Rate Me


Companion Cube
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
Give me your crits. This is me. I wanna know what you guys think. Be as critical as you want.
Wow. You dont look like i thought you would. I for some unbeknown reason imagined a small pale faced 11 year old.

Anyway, im no expert but im sure your one for the ladies :p

What are you looking at in the picture? And whos finger thumb is that?
what do i think?

Well i think we're mostly guys in here....

and i hope most of us are straight.....

but in a honest man's opinion...

In a straight way...

1-10 you get a 5 cause you're a guy.. and im a guy.. and we're straight.. hopefuly

and dont rate me.. its just a pic of me
Originally posted by Joeyslucky22
what do i think?

Well i think we're mostly guys in here....

and i hope most of us are straight.....

but in a honest man's opinion...

In a straight way...

1-10 you get a 5 cause you're a guy.. and im a guy.. and we're straight.. hopefuly

and dont rate me.. its just a pic of me

I give you a 10 joey :eek: ! Just playing. Neither of you are bad looking, and as a plus, we are all HL2 fans :cool:
Go to hotornot.com and put your pic up there... you will get a decent rating in about a week, and will tell you what most people think. But you have to wait a week before you start to see what your rating is so that you can have enough people to make the rating statistically accurate.
Originally posted by SilentKilla
I give you a 10 joey :eek: ! Just playing. Neither of you are bad looking, and as a plus, we are all HL2 fans :cool:

lol thanks man i love you too;)
u guys are so cute ;) just kiddin but serisouly how did u expect a forum of 99.9 males to crit u ?
A plan to lure women to the forum is slowly taking form in my head.
What we need is... NUDITY! :eek:

Then again, maybe not.

Come on guys, help me out!
I'm on to something here. :)
Originally posted by Joeyslucky22
what do i think?

Well i think we're mostly guys in here....

and i hope most of us are straight.....

but in a honest man's opinion...

In a straight way...

1-10 you get a 5 cause you're a guy.. and im a guy.. and we're straight.. hopefuly

and dont rate me.. its just a pic of me


u teh secksy!! :LOL:

hehe j/k but in all seriousness.. take it easy on the chix aight? u will give em a heart attack :p
You look like a normal guy, i dont know what you expect people to say.
Hey quinny, you played ffx yet?
you're not hot (to me at least :D), but youre not really ugly either

and you dont look too much like a dork. to the untrained eye you look like a normal person.
untrained eye eh? you say you trained your eye to see if other guys are hot or not?
Something that seemed related somehow...

They had a big gay festival in manchester this past week...Its not something i wish to experience again. :(

There was this big tranny who grabbed my friend, spat in his mouth and told him he had aids. Now then, you cant get aids by doing that, but my friend didn't know. So not only did he have some guys spit in his mouth, he also had a very justifiable fear that he may have contracted aids.
guinny you kinda look like that one mexican/hispanic comedian.. with the really high voice lol
16 years old... no wonder you've got that cpu, you've got mommy and daddy to pay for it. Anyway about your pic, you should work out and turn that extra weight into muscles, it's easier for you than a skinny kid. Cheers :)
LOL you look like the mexican dude who works in the pizzeria. I honestly dunno if thats good or bad.
I work out all the time. Infact I take weight training in school and I'm pretty strong. But thats mostly because I'm a big fat kid lol.
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
Something that seemed related somehow...

They had a big gay festival in manchester this past week...Its not something i wish to experience again. :(

There was this big tranny who grabbed my friend, spat in his mouth and told him he had aids. Now then, you cant get aids by doing that, but my friend didn't know. So not only did he have some guys spit in his mouth, he also had a very justifiable fear that he may have contracted aids.

Uhh..wtf? May I ask what the hell you guys did to the guy?
you look like alot of my friends... I look fecking wierd wait tell yo usee me lol
Originally posted by Joeyslucky22
what do i think?

Well i think we're mostly guys in here....

and i hope most of us are straight.....

but in a honest man's opinion...

In a straight way...

1-10 you get a 5 cause you're a guy.. and im a guy.. and we're straight.. hopefuly

and dont rate me.. its just a pic of me

-sniff sniff you wreak of homophob-
ure cool and all guinny but ill have to be honest.

You look like a 10 year old fat kid who used to be in the mafia.

BUt i doubt thats you....i really doubt it. I have a feeling.
Your right it isn't. It's a picture of my friend which I took, and posted here to embarress him. I was dying when I read some of the replies.
Awwwwwww, hell. I don't have a pic of me available on my comp, but here's what I'd look like as a Southpark character.

Everyone I've shown it to says its scarily accurate.
Originally posted by ductonius
Awwwwwww, hell. I don't have a pic of me available on my comp, but here's what I'd look like as a Southpark character.

Everyone I've shown it to says its scarily accurate.

Ok guys this would be guinny's friend the one in the pic well to those of you that called me fat I would like to give you a little lesson the only reason why i packed on a few more pounds is because I havn't been able to go into a wieght room for over a year now i play football so it demands that I be in shape and the reason i havn't been able to lift is because I had both of my shoulders reconstructed and i might have to go under the knife a third time next month
yes, well i think he looks like a normal guy, a few pounds dont hurt, makes you harder to stop id think.
all of us said good things bout u so dont worry ;) we are all gonna come over and give ya a hug
meh, not that anybody cares, but this is me:

i'm 15, ppl always think i'm younger though