Raise your hand if you can't stop listening to the ending song.

My girlfriend thinks I love Portal more than her.

And I'm not sure she's wrong. =\
That song had me lol'ing pr0pah-style. It's still bouncing around my head.
Still listening. Why can't I stop listening!?!
The lines about the beta being over and it being released on time made me laugh. Hard.
I also have the crappy song from all those radios stuck in my head. I think it's won out over the credits theme.
Man, you guys can't stop listening because there is sublminal messaging!

Every nanosecond it says "THIS SONG IS WIN!"
I also have the crappy song from all those radios stuck in my head. I think it's won out over the credits theme.

I think it says in the Commentary they say the song on the radio is an instrumental of Still Alive so its got ya,one way or another :)
**** you people.

I don't even have the game and I downloaded the mp3 and now I can't stop listening to it.
"Now these points of data make a beautiful line
and we're out of beta we're releasing on time!"

I was singing it in my head last night. I couldn't get to sleep!
My email:


I want to thank you so much for TF2, Ep2 and Portal. Each one was completely different, but im really stuggling to decide which was my favourite. TF2 is certainly fun and will last me a long time, Ep2 has one of the most gripping sections of story ever from the Half Life series and Portal was just hilarious, in fact, i think the best part of portal was the song at the credits!

Many thanks!




Gabe passed your comments along to the development team, and we just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate you taking the time to write. We love the song that Jonathan Coulton wrote for the Portal end credits as well. Be warned, however, it's impossible to get it out of your head :-)

-Jason Mitchell
think anyone will tab this out, it doesn't sound too difficult to play on a guitar... i'm just not atuned enough ot figure it out on my own
*raises hand*

I'm listening to it now! :D

"This cake is great, it's so delicious and moist" :D
Glad I'm not the only one. While we're on the subject:

(Portal and Episode 2 spoilers)
"for the people who are still alive" brings to mind the surviving humans, I.E. the resistance. It'd be pretty awesome if Gordon could get ahold of the portal gun for a while in Episode 3--seems like Aperture Science will play a roll there, with the Borealis.
I detect my hand as raised.

But where's that techno mix for me to loop alongside spider pig? :o
/raises hand.

Awesome. Mp3? Where? Also I screenshotted (as Im sure did the rest of you) the lyrics if anyone needs...
Yeah I've had the song on repeat for DAYS too.

After I beat portal, and my girlfriend beat portal, we went and baked a cake. True story.
/im listening to it now.
/raises hand
"There's no sense crying after every mistake..
You jsut keep on trying till you run out of cake."
*rips left arm off to raise higher with right hand*
I'm listening to it right now
"Anyway this cake is great
It's so delicious and moist"
"And we're out of beta, we're releasing on time"
Best... song line.. EVER!
"Maybe Black Mesa. . .THAT WAS A JOKE. HAHA"

From the Ending song.

(Episode 2 spoilers below - Sulk)
And in EP2 Dr.K mentioned that "Aperture Science".

If all you are doing is implying that there is a connection between the two, we are WELL aware of that. So aware, in fact, that we have already begun to theorize how Episode 3 will use these elements and how they will interconnect further. There is also far more than just a reference in a song and a mention from Kleiner.

And no, I cant get that song out of my head. Far too awesome.
It has to be the worst song to listen to during a prac exam - damm thing was on shuffle, stopped writing and hummed the tune for the whole song...
/Raises hand.

Man, they knew what they were doing by putting this in...
I think the song is excellent, in fact I even like the radio version of it through the game, which you wake up to. Little would you ever know... :)

*puts radio version on repeat*
^^ I love that version too, so many times have I taken that radio with me (I hate that field).