Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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The Man from Earth
Starts by giving you the impression that it's a crappy hallmark-like "made for TV" thing, which it pretty much is, except it's actually one of the most thought-provoking and suspenseful films I've seen. Which is very impressive, considering the entire film consists of 5-6 people talking in a living room with a guy who claims he's been living for 14,000 years. Extremely believable, which feels kinda odd in retrospect.

Pineapple Express
It's no Half Baked, but it's funny as hell.

Iron Man
Much better than I expected, more realism and attitude than the rest of the superhero flicks out there.

I agree with all your reviews. the man from earth was very original and is well worth the rental. the other 2 movies are worth buying. also whats cool with both iron man and pineapple is that if you get the bluray versions they give you the digital copies too
Mum, Heroin, and Me - Sad/10

Not a film but a documentary from Channel 4. Was really upsetting.
Traitor 8.2/10

Not a bad flick about jihad, Muslims and bombs. It was much different than I was expecting
The Wrestler: 9.5/10

I finally got to see this movie, and, yeah, it lived up to the hype. Rourke was fantastic and is totally deserving of the Globe and Oscar, and Marisa Tomei was great as well, though I'm not sure if she will win the Oscar. If she does, I might laugh because she was naked for half of the film. I wish the relationship between Rourke's and Tomei's characters were more fleshed out, at least for the ending's sake. It's an emotional film without trying to be (maybe a little, but it is not manipulative with its tearjerky moments).
The Wrestler: 9.5/10

I finally got to see this movie, and, yeah, it lived up to the hype. Rourke was fantastic and is totally deserving of the Globe and Oscar, and Marisa Tomei was great as well, though I'm not sure if she will win the Oscar. If she does, I might laugh because she was naked for half of the film. I wish the relationship between Rourke's and Tomei's characters were more fleshed out, at least for the ending's sake. It's an emotional film without trying to be (maybe a little, but it is not manipulative with its tearjerky moments).

I didn't get to watch the ending, what happened?

Jet Li kicks butt in a pretty typical "Egotistic fighter wins everything, loses everything, rises again to fight with virtue and respect" martial arts flick, but the early 1900's setting makes it non-typical. He's out to win the world, fights and wins numerous stage battles in his hometown, but his hatred for his opponents gets the better of him and he becomes a terrible wreck. He learns buddhism, which the movie explains is an ancient religion of stopping whatever it is you do whenever the wind breezes to feel it, sort of falls in love with a blind chick, and returns to fight with, uh, virtue and respect.

The film has a lot of heart, and you get to see several sides of Jet Li's character (who's daft Chinese name I can't remember for the life of me). I think his character flaws, short stature and informal language adds to the believability and originality of the film.

It's full of intense Wire-Fu fighting you'd come to expect from a native chinese martial arts flick, but intersperses that with stories of the main character and of his Chinese townspeople in the time when the entire world was becoming westernized.

The fights are pretty unconventional. It's a little bit surprising how a tiny chinese guy was allowed to fight a huge all-american strongman, and all the odd sword- and stickfights our hero throws himself into feel abit odd (without any bloodshed or deaths in the arena, which doesn't sound all that true to history), especially when you don't get to see Jet Li ever practice doing anything except punching air.

All in all, the strength of the story and it's emotional qualities pulled me in and the intensity towards the end really moved me. The fights are just icing on the cake.
I expected The One, but got an excellent blend of Hero and what The Last Samurai would have been without Tom Cruise. Well worth the watch.
An Inconvenient Truth= Got to say one of the best Documentary ive seen 10/10

Lord of The Ring trilogy no movies can beat this masterpiece!!!
The Knights Templar (made for TV movie on ABC): 8/10. It was actually an alright movie for being a "made for tv movie." The acting was OK but some of the parts were total BS. The main male character somehow got cellphone reception in the middle of a Turkish desert.
Burn After Reading- 7.5/10
Some- Actually, most people said it was a really stupid movie, but I disagree. I thought it was rather funny, and there's not much else I can say about it. It was good, but not good enough to be award-winning.
It made me laugh and it made me sad inside, two emotions I feel very rarely.

Yes, laughter is an emotion.
I heard BAR was pretty good and funny from pretty much everybody. I need to rent it.
The Man from Earth
Starts by giving you the impression that it's a crappy hallmark-like "made for TV" thing, which it pretty much is, except it's actually one of the most thought-provoking and suspenseful films I've seen. Which is very impressive, considering the entire film consists of 5-6 people talking in a living room with a guy who claims he's been living for 14,000 years. Extremely believable, which feels kinda odd in retrospect.

I watched this on a whim on Netflix when I was bored one night, and I was very surprised at how good it was. It's sort of like watching a book in that you have to use your imagination to get the real setting. It's one of those movie that, after it is over, you have to pause and reflect for a minute to take it all in.
The Office Season 3

Awesome show, some episodes were meh...but overall it made me laugh a lot. this show has so many surprises and they usually just squeak them in at the end of the episode but still.....i can't wait to finish catching up with season 4 and 5.
The Wrestler - 0/10...

