Rate BF2 / BF2SF


Dec 29, 2004
Reaction score
Rate BF2 and BF2SF as 0/10

For me:

BF2 9.8/10
BF2SF not yet

BF2: 9.0/10
BF2:SF: 8.9/10

I think being in a clan with a nice large dose of team-work cranks the scores up for me
6.0/10 if without a working squad.

10/10 if with a working squad.
9/10 for BF2...the random small bugs/glitches killed that one point..

SF...I don't want to buy it, so if that's the case, it's probably going to be low :P
CyberPitz said:
9/10 for BF2...the random small bugs/glitches killed that one point..

SF...I don't want to buy it, so if that's the case, it's probably going to be low :P

If you prefer infantry combat over armor vs. armor and armor vs. infantry, then it would be higher.
9.5/10 for both with squad play

6.0/10 for both without squad play
Just got BF2:SF cant wait to install and play. Just need some time!
Unfocused said:
If you prefer infantry combat over armor vs. armor and armor vs. infantry, then it would be higher.
One of my favorite maps is Dragon Valley.

You do the math. :)
I thought I could get the chance to play it today, but ill have to wait one single more day to get my new graphics :<
BF2: 9/10 only becuase I won my copy.
BF2 SF: 5/10 There are better player made mods being produced.
Kyo said:
BF2: 9/10 only becuase I won my copy.
BF2 SF: 5/10 There are better player made mods being produced.

Yeh, I thought it would be awesome with darkness and special forces but its so bad quality on almost everything Dice Canada made. The new weapons are boring aswell as the new vehicles.

BF2 = 9.7/10
BF2SF = 5/10

BF2 is so much better in all damn ways :D
JNightshade said:
I disagree, sir.

I agree with your disagreement.

SF is for those ready to fight man vs. man. BF2 is for those who like to be a man packed in armor and kill those who are not.

Of course I'm exaggerating here, but I like SF for the fact that it focuses on infantry combat.