Ragdolls not 'stiff' enough?

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Jan 13, 2004
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OK firstly I'm not slagging off the rag doll physics at all - I think everyone can agree that they kick ass.

BUT, does anyone else think that the bodies in the binks just seem to be not 'stiff' enough when they collapse? There they are standing upright, then they die and seemingly turn to jelly instantly - they flop about all over the place, not quite naturally. There should be some natural tension in various parts/joints to make it look a bit more real. IMHO.

Having said that, maybe they deliberately did this to show it off in the binks - I think I remember hearing that they increased the facial expressions to show them off, so maybe the same thing. Anyone comments?

Have you ever seen a dead body fall?.........i can tell you its reasonably realistic.......good enough for me anyway
short recoil said:
Have you ever seen a dead body fall?.........i can tell you its reasonably realistic.......good enough for me anyway

you better be in the army or something young man

Hmm. When I think about it I've never seen a dead body fall actually, unlike other forum-members.
I think it's fine. I'm not looking for realisticness, I'm looking for something that's fun. Floppy bosies are fun :p.
Pressure said:
I think it's fine. I'm not looking for realisticness, I'm looking for something that's fun. Floppy bosies are fun :p.

What he said. Not to say they should be absolutely ridiculous, but I want something that's relatively interesting to watch.

And although HL2's ragdoll isn't perfect, it's the best I've seen in any game so far.
I personally didn't think they were over-exagerated but I'll go ahead and review the videos again just for kicks and pay more attention to the rag-doll effects...

To me, they didn't seem nearly like jelly as compared to UT2003/04 rag doll physics. You guys ever play that with low grav? Great fun and bodies bouncing every which way :)
LOL i read the topic and thought u were talking about ragdolls having boners. excuse my rude mind :|
In the binks if you look carefully at bodies that fall, you can see when they "settle" they move very slowly to a natural position like reality........if someone takes a round in a vital area like the head they will lose all control of muscles and there body will just become a "ragdoll" ........if you see someone pass out when drunk or whatever is prob best place to see how realistic it is.
VoodooMinigeek said:
You guys ever play that with low grav? Great fun and bodies bouncing every which way :)


Also, UT2k3/4's ragdolls seemed to glide over every surface, including grass and sand, whereas HL2's bodies at least seem to have some kind if friction.

Not to say UT's ragdoll looked bad...
well the physics engine is a little outdated as well as the renderer by now...yes it looks too limp for me...
If you've ever seen some of those Police videos where some poor guy gets capped you'll see it's pretty realistic. Frankly, I hope I never see some sh!t like that.
fez said:
LOL i read the topic and thought u were talking about ragdolls having boners. excuse my rude mind :|
lol ok, seems most people disagree! I'm probably wrong... :D
As far as I can see from gameplay movies and playing CS:Source, the physics engine being used in HL2 is as good if not better than whatever else is out there at this point in time.

That being said, I think its insanely unrealistic to expect COMPLETE physics realism from ANY game that is out right now, or will be out even relatively soon. The physics engines that are being used right now are all pretty new for the most part, I mean we haven't even seen rag doll physics being implemented in ANY game released prior to THIS year as far as I know. The engines WILL get better, and things will look more realistic in future games when we all have faster computers to deal with all of physics interactions. As it is right now its hard enough on even mid-range systems to run physics based games at their highest "interaction" level, or whatever you want to call it. I know that just throwing a frag nade near a lot of debris in CS:Source will make my Athlon XP 2000 system run at slide show framerates for a few seconds.

I say be happy with the physics that ARE in the game. There will probably even be updates to the Source engine in this department when the majority of gamers actually have systems that will make it feasible to do so.
Freakaloin said:
well the physics engine is a little outdated as well as the renderer by now...yes it looks too limp for me...

Oh Lord here he goes again... :LOL:
mdk30 said:
...That being said, I think its insanely unrealistic to expect COMPLETE physics realism from ANY game that is out right now, or will be out even relatively soon. The physics engines that are being used right now are all pretty new for the most part, I mean we haven't even seen rag doll physics being implemented in ANY game released prior to THIS year as far as I know...

Edit: Broke the quote tags...doh.

I agree with you mdk but just on a side note, Max Payne 2, UT2003 and 04 among other action games also have varying degrees of physics systems implemented with rag doll effects that have been around for the past year and a half or so. Not flaming, just FYI. Max Payne 2 did a pretty good job and Far Cry oddly enough seemed fairly well done accounting for the skeletal structure and object interaction with their models :cheers:
Are we complaining about a product that is not released yet after waiting eagerly YEARS for it to be released?
Edge said:
Are we complaining about a product that is not released yet after waiting eagerly YEARS for it to be released?