Jesus Christ, I thought all movies were meant to be entertaining? This was like watching paint dry.
W... w... what?

I should've watched a trailer or something first.

You see a movie titled "The Wrestler" and you go in expecting neck snapping, back breaking, ball crushing, chair over the head smashing action and you get some biographical garbage that really only people who can tolerate 'artsy fartsy' movies will enjoy.
The Wrestler is absolutely great, and it should be enjoyable not merely to 'artsy fartsy' audiences but to anyone with a little patience and human feeling. Nice job slamming a film for not being what you expected it to be, which (in film) can be a pleasant surprise rather than a deal-breaker for reasonable people.

Also it had some pretty great fight sequences?


This film is pretty darn good. One of the main problems is me - I wasn't alive at the time, and I didn't know enough about Watergate to be strongly anti-Nixon in any way other than just being like 'Man Nixon was a dick, way to bug the other party'.

However, it did a very good job of explaining it all and making me care. Some parts of the movie had that formulaic documentary feel, which was a bit twee, but mostly, rather than being incredibly intense, it was just very interesting.

At the end I did start feeling a bit sorry for Nixon - he was just a sad old man being made more sad by some Limey bastard.
Milk 8/10

Really good movie and really quite emotional. I was starting to tear up a little at the end but then again I am a bit of a sap :P
I had sex with my sister - 8/10

I can relate in so many ways.........
Quarantine - 8.75/10

I really enjoyed this after not really expecting much from it. I've never seen REC so I had no expectations of how the film should be shot or lit like so many people who hate it, end enjoyed the tense claustrophobic atmosphere the film instills.

Would have got a 9/10 if it wasn't for
the end.
Surpisingly enough I've heard from others that Quarantine is actually pretty good. It just seems superfluous.

I honestly can't give a rating because this film is just plain unusual. I understand some of the stuff it's trying to point out, but it's just so WEIRD. And why the crap is it called Brazil?
Sex Drive - 8/10

Very decent comedy flick, some moments of hilarity, lead girl is hot.
revolutionary road 8/10

really good film (not as good as american beauty though I think) and I don't generally like leonardo dicaprio but he was great in this film. Kate winslet is a shoe in for the oscars with this I think. Pretty depressing movie too :(
Sex Drive - 9.5/10

It was a hilarious movie throughout. Superbad has nothing on this. It was such a great movie that's all I know.
Sex and the City teh moviez...

Girlfriend wanted to see it and I must say this is the worst movie I have EVER seen. And I really mean the worst. Actually you can't even call it a movie. It's a ****ing 2h long clothing comercial with barbies... I want 2h of my life back please!! :D

I honestly can't give a rating because this film is just plain unusual. I understand some of the stuff it's trying to point out, but it's just so WEIRD. And why the crap is it called Brazil?

Best goddam film in the world.

I still have There Will Be Blood to watch from Christmas. I really want to watch it, I just never get around to sitting down to it. I'll say tonight, then something will come up. Usually L4D.
8mm - 8/10...
Disturbing and yet I couldn't stop watching.

The River - 8.5/10...
Great, one of Mel Gibson's better performances.

The Dark Knight - 8.5/10...
Rating went up again, Bale's gruff Batman voice really doesn't sound that bad and doesn't detract from the movie itself.
Can't wait for a special collector's edition/director's cut/etc.
High Tension - HAHAHAHA/10

I was sitting on the computer as my brother and dad watched this across the room, it was so hilariously bad having known the plot twist in advance. IT MAKES NO ****ING SENSE.

The killer - who appears to be a filthy, overweight, male trucker for the majority of the movie - was actually the ordinary-looking, slender female protagonist... or her alter-ego... or something. This despite the fact that she's shown running from the "killer" at more than one point, talks to someone in the back of his truck WHILE HE'S DRIVING IT, and has her car run off the road by "him" at the end. Then she bashes his face in with a barbed wire club, and when he "re-emerges" as her alter-ego at the end, he still has the scars from it. WHAT?!
So so so bad. Without that little detail thrown in it would have been a decent 70s style slasher, but NO IT IS A QUIRKY FOREIGN HORROR FILM AND HEY I'M THE DUDE WHO MADE REC SO **** YOU ANYWAY.

Edit: Actually, no he's not. Hmm, I have been lied to.

Whatever, shit still sucks.

3/10 - What the f*ck did I just see? It definitely left an impression... But not a good one. That movie was f*cked.
I have no clue if we do TV shows here but the latest Battlestar Galactica was Epic! It left on a cliffhanger too but the show is so crazy right now
The Wrestler 5/10

What a waste of time, kept expecting something to actually happen, nothing did, then it ended.
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