Random sketch thread for all

Here's a G-Man sketch I did just now. I'd appreciate any comments!
I just got my Graphire 3 back, after two months absence!!!!

I sent it to the people I got it from, since it was faulty.. They sat on it for two months, and then said "screw it, we can't do anything about it anyway", and gave me a new one...

So now I can start drawing again! :)

A quick sketch just to get to know the tablet again, I feel hopelessly out of practice....
Definitely not my best.. ;)
Well guys, another of my 6-10 mins human studies. Did it on BART, while looking at the book of Leonardo Da Vinci.

Human body is the most fun thing to draw.
Mr.Reak said:
Human body is the most fun thing to draw.

...and the hardest thing to get right. Nice work, Reak.
DaVinci was certainly several hundred years ahead of his time, geeeeeenius.
Wow theres some very interesting art here.
Allright I'm getting into the swing of things again, and heres something to show for it!

I think it's quite cute... :)
Sorze said:
Allright I'm getting into the swing of things again, and heres something to show for it!

I think it's quite cute... :)
yeah. It is cute. It has that sort of 'I-am-going-to-put-a-fork-through-your-eye' kind of cuteness... ;)
Anthraxxx said:
yeah. It is cute. It has that sort of 'I-am-going-to-put-a-fork-through-your-eye' kind of cuteness... ;)

Haha yeah, that was the kind of cuteness I was aiming for! :D

I've been studiying the proportions of the human head more actively lately (since the proportions I usually draw suck), and here's a sketch to prove it! Two of those heads are from before, when I only drew from gut-feeling... They definitely look worse than the new ones...

Is this not a stickied thread anymore? Why not? :(

I took Suicide's knight and shaded it for a very simple, and quick shading reference. :) I've only been drawing for a month or so now, so sorry for the crappiness of it.
Sorze said:
Haha yeah, that was the kind of cuteness I was aiming for! :D

I've been studiying the proportions of the human head more actively lately (since the proportions I usually draw suck), and here's a sketch to prove it! Two of those heads are from before, when I only drew from gut-feeling... They definitely look worse than the new ones...

Is this not a stickied thread anymore? Why not? :(

those are pretty cool
The Dark Elf said:
those are pretty cool
Aha! So we are allowed to comment now!

Not that anyone cared that we weren't in the beginning...
Thx by the way, I really need to keep working on that.

So TDE, Why isn't this thread stickied anymore? Isn't it active enough or something? I think it's a nice idea with a stickied random sketch thread. :)
Sorze said:
Aha! So we are allowed to comment now!

Not that anyone cared that we weren't in the beginning...
Thx by the way, I really need to keep working on that.

So TDE, Why isn't this thread stickied anymore? Isn't it active enough or something? I think it's a nice idea with a stickied random sketch thread. :)
hmm asking three pages of comments in if your allowed to comment?


its pretty obvious I gave up on this thread ages ago :p

not sticked - same reason :) besides im only having the best forum artists sticked now, until they get their own sections, sucks to be useful threads at the moment :)
Mr.Reak said:
Well guys, another of my 6-10 mins human studies. Did it on BART, while looking at the book of Leonardo Da Vinci.

Human body is the most fun thing to draw.

Nice work there. thats really good.

Something's not quite right with the shoulders though.....

Edit: Yeah the proportions for the neck and shoulder muscles seem a bit off. If he didn't have any muscles, he'd look like a giraffe :P, but other then that those rock
Well, I hope this isn't too explicit. It shouldn't be. There is nudity I guess, but not 'exposure'. Mods feel free (not too free) to edit/delete this if it should be a link instead of img tags or whatever.

Anyway, jsut so you know, this is not intended to be sexual. Maybe sensual, hmm. No she's not masturbating in case anyone wonders.

Well, this is what I draw, about 65% of the time (conservative estimate), so here ya go.

I'm not completely happy with it. Some bits are messed up, like the hand, obviously. It's a WIP(maybe)... :|

torso boy said:
A Robot, and what CR0M requested a while ago, my right hand.

Nice one, I'm crap drawing with my left hand.
Of course you could have cheated and drawn your left and flipped it - would have been easier ;)

Phisionary, what did you use as reference?
CR0M said:
Phisionary, what did you use as reference?
If this wasn't the internet, I would have asked that before saying:

She looks like a man. :cheers:

No offense, the rest is great, but her features are very masculine. :)
CR0M said:
Phisionary, what did you use as reference?
No reference. Which is probably why:
Erestheux said:
She looks like a man.
Cause I'm not that good an artist. :p

Edit: I'm assuming you're talking about the one posted above, not the art.com sketch I just posted. 'Cause that one is a man. Yes... with a mullet. Don't ask me why, it just turned out that way.
Phisionary said:
No reference.
Good, thought it might be your wife or something :angel:

I actually think it is quite good, especially for no reference. I think that, generally, try not to make the facial features so apparant when drawing pretty girls, especially in light line-sketches like that. She probably gets her manliness from that nose, and the big mouth, which are thick and stuff.

But the body was done quite well, and the mullet guy was awesome. :D
thx! I tend to overdo my lines though, yes. It's digital so I could have redone it but it was late and I din't wanna :p

Sad to say but the only thing I can draw fairly well is mostly-naked women :rolleyes: (but not really all that sad :E)
CR0M said:
Nice one, I'm crap drawing with my left hand.
Of course you could have cheated and drawn your left and flipped it - would have been easier ;)

Phisionary, what did you use as reference?
actually, I drew my right hand with my right hand. :D
I can't draw with my left either :x .