer period of time the rag doll stance makes it look strange because it stays like it for a longer period. If the default rag doll stance was affected by a gravity/momentum force on the limbs it would look more realistic.
I hope this makes sense, all of this is just from observing the videos so it could be entirely wrong but it seems to fit.
There is no "rag doll stance," that's the whole point of rag dolls.
My only gripe with the Ragdolls in CS source is that they reach maximum velocity at way too slow a rate. If I type in noclip, fly up, and kill myself. The body falls at the same (Very slow) rate the whole way down.
I think the only ppl that should be commenting on this is ppl who have played cs source. ppl that are basing their posts on videos should wait to play the game first.
i'm sure Valve mentioned they toned down the ragdoll for CSS because it wasn't practical to have it behave as complexly as HL2.
Can I remind you all... that its called a beta for a reason... maybe not everything is complete....
TRUST ME, the ragdolls in cs:source sucks compared to the hl2 ones. Just watch the videos, they are as flexible as the ones in the videos.
Robinhood_01 said:
OK this is what i base my whole speculation on, if i'm wrong then i'll accept that but why would they have a ragdoll pose or animation.
http://members.home.nl/roelvdeerden/HL2 Shots/Editor/Dr Kleiner Poser.jpg

thats not a ragdoll stance, its just an idle animation, like in cs 1.6 you see the models standing straight with their arms to the side, its just a default position for making a skin fit to a model. the whole point behind ragdolls is that they react to the physics. so if you are running straight away from me towards the top of a ram anf i shoot you in the back of the head as you get to the top of the ramp, your body should lose its rigidity, and tumble forward down the ramp due to the momentum of the bullet in the back of your head pushing you forward. theres a great game i cant remember out there you should play. the object is to push a guy down a flight of stairs and see how much damage you can cause him, or theres another version where you crash a truck. i will find the link and post it. its fun and it shows you how a ragdoll reacts with realistic type physics.


the site is kind of slow but surprisingly the downloads are hosted on 100mb connects so it downloads in like 2 seconds. a meg a second. love cable.
Okay, maybe none of you read my above post. The ragdolls were not toned down for CS:S. They are calculated client side, so there is no lag issue.
John, an impact from a single bullet should not be able to move a body very much as it uses pretty much all of it's energy to penetrate the body - not move it. But you're right that if running and shot in the back of the head the body should fall forward - but not from the impact of the bullet but from the bodys own movement.

BTW, these are the games that you were refering to:

Porrasturvat - Stair dismount
Rekkasturvat - Truck dismount
Wolfy Snackrib said:
TRUST ME, the ragdolls in cs:source sucks compared to the hl2 ones. Just watch the videos, they are as flexible as the ones in the videos.

yeah, you're right. hl2's ragdolls just seem a lot more realistic...
Physics in CS:S are the best I've ever seen.

But it doesn't look very nice, when the body doesn't do anything while in mid-air. That looks just strange and it surely won't look that way in real-life.

You can only recognize it, when they fall a bit lower than with usual grenades. Because here it looks pretty nice, because they were accelerated by the power of a grenade. When you just shoot them and they fall, they don't move.
Maybe they should get an animation for falling long ways down ?!
Wont anybody make a movie and put it on a ftp/webspace so we can see what you mean.
ok first off unless you throw grenades at dead ppl for fun, than how do u know how a body would react?
impulse ... and everyone else ... seriously think for a second ... if you stand 5 feet away from a grenade and get blown 20 feet into the air ... is your body gonna stay stiff like a scare crow??? NO ... its gonna act like a freaking 200 pound , free moving mass of body ... arms would move ... legs would move ... you guys are just blind ...

when someone falls down from getting shot it looks great ... except for the stupid positions some people get into ... that are just completely unrealistic .... like ... head down by their crotch :-/ ... other than scarecrow bodies up in the air and silly positions on the ground ... the physics are great
Platinum said:
is your body gonna stay stiff like a scare crow??? NO ... its gonna act like a freaking 200 pound , free moving mass of body ... arms would move ... legs would move ... you guys are just blind ...

if your dead, your not going to move, your going to be a dead weight flying through the air. but i guess im blind....since...u know...that has to do with knowing physics.
guinny said:
if your dead, your not going to move, your going to be a dead weight flying through the air. but i guess im blind....since...u know...that has to do with knowing physics.

Dead weight flying through the air is still considered to be "in motion"...
i understand that but limbs would be limp, and just taken with the resistance. going 2 feet in the air from a nade explosion isnt enough air pressure to push the limbs upward.
can anybody email valve and ask them why they did ragdolls differently in css? not that anything's wrong or anything... just curiosity
the only thing that upsets me is the delay time of hits. biggest example - i pop someone with the shotgun: BANG! -1 to 2 second pause- Blood splatters and he gets hit. that annoys the shit out of me.
wow... i wish i had css.... and a fast enough computer to run it at that hehe