RAM upgrade for hl2 yes/no



hey I have a pretty decent dell machine

p4 2.4 ghz
512 sdram
RADEON 9700 pro
dvd drive
time warner high speed cablenet

512 is starting to seem outdated for todays hardcore gameing pc's and ut2k3 studders in gameplay along with some other things.....so what do you guys suggest? upgrade to 1024 or what?
ut2003 dosent play on that system !?, it plays on mine with everything maxed out

AMD DURON! 1.1ghz
298SD Ram
A crap HDD
ATI Radeon 9000 pro 128mb DDR
ooooh yah it does pretty good its just when things get REALLY action packed it studders down to 20 fps ish and Im a pc perfectionist
NO WAY you don't need to upgrade. My computer runs with like 30fps on ut2003 with ALL settings maxed out and I have a Dell 1.3Ghz, GeForce4 ti 4200, and 384 mb of ram.
More RAM probably won't help. You're most likely getting a bottle neck somewhere else, but with your system specs, I couldn't tell you where.
yay =D but my fps studders on dod and some other hl mods when things get cluttered it goes down to low of about 15 fps in massive outdoor action that q1 engine cant even handle hah
did you say you had 512Mb of SDRAM?

how's that for a bottleneck!

if you don't have DDR RAM, you should seriously think if getting it, it really improves speeds alot.
shiznit I dont know what kind it is and im a huge computer geek guess I just figured it was ddr\

wait isint it ddr-sd ram??
tbh ur computer would run ut2k3 no problem
this seems like another thread that says
lets show my computer off
Deacon: there could easily be some incompatability-problems or something, everything isn't just "showing off".

alb: it SHOULD be DDR in a computer like that, can't really imagine Dell even selling SDRAM machines anymore. but if I were you, i'd rather get faster memory, than more of it.
512 MB of RAM should be fine, it's the SDRAM part that has me worried...
512 mb might be enough but i guess it will get advantages if you have more mem ... more details, higher resolutions, more objects more ram
upgrade your brain first, then post your question in the hardware forum
ok, now I'm not absolutely sure on this thing, but from what I've seen, the Dell Dimension 8250 ships with RDRAM.

I'm not too much into RDRAM, but I hear it's pretty fast.

so I have no idea why you comp is sluggish, tried updating the drivers?
no need to be mean next time I will keep that in mind also ut2k3 mods ofter have avg fps of 40 and a lil up and down sometimes

OOOHH YEAH its rd but why do games fps's go down wierd eh I got latest drivers yeh
looks like ATI just released 3.6 jeesh there doin lots of updates and not much is happening

and it always says zero display service error when it installs new drivers yet that seems to not hurt anything its just annoying and makes me worry
confusus say, buy as much ram as u can possibly afford.

and make sure its DDR aswell
personally, I think 256Mb DDR PC2700 is enough. perhaps 512 is better, I don't know, but to this day I have never run out of memory while playing any game.

although I admit that 512Mb might be a good investment for the future, with textures getting as big as common wallpapers and maps practically reallife-size.

but I don't think that it's worth getting 1Gb+ of ram, just because you can, that'll probably just be a waste of money....

as I said before, rather go on quality, then on quantity. I bought the best memory I could afford, and it really did pay off.
Yeah I've got 512 pc2700 and I run everything maxed out. (Geforce 4ti 4200 though). But yeah, I agree with Nathaniel.