rate that avatar thread

Absinthe said:
lol that's a bunny? I thought it was a pink donkey at a funny angle, and his nose was cut off by at the bottom.
I get how you could see that...
I think I win most confuzlling avatar award.
That is pure pwnage. It would be better if it had more patter and synchronization to it...like the dots were dancing instead of being random.
^ Pink pirate bunny tongue?

< Crappy, but never changed it.
^ Mysterious and slightly unnerving.

< Awshens.
^^It's like jnightshade's, but not on fire, or diseased. I give it a 4.
^ boring and stolen, 2.
It's a ****ing jackass like Absinthe has said!
^Gives me a strange feeling, like I am (no joke) literally being watched.....I'm on to you G. 6/ 10 though, because I just like it.
Mine is better, as Que said.
^what... the... f/ck. Those poor fruits.
8/10 because it has a gitty-textured feel to it which I like and I also like the name Glirk Dient and so it's all good :)
100000/10 for the 'Phex

Your eye always gives me an uncomfortable feeling when I look at it. I'm serious.
TheSomeone said:
^Spinning is heretic. 666/10
But it's not spinning, it's pendulum-ing :(

I did it do see what kind of response I'd get from hetairians... Nothing yet ;(

But I keep it because Absinthe likes the Phex and so do I. I should take out the motion though...

Edit: LOL as I predicted the future. There it is again :) I feel so fanboy-ish but I don't care, Absinthe is cool :)
I didn't realize so many people were wierded out by my avatar (3 now)... I wonder how it affects the way people pereceive me.
I looked up "eye" on google. And since I know most people reckognize others by their avatars, decided to stick with it no matter what.
^ the eye reminds me of big brother from both the show and the book.
For the record, my avatar is actually my own eye, SEVERELY distorted by Photoshop.
EDIT: hey milk, is that the cover of a Strokes album? thought so!
If it wasn't, you might want to take a moment away from your monitor.

Goddamn it. People stop posting so much.

To Shammy, I <3 Will.
^looks like the guy off kung-pow 1000/10.
kung-pow is the best.
Oh, for sure my avatar is worth 1000/10 but you rated it 1000/10 for the wrong reason.


10/10 because your avatar matches your username which is SO ****ING EXTREME!
Garble? im sorry but I'm not accustomed to your savvy language.