Some of us have are playing the CS Beta (ragdolls in CS&HL² are the same) :p
Freakaloin said:
i was talking about the engine...not the game...

But you seem to make it a point that because it's somehow "outdated", it's inadequate. And this seems to be a recurring thing with you.

If you can't find any game that looks better in terms of ragdoll, then explain to me how the age of its physics engine is at all relevant.
Oh, and as a fun little side-project that I'll give you the option to tackle, I'd like you to please explain to me what it is specifically that makes Half-life 2 outdated.

Absinthe said:
But you seem to make it a point that because it's somehow "outdated", it's inadequate. And this seems to be a recurring thing with you.

If you can't find any game that looks better in terms of ragdoll, then explain to me how the age of its physics engine is at all relevant.

no i'm not seeming to make that point...u think i'm making that point...i wasn't...i was just pointing out that the havoc engine used in hl2 is not a current generation physics engine...

explain to me what ur even talking about?
I have two or three videos of peopel getting shot in the head. Half Life 2 has realistic ragdoll down pat. People really do go to "jelly" after a shot in the head.
CB | Para said:
Some of us have are playing the CS Beta (ragdolls in CS&HL² are the same) :p

Hrm so you are complaining about a Beta?
Freakaloin said:
i was just pointing out that the havoc engine used in hl2 is not a current generation physics engine...
you're right, havoc 1 is not a current-gen physics engine. it has been eclipsed by havoc 2. half-life 2 uses a "heavily-modified" version of havoc 1. considering that you haven't played the game yet (stolen builds don't count,) i can't see how can judge the engine, when it hasn't been used in any other game.

similar case: remember hl1? "heavily-modified" quake 1 engine. still, it turned out to look/play better than many quake 2-based games.

(why am i even responding to you?)
epmode said:
you're right, havoc 1 is not a current-gen physics engine, which has been eclipsed by havoc 2. half-life 2 uses a "heavily-modified" version of havoc 1.

uh yeah i know that...i said the havoc engine is not current genertaion...yup...that modified havoc(i thought it was havoc2) is not current gen...sorry that bothers u so much...
Freakaloin said:
i was just pointing out that the havoc engine used in hl2 is not a current generation physics engine...

Not really relevant. Call of Duty is based on the Quake III Arena engine. Not only is it more popular than Doom III which is supposed to be the graphics for the future. it is 3rd overall. 1st is Half-life of course and 2nd is Wolf:ET another Quake III Arena engine based game. The most current engine means very little.
Freakaloin said:
uh yeah i know that...i said the havoc engine is not current genertaion...yup...that modified havoc(i thought it was havoc2) is not current gen...sorry that bothers u so much...
doesn't bother me at all. what bothers me is how many people actually pay attention to you, when all you do is post boring trolls.

stick to complaining about the game not being "worth your time," you'll get more responses.
Freakaloin said:
no i'm not seeming to make that point...u think i'm making that point...i wasn't...i was just pointing out that the havoc engine used in hl2 is not a current generation physics engine...

You said...

Freakaloin said:
well the physics engine is a little outdated as well as the renderer by now...yes it looks too limp for me...

Now, the only reason I can see as to why you'd say such a thing is if you were essentially saying "The physics engine is outdated, therefore it doesn't look as good." That's really the only interpretation possible from that.

Now, I want you to tell me how it's outdated. For instance, what game can you compare it to that has better? Then, if you cannot come up with anything better, I want you to explain to me how the age of HL2's physics engine is at all relevant.
i read that drag dolls can be made to put their arms out when they fall, or cover their head, this would be a nice feature, but i dont think source has it :( sometimes the bodies do seem strangly flopppy
Absinthe said:
You said...

Now, the only reason I can see as to why you'd say such a thing is if you were essentially saying "The physics engine is outdated, therefore it doesn't look as good." That's really the only interpretation possible from that.

Now, I want you to tell me how it's outdated. For instance, what game can you compare it to that has better? Then, if you cannot come up with anything better, I want you to explain to me how the age of HL2's physics engine is at all relevant.

there again u use faulty logic trying to figure out what i meant...get over urself...
I would have to agree to post #1.

I think when someone dies, all there joints stiffen up, which the physics engine doesn't do.
Demonmerc said:
flame on!

(thread going nowhere)

And your contribution was pointless and added to the decline of this thread.
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