Raising the Bar, Changes?


Sep 23, 2003
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So, Cliffe has said that the Raising the Bar book has changed format and that Hodgson is now not the author? How can someone create a book, then not be the author? Could Valve have mandated changes to the book after it's written?

I've read an interview with the author and fomr that interview, I'd have to assume the book was done, but now Cliffe says that his narrative was replaced by interview?

Does anyone know what the heck is going on here?
Hmm... I think it means that the Valve team took over the narrative role. Hogson will still have written and composed most of the material even if it'll be rewritten.
It looks like it's being turned into a glorified art book. Shame seeing Hogson's work go to waste, it was perfect.
maybe it was too in-depth with all the game's development problems..
Munro said:
It looks like it's being turned into a glorified art book. Shame seeing Hogson's work go to waste, it was perfect.

I don't mind an art book, but it's a bit strange to me to think that they could have just had thid guy put all this stuff together, and write up the narrative, then drop him like that.

I was really looking forward to this book, and even had read the interview with the author and thought it was a done deal. NOw, what is going on ? Is this like some sort of PR move by Valve? I'd hate to jump to conclusions, but after inviting someone in to take notes and put together a book, seems funny to make a change like that.

Frankly, I was looking forward to some of the Authors comments more than anything. I'm curious to read the whole awful truth, not more of Valve's censored statements.
Maybe Cliffe will clear things up for us because I'm curious about this too.
Homercidal said:
I don't mind an art book, but it's a bit strange to me to think that they could have just had thid guy put all this stuff together, and write up the narrative, then drop him like that.

I was really looking forward to this book, and even had read the interview with the author and thought it was a done deal. NOw, what is going on ? Is this like some sort of PR move by Valve? I'd hate to jump to conclusions, but after inviting someone in to take notes and put together a book, seems funny to make a change like that.

Frankly, I was looking forward to some of the Authors comments more than anything. I'm curious to read the whole awful truth, not more of Valve's censored statements.
Yeah, Valve said they wanted the fans to know about all of the delays in this book, It just looks bad from our point of view now.
if it leaves a lot of stuff out, will the halflife2.net mod team (who got an early copy of the book) please release some information that isnt in the final cut? it wouldnt go against any copyright laws because it wasnt published, right?
Yes I remember what Cliffe posted - I'm just curious as to what he meant by the dropping of the "logistics" narrative.
Let's see. Look up Logistics in the dicitonary, just to be sure there are no strange meanings:

1. The aspect of military operations that deals with the procurement, distribution, maintenance, and replacement of materiel and personnel.
2. The management of the details of an operation.

Seems Valve didn't like what the author wrote about the management of the details of the operation....

or, the procurement, distribution, maintenance, and replacement of material and personnel.

Am I missing something here, or does Valve work for the Government?
Hopefully the GameSpot Final Hours is still happening? Those stories are always detailed...and free!!
Sounds to me like David Hodgson wanted to publish something that Valve doesn't want us to know.
So this book is still going to be of limited quantity?
Well he cliffe said "narative".
Maybe the author originally created a story in the world of Half-life. Say through the eyes of a resistance fighter to give a feeling for the world that way. Maybe valve dropped stuff like this in favour of a factual, just behind the scences look?
(as posted in another thread)
cliffe said:
Also note that David Hodgson is no longer the author, as any narrative detailing logistics has been dropped in favor of a more in depth "behind the scenes, making of" narrative straight from Valve developers.
Just like how HL2's multiplayer was dropped in favor of CS:S?

I know I shouldn't complain (I was actually quoted by the Great Cliffe! ^_^ wheee!), but it sounds a bit weird that just all of Hodgson's work is dropped. In some interview with the guy he told us how much work he put in it and whatnot, and it seems to me you don't just drop that...

Or did he reveal stuff that you guys didn't want us to know? :devil:

edit: http://www.homelanfed.com/index.php?id=25999 that was the interview I mentioned. It looks like the guy put a lot of time and effort in it...
Then there's the photography models for G. Man and Alyx; they're are really cool to see!

woah, i hope we still get to see those. gah the book the guy in the interview was describing sounded awesome, how could Valve ditch this guy?
oh man i've already ordered the book. it better nt be a lame art book now
Cliffe said that it would have stuff directly from the Valve guys. Although I'm disappointed that the original author's stuff got cut, it's good for an art book to have direct input from the people who actually did the game and art.
This explains the dropping of Hodgson's work...The Valve boyz probably didnt like what he was writing (IE: "the Gunman chapter was gripping" [sarcasm i assume]), and deemed Hodgson had the wrong idea of what they wanted.

(I mean, if i was making HL2, and was having a book made about it called "raising the bar", i wouldnt want a chapter dedicated to a game that flopped)
Hmm, and based on the pride that Hodgson showed in that interview, and now the fact that all his work was dumped, i bet hes one angry guy.

He's probably loading up his shotgun now...
Wow cliffe, I don't think you have any idea how arrogant you just came off. We'll see if you guys made the right decision when the book is released I suppose.
cliffe said:
Yes, the Gunman chapter was gripping.

Can someone fill me in here? What does he mean? Is it a reference to HL1? (I've played it, but I don't remember it thát well)
iamaelephant said:
Wow cliffe, I don't think you have any idea how arrogant you just came off.

That coming from you, made me laugh. :laugh:

DeltaBlast said:
Can someone fill me in here? What does he mean? Is it a reference to HL1? (I've played it, but I don't remember it thát well)

I think he's talking about the "gunman chronicles" game wich had his own chapter in Raising the bar.
Are you sure it was a HL mod? I'm fairly sure thats wrong, it's stand-alone game isn't it? Or am I confused?
iamaelephant said:
Are you sure it was a HL mod? I'm fairly sure thats wrong, it's stand-alone game isn't it? Or am I confused?
Yeah it's a stand-alone game.
God dammit.. I really liked how the original book sounded.. And I would have liked to see that chapter on the Gunman Chronicles, thank you very much. :p
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Chiefi said:
Yeah it's a stand-alone game.
It was sold as a stand-alone game, but it was effectively just a total-conversion mod of Half-Life... could even be run as a mod through Half-Life and Steam.
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Hodgson should write his own book called "The shafting of Hodgson: What Valve are really like" I'm sure we'd all be infinitely more interested in hearing what REALLY happens over there.
Woah, now. The Gunman chapter has been a running joke between David and I (most effective with his British accent) ever since it was put on the chopping block. He wanted it gone from the beginning and I agreed with him. The negativity in this thead is a little startling, especially considering that David and I have spent countless late nights for the past couple months trying to make this book a homerun for hardcore fans.

Anyway, people are getting pretty worked up about this without need. All decisions for the book were based on external feedback. Sections that were boring (HL mac, HL PS2 were trimmed while adding much more content on what people thought was cool). David has been great and has continued to contribute to the project and work with me, the whole time. There was no fallout and he is still a key member of the book team. He was fine with wanting to concentrate on "making of" elements and was happy with the decision. Any content that was cool from the earliest drafts of the book was brought forward and remains. Things like the source code leak and release dates are more appropriate for other venues (eg Gamespot). This is a "behind the scenes, making of" coffee table book with a lot of art, not a novel.

Everyone who has seen the early drafts of the book and has seen the final product has said to us that it is a lot better. The whole process had one thing in mind: what you, the fans, would find most interesting. I'm not interested in conspiracies, only making this book something you all would get into. What we think the book should be is meaningless: the only thing that means anything is how those independent, outside potential readers rate it. Based on feedback we've gotten from outside the company, I am confident you guys will enjoy it. The final book is *much* better than the early drafts.

I hope that clears things up.