Rate the last game you played

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Mirror's edge 7/10

Finished it now and I have quickly gotten from slightly miffed from my last post to VERY disappointed and is my biggest disappointment of the year here (considering this was the one game I was looking forward to the most out of everything). I mentioned before the poor combat coupled with the all to often enemy encounters, the complex jumps, the feeling of being lost all too often and these aspects got much worse as I continued.

I found myself incredibly infuriated at the game as I kept repeating the same bits over and over again at LEAST 10 times on easy mode whereas my brother was sitting next to me calmer than me albeit still mad at veteran mode on COD 5.

The story was quite detatched and it didn't bother me at first because I kind of thought as this was played from faith's perspective then the idea of storytelling was as well. It was clear that faith knew some things already that the player didn't and it left me a little in the dark but it was overall okay because this game was largely about the gameplay anyway but by about the 2nd last level they just don't give a **** anymore.

Four main gripes:

1) The
Project icarus
thing was anticlimactic and not handled very well.
2) The plot twist was INCREDIBLY obvious I guessed it around level 5 and it was revealed on level 8.
3) The ending provided NO RESOLUTION AT ALL! It was rushed, provided no closure and tried feebly to set up a sequel but the biggest thing that got was nothing seemed to be achieved and other things that should have been answered straight away where not. When thinking back on the plot I though what did I accomplish? Seemingly nothing.
4) Alot of the characters are underdeveloped leaving their motivations completely up in the air when it comes to piecing the plot together.

But all in all it is still quite enjoyable when the set pieces come together it flows very very well. But if you want to play it either rent it or pick it up when it is cheaper as it is criminally short. Trust me it really is about 6 hours long. Now i am regretting the fact that I didn't buy fallout 3.
Call of Duty: World at War - 8/10

Just completed it, rather drained after it but I was determined to sit there until it was done. Overall an enjoyable experience, some really cool touches, like limbs being blown off from explosions and the realistic deaths from cod 4, love the flamethrower, bayoneting people as well as the banzai charges. Loved the sniper mission although nowhere near as good as the CoD 4 sniper mission.

But the tank mission, although not as shocking as CoD 3's tank mission, was still bad, considering the main turret was more like a machine gun with the rate it was firing shells. The weapon sounds were awful, and jesus ****ing christ does the enemy likes to throw grenades at you. And I felt like they sort of over did it with a lot of atmosphere, because I felt less immersed as I did with CoD 4 and
the certain main character deaths didnt have that much of an effect on me as when your buddies are killed at the end of CoD 4.

But a good game, huge improvement on CoD 3 anyway. Multiplayer is a lot of fun. But CoD 4 still miles ahead of it in almost all departments.
Crysis: 6/10

Sporadic fun during the jungle/Korean shootouts, but any sequence involving the Independence Day Welcome to Earth" Aliens made me cry. The final level in particular -- and the spacecraft level -- were inappropriately dire. And, for the record, the storyline, dialogue and characters sucked ferocious monkey balls and it applied cliche, after cliche, after cliche.

But hey it looked nice.
Red Alert 3 - 4/10

The game is very very boring, and when big battles begin to wage, it's VERY difficult to depict what is going on. Story is pretty silly also. "Let's go shake Einsteins hand and he evaporates! YAY, now Russia is awesome!"

Eh, not work the price tag.
Silent Hill: Homecoming - 9.0

Great looking environments and an interesting plot. Combat is pretty good but can get on your nerves after a while and the flashlight seems less useful than in previous Silent Hill games.

I also liked:
How it turns out Alex was never actually in the army, but was instead in a psych hospital

I'm not a big Silent Hill player so I probably didn't really notice the things that long term fans didn't like.
Story is pretty silly also. "Let's go shake Einsteins hand and he evaporates! YAY, now Russia is awesome!"
The story in Red Alert 3 hit me with so much glorious stupid that I've barely considered buying it, but I don't know... I'd find it hard to hold that against it if I'd actually forked over money for it. For starters, that's what the Red Alert story has always been, but then it wears it CCCP-labeled underpants on its head all over the promotional material... Hasselhoff in the adverts, Commie Hotpants and Soviet Bears on the cover. Frankly, I'm surprised they didn't just whack a Yakov Smirnoff joke on there as a subtitle.

Actually, it's less the story that puts me off, than the thought that whilst older Red Alerts were all about horrible acting by virtual nobodies, you've got some fairly respectable actors making fools of themselves for a little extra cash, and lots of silly eye-candy tarts playing dominatrix for spare change.
Eets - 8/10

This is obviously in relation to it's price tag (during the weekend deal $2.49). It's a simple, fun, and most of all cute concept. You never really feel stuck with the puzzles, as you can always begin to work on something else, and they aren't that hard. Best enjoyed with Christmas cookies.
Eets - 8/10

This is obviously in relation to it's price tag (during the weekend deal $2.49). It's a simple, fun, and most of all cute concept. You never really feel stuck with the puzzles, as you can always begin to work on something else, and they aren't that hard. Best enjoyed with Christmas cookies.
The Darkness - 9/10

Gripping story and characters that I grew attached to. The gunplay is fairly standard and it seemed like they could have done more with the powers and Darklings.
Left 4 Dead Demo 10/10

Magnificently fun. I have never recieved so much varied fun or so many incredible thrills from one demo. It's a long way till Christmas.
Half-Life 2 (for the first time) 9.9/10

C'mon, the first time is almost always magical for everyone, the end is so action packed. I cried like a little baby! Well, not really but almost. Only little thing I didn't like was the boring airboat parts...zzz.
Half-Life 2 (for the first time) 9.9/10

C'mon, the first time is almost always magical for everyone, the end is so action packed. I cried like a little baby! Well, not really but almost. Only little thing I didn't like was the boring airboat parts...zzz.

