Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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I thought Hancock was shit as well, I gave it a 5/10 the other time. The plot twist is bullshit.
In Bruges.


****ing great. I had an awesome post about this before and then Chrome crashed.

This movie is excellent, you should see it.
Yes you.
Yes Man: 6/10

I was conned into going to this with my friends. It was predictable, corny and I didn't laugh much; but for some reason I enjoyed myself, probably because I related much to the protagonist.
Ghost Town - fantastic

Gervais was kickass as expected and delivered most of the laughs. But god dammed I love tea Leoni's
character, that would be the kind of women I would want to marry. But the thing is I remember feeling that
before about other female characters in movies, but I can't remember which.
Approximately 30 minutes of "Surviving Christmas" - :angry:/10

I think this movie was expressly designed to make people hate Ben Affleck. More.
Fun with Dick and Jane - somewhat nice

The first attempts at a robbery were hilarious + Tea Leoni but meh for the rest.
[To Robert] It's kinda impossible to not watch that movie around Christmas time.

The Nines: 6/10

Ryan Reynolds was dreadfully miscast for this movie. The plot was confusing for me (and everyone else watching it) and when it was explained at the end, it was just dumb.
Spiderman 3
Oh lord, the only thing worse than the script is the fact that Parker's hair goes emo when he put on the black suit and the only thing worse than that is when he comes back in his regular sit running in front of the American flag *insert eagle crying*
"Spiderman sux lol"
"Yeah lol"
"hey instead of saving your daughter's life lets go kill spiderman lol"
"good idea lol"

"peter you threw a grenade at me ;("
"yeah but MJ's like, in trouble"
"oh shit we gotta go save her we're friends again"
"totally like yeah"

"peter the guy who killed your dad didn't kill your dad and so your entire motivation for becoming spiderman is gone and the guy who killed your dad is made of sand."
The Dark Knight 9.5/10

Honestly, it's just awesome as shit.
The Dark Knight - 10/10

Been waiting a long time for my DVD of this and finally I have it, and even better the second time watching it!
The Dark Knight again - 8.5/10 (think I gave it a 9 or 10 last time)

Third and fourth time through the cracks start showing. It's an immensely well-done movie, easily the best superhero film I've seen, but there are moments where the polish is a bit thin, or the acting is a little off-key (some of the small parts are kind of awful at times), or certain plot elements seem a little bit contrived. But it's still Batman and it still kicks ass, so for the most part they're overlookable (assuming that's even a word).

This has to be up there as one of my favourite film scores, though. Especially these (edit: ****ing embedding):


Yeah, I feel you. After the fifth viewing a couple days ago, the awesomeness starts to wear thin. On most movies, this happens, but not for me on movies that are absolutely terrific. I'd still rate it a 7.5/10; it's still good by any means, but it's definitely not 94% on Rotten Tomatoes and fourth best movie on IMDB.

About A Boy: 9/10
Even on the sixth or seventh viewing, the movie is still charming, funny and somewhat magical.
Lawrence of Arabia-10/10-It is not possible for even me, me, to put down in words how magnificent this film was.
44 Minutes: The North Hollywood Shoot-Out (watched about 25 minutes of it; it's 103min) - 3/10

Was on TV a few days ago. Was boring and annoying. I'm surprised it was based on real events. It sure takes balls for two guys to stand in front of the bank, facing lots of cops, and spray their AKs for a few minutes. I know handguns aren't accurate and the robbers had bulletproof vests, but surely someone would've scored a lucky headshot/legshot EVENTUALLY? Shit, I don't even know if I'm mad at the movie or at how damn improbable the situation seems.

Anyway the few minutes of boring AK spraying was even longer because of the overused slo-mo. And we had to hear the same stuff from news reports over and over again, because the movie tried to be a mix of action movie/documentary.

Michael Madsen didn't save it unfortunately.
Yeah, I feel you. After the fifth viewing a couple days ago, the awesomeness starts to wear thin. On most movies, this happens, but not for me on movies that are absolutely terrific. I'd still rate it a 7.5/10; it's still good by any means, but it's definitely not 94% on Rotten Tomatoes and fourth best movie on IMDB.

About A Boy: 9/10
Even on the sixth or seventh viewing, the movie is still charming, funny and somewhat magical.

I could take the Dark Knight criticism more seriously if you didn't give About a Boy 9/10 straight after! ;)

Outlaw - complete and utter shite/10

Happy Feet - christmas day/10

Baraka - eye bleedingly beautiful/10
Hellboy 2 - 9/10. Was better than I thought it would've been. Hugs to Abe at the end!
Rififi 10/10

B&W French Film Noir all about an aging thief who plots with some pals to rob an exclusive Jewellers. Excellent stuff, really well done and quite gripping.

The Sword of Doom 9/10

Japanese Samurai film again B&W from the 60s, about a cruel and sadistic swordsman. The film has a rather odd ending (apparently the money for the sequel never came through), but it's smartly done and the main character is utterly menacing.
hellboy- 5/10 bleck
hellboy 2- 7.5/10 better
indie 4- 6/10 I liked some of the settings a lot... the greaser/jock fight still makes me laugh
the dark knight- 7.5/10 getting bored of it
somethign else, I forgot what- ?/10
44 Minutes: The North Hollywood Shoot-Out (watched about 25 minutes of it; it's 103min) - 3/10

Was on TV a few days ago. Was boring and annoying. I'm surprised it was based on real events. It sure takes balls for two guys to stand in front of the bank, facing lots of cops, and spray their AKs for a few minutes. I know handguns aren't accurate and the robbers had bulletproof vests, but surely someone would've scored a lucky headshot/legshot EVENTUALLY? Shit, I don't even know if I'm mad at the movie or at how damn improbable the situation seems.

Anyway the few minutes of boring AK spraying was even longer because of the overused slo-mo. And we had to hear the same stuff from news reports over and over again, because the movie tried to be a mix of action movie/documentary.

Michael Madsen didn't save it unfortunately.

they were hit muliple times but they were wearing full body armor.
only later on one of the guys ate his own gun,the otherwas shot in the leg by a AR15
What did you think about number one?

I though that was really good. I loved he clockwork guy (typical Toro, that!) but it was a little disturbing when you saw him without his mask!

Anyway, last film I saw: My Neighbour Totoro - 8/10. Very cute, definitely one for the kids but me being me I would've liked more adventure in the film, especially as it's a Miyazaki film. Still good though, and I love Totoro and two little friends! The music was also very good; another fantastic score by Joe Hisaishi.
Gran Torino - 9/10

I really loved this movie. Clint Eastwood is great. He didn't snap any necks like Seagal though.
A.I. - 7/10

I'm a sucker for these kinda things what can I say. Seeing how the robot reacted to his various relationships was pretty interesting. The flesh fair was an awesome idea and the neo-vegas sort of city was cool as well. As much as I like aliens I thought the ending was a bit over the top. It felt like the movie should have ended with him at the bottom of the ocean.
JFry how dare you! A.I. was a masterpiece!

I liked it don't get me wrong I mostly just took issue with the ending. Besides that tho they never seemed to answer the answer posed early in the movie about whether a human can love a robot. Also why didn't the inventor guy go in the ocean after his robot? He obviously could have gotten him back without too much trouble.
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