RAM installation


Feb 17, 2004
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I have 1 512 stick of DDR RAM, I just but another of the same exact RAM....what should I do to install it? I just stuck it in there but my computer isn't detecting it.
Foxtrot said:
I have 1 512 stick of DDR RAM, I just but another of the same exact RAM....what should I do to install it? I just stuck it in there but my computer isn't detecting it.

Are you sure it's in there the right way around?
No...how do I make sure?
Slot 'A0' is Empty
Slot 'A1' has 512 MB
Slot 'A2' is Empty

if you cant detect it turn youre computer off now and check that its not half in, if it is then it may ruin youre DIMM slot.
Wow, I just checked it and it was half in. Every time I plug somthing into my mobo I am afraid it is going to snap so I try to ease it into it....thanks for the help.
Glad you got it fixed, and that it was that easy!
I've done that before, scares the s*** out of you haha ;D
You have to put some force behind it when installing RAM.
But not as much force as shown in your avatar :P

I've done the same thing many times. This is a thing that doesn't go away with experience.
Ya one time I put it in backwards, I was really really nervous first time ever opening up the chassis :) But you live and you learn.