Raising the Bar: Anyone have it yet?


Oct 7, 2003
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Hey guys:
Does anyone have Raising the Bar yet? I think i heard that one guy on the HLFallout forums has it. I called various places near me, and these were the responses:

Gamestop: We don't have any left (maybe this means that they did have some copies)
EBGames: We don't have HL2 yet...
Me: not the game..RAISING THE BAR, a book
EBGames: Oh, i don't think there is a book.
Waldenbooks: Not out yet
Borders: Not out yet (release november 23rd)
Barnes and Noble: Not out yet (not even in warehouse yet).

Has anyone gotten this? I personally can't wait for it! :cheers:
Oh yea, gotta love that EBGames response ;) The guy had no clue what he was talking about. :LOL:
Rofl, I like that one EB games said:Oh, i dont think there is a book. :LOL:
I was supposed to get an update from the online store I'd ordered it from today. I never got the email, or the call.
I checked the Barnes and Nobel website early this morning and it said the publishing date for Raising the Bar was November 23rd.... Saved me a long walk to the bookstore at least.
Yea...i think i'll call again tommorow and check. I hope it comes out soon though. Well, at least HL2 is coming out soon! :E
my local bookstore here in holland didn't even have the book in the system, i'll check back at them wednessday an order it.