Random theory


Nov 25, 2006
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If something isn't real, it doesn't mean that such a thing doesn't exist.
Yeah, those things are called "ideas" or "concepts".
I could argue that since it's in my head the idea or concept actually has physical presence (way the stuff in my brain is arranged or working to remember and visualise the idea). And since the object is itself an idea, not the car or penguin catapult you envision, it exists.
Just hit me, thats all. And I can't explain it anyway.
My indisputable undeniable theory......

Me > You

Why you might ask? Because I have more than 14 cats.

I won't actually argue it because I'll get annihilated by the heavyweights on this forum.
The tooth fairy is a good example of what i mean.. Father christmas.. They all exist, household names. They aren't real though. Maybe god ..
The tooth fairy is a good example of what i mean.. Father christmas.. They all exist, household names. They aren't real though. Maybe god ..

Yup, anything is possible..


I <3 you Lavar Burton
Just because something hasn't happened yet, doesn't mean it won't happen.
Just because something hasn't happened yet, doesn't mean it won't happen.

Not entirely true. There are alot of things that will never get the chance to happen. For example, what would the world be like without easily accesable healthcare? Maybe alot better, the human population is way out of proportion. Natural selection. I'm not saying people deserve to die, well not in such a harsh way. Humans are to sentamental.
Not entirely true. There are alot of things that will never get the chance to happen. For example, what would the world be like without easily accesable healthcare? Maybe alot better, the human population is way out of proportion. Natural selection. I'm not saying people deserve to die, well not in such a harsh way. Humans are to sentamental.
No, what I mean is, whether or not a specific event occurs is all up to probability. There is always a chance that at some place at some time, some event will occur.

I can say that "Oh, [this event] will never happen, there's no way!" but really what that means is "There's an effectively 0% chance of [this event] occurring." Effectively, of course, being the key word, as there's no way to conclusively prove that something will never happen.
Everything can happen, everything can exist. Just not today.
For instance, I would argue that there is no god, but instead a virtual or artificial god that dictates many people's actions.
Kind of like... I would argue, robots will never be considered to have a soul, be not one bit close to human, and not a 'living' entity... but, yet it still acts humane, acts as if it were a 'living' entity and it assumes it has a soul.
Well that is from his/her/it's perspective, right?
heh, it exists.

I`m with the whole infinite dimensions theory.

The one that states there is a different universe for every single different path of everything in the universe. So if I wake up at 3:20am, theres a universe somewhere where everything is EXACTLY the same but I wake up a milisecond later, and so forth.

There is a different dimension for everything. This leads me to believe that there is a dimension where most if not everything good that can happen, happens. I suppose it could depend on your take of what is "good" and what is`nt, but you get the idea. (Basically heaven)

Then there is the opposite of what I just theorised...A dimension where everything bad than can happen, happens. (Hell)

Ah well, just my ideas. And Instinct should know what I`m talking about, I explained it at length in person, amongst other things, like time.
^I now think that way, nice theory.^

God damn you for changing my thoughts.
I`m with the whole infinite dimensions theory.

The one that states there is a different universe for every single different path of everything in the universe. So if I wake up at 3:20am, theres a universe somewhere where everything is EXACTLY the same but I wake up a milisecond later, and so forth.

There is a different dimension for everything. This leads me to believe that there is a dimension where most if not everything good that can happen, happens. I suppose it could depend on your take of what is "good" and what is`nt, but you get the idea. (Basically heaven)

Then there is the opposite of what I just theorised...A dimension where everything bad than can happen, happens. (Hell)

Ah well, just my ideas. And Instinct should know what I`m talking about, I explained it at length in person, amongst other things, like time.

Yeah, I've had that theory for a while. But, plausably, there's a GAZATRILLION other universes where I didn't. Or lost it. Or held it a split second after I held it in this one. Or...
Let's ask Short Recoil, he's traveled both time and space.
Well then what makes something real? Why is the universe one way and not another? Why does gravity pull things together instead of push them apart. The answer is that it is arbitrary. If you could perfectly realize an alternate universe it would be as good as real. But why not just have the concept of an alternate universe without the specifics. The only reason that we see this universe as real is because this universe gives rise to our specific viewpoint: our (or to be specific, my) sense of consciousness which is embedded as a pattern of matter in this specific universe which makes it real. If we could be truly objective then reality is an illusion
Yeah, I've had that theory for a while. But, plausably, there's a GAZATRILLION other universes where I didn't. Or lost it. Or held it a split second after I held it in this one. Or...
Or a universe where, long ago, the atoms that would otherwise construct your body have disassociated, and are parts of millions of other groups of atoms in configurations entirely different from their configurations in our universe...
I`m with the whole infinite dimensions theory.

The one that states there is a different universe for every single different path of everything in the universe. So if I wake up at 3:20am, theres a universe somewhere where everything is EXACTLY the same but I wake up a milisecond later, and so forth.

There is a different dimension for everything. This leads me to believe that there is a dimension where most if not everything good that can happen, happens. I suppose it could depend on your take of what is "good" and what is`nt, but you get the idea. (Basically heaven)

Then there is the opposite of what I just theorised...A dimension where everything bad than can happen, happens. (Hell)

Ah well, just my ideas. And Instinct should know what I`m talking about, I explained it at length in person, amongst other things, like time.
The only things that would be different would be random chance.
And that only exists on a sub-atomic level.
I`m with the whole infinite dimensions theory.

The one that states there is a different universe for every single different path of everything in the universe. So if I wake up at 3:20am, theres a universe somewhere where everything is EXACTLY the same but I wake up a milisecond later, and so forth.

There is a different dimension for everything. This leads me to believe that there is a dimension where most if not everything good that can happen, happens. I suppose it could depend on your take of what is "good" and what is`nt, but you get the idea. (Basically heaven)

Then there is the opposite of what I just theorised...A dimension where everything bad than can happen, happens. (Hell)

Ah well, just my ideas. And Instinct should know what I`m talking about, I explained it at length in person, amongst other things, like time.

That is still frying my brain. It is too complicated to come to terms with. So I gave up and returned to the kitchen.

About that, would it be so perfect to split events up into milliseconds? Surely there has to be a limit?
Well the realm of possibility is controlled by quantum mechanics, and in quantum mechanics most everythign is possible.

For instance, there is an infintesimaly small chance that I could spontaneously change into a purple unicorn at this very moment, but the chance is so small we mark it as impossible.

The reason is, particles are moving around so fast and with such uncertainty, they exist in a realm of every possible motion, a sort of bubble of possibility, with the most probable motions being in the center and the most improbable at the edges. What we are observing when we look at say a quark or an electron is actually the sum of all possible paths of that particle.

So, given the precise motion of certain particles due to random chance, really just about anything is possible (provided it doesnt break any natural laws)