I still remember the feeling off total unadulterated awe the first time I stepped off the train. That game was magical the first time through.
Hah, I remember thinking it was the most amazing thing that I could pick up garbage and throw it, I was going nuts to my brother "HOLY SHIT YOU CAN PICK SHIT UP AND THROW IT, COME AND SEE THIS". (at that point I wasn't really a big gamer, HL2 pretty much made me into a gamer)


Morrowind - 10/10

Still the second best game ever (after SS2).

Saint's Row 2 (I think I reviewed this alreay, but **** it, I'm not wading through pages to see) - 8/10

Saint's Row 1 but better, the only thing I didn't like is that they made all the cars handle all arcadey... The don't slide, they turn on a dime when going 90.. It kind of sucks to drive. Don't quote me on this, but I think if you do a burnout for a certain period of time your tires get bald and your car slides around more realistically.. Maybe it's just in my head.
Far Cry 2 - 7/10
It was over-hyped and it suffered from that. People got dissapointed, and me too at the beginning. But it gets a bit better on the second map, and combat is fun. Overall its not that bad.

Fallout 3 - 6/10
Perhaps its a fantastic game, however i didn't get into it. It focus a lot on combate, but the combat is rubbish, several headshots to kill a mutant... i know its supposed to be an RPG but i guess it not my kind of game. It stutter like hell and i had several glitches and bugs.
I still remember the feeling off total unadulterated awe the first time I stepped off the train. That game was magical the first time through.

Agreed, the first play through was for me a defining moment in my gaming history, truly breathtaking throughout.
Oblivion 7/10

After about half way through the main quest i got bored, then again this is coming from someone who can't stant WoW for more than about 6 days then i need a two month break.
I still remember the feeling off total unadulterated awe the first time I stepped off the train. That game was magical the first time through.

That probably couldve been my greatest gaming moment...

Or atleast competing big time with something from WoW...
Mirrors Edge - 7/10

The parkour mechanics are done pretty well. Its just a shame that the actual gameplay doesn't take full of advantage of it like Prince of Persia: Sands of Time did. Just when the parkour begin getting really fun and interesting, the game degenerates into an average, frustrating shoot-em-up. And the end boss was lame as anything.

Left 4 Dead - 9/10

****ing ace. It could use maybe 2 more campaigns and versus mode on all campaigns, but with whats there its ridiculously replayable and Versus mode is such a kickass game mode that i dont think i'll play any other multiplayer game for a while.
just dug up the original splinter cell. never did get the hang of the whole stealth thing really. 5/10
Call Of Duty: World At War - 6/10

Beat it in a 5 hour sitting. Not really impressed the least bit, but holy ****ing shit NAZI ZOMBIE HORDE SURVIVAL COOP GAME MODE.
Tomb Raider Underworld 8/10

Much better than Legend, but shorter, less polished and less charismatic than Anniversary. The story is a big disapointment, but the adventure and exploration is there. Its a game for TR fans, the others will not get into it.
Left 4 Dead - 9/10

****ing ace. It could use maybe 2 more campaigns and versus mode on all campaigns, but with whats there its ridiculously replayable and Versus mode is such a kickass game mode that i dont think i'll play any other multiplayer game for a while.

I expect the other campaigns to feature versus in a month or so here. The options are there when you pick which campaign to play, they are just greyed out. Leads me to believe that Valve had some problems and decided to scrap them from the game for the moment.
Left for dead: 9/10

Loses a point for having the 4 in the title.
He knows what it means. It just seems so stupid.

Far Cry 2 - 7/10

Holy **** I love bus stations.
Darwinia - 9/10

I know it's old but I finally bought it... found it at a Half Price Books for $5.00, which turned into $2.50 with a coupon I had. One of the best deals I've ever gotten (next to the old Half-Life Anthology for $5).

The game itself is really fun.
Kingdom For Keflings (hey don't judge) - 5/10

Starts out quite fun in a why-is-this-addicting kind of way but degenerates into a horrible grind about 1/2 way through. WHO THOUGHT THIS MUCH RESOURCE GATHERING/MANAGEMENT WOULD BE FUN?!

Oni - 7/10

Watched Appleseed Ex Machina and had a huge urge to replay this, so I dug it out and gave it another go. Still holds up pretty well in a few ways, and still totally warrants an updated sequel (come on Bungie, quit sucking the Halo cock!), but it hasn't aged very gracefully and the controls are a bit more clunky than I remember.
L4D: 8/10

Great game, however it was let down by:
- Only 4 Campaigns
- Only 2 Campaigns playable in Versus
- Average bot AI.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky - 4.5/10

Started out great, I had high hopes for the whole game but maybe some parts should be more scripted? The game became impossible to complete because a snork attack kept killing a main character no matter how many times I replayed the section. Otherwise it would have gotten an 8.
Half-Life 2: Episode One 8/10 Whoa, this is taking way less time than I thought it would. 2:21:10
Wind Waker: 7.5/10

Not the best Zelda ever, but I still enjoyed it. If you've played one Zelda though, you've played them all as they all are basically pretty much the same game. The treasure hunting gimmick got old pretty fast for me though. So I just sticked to the main story and only did some treasure hunting for the triforce pieces that was required for the story.
Psychonauts - 9.8/10 (I don't give 10s)

Replaying this I realised how many hours you need to complete the game. Still, could well be the greatest game ever made.
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