Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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I really didn't like Quarantine. Or Cloverfield. Really, the only good movie with the hand held camera, "found footage" technique is The Blair Witch Project.

Garden State: 6.5/10

I don't see what the big fuss is about :(

Get out.

Silent Hill - 7.5/10...
Managed to creep me out, thought it was a decent horror movie.
Good thing I never played the games or anything.

Absolute Power - 8/10...
Clint Eastwood was great as usual.

Fellowship of the Ring - 9/10...
Fantastic, I love these movies.

The Two Towers - 9/10...

Return of the King - 8/10...
Overly long ending gets 1 point knocked off.
And Jesus, Frodo and Sam were like seconds from ****ing eachother in this. D:
RocknRolla - 8/10 Classic Guy Ritchie movie ****ing hilarious.
Taken 9/10

****ing awesome! Jack Bauer would be Liam Neesons best friend if they were to get together for drinks. I was shocked at how amazing the action was in this movie. Its like the movie Ransom on Speed
Never back Down - 7.5/10 a fighters movie..
Taken 9/10

****ing awesome! Jack Bauer would be Liam Neesons best friend if they were to get together for drinks. I was shocked at how amazing the action was in this movie. Its like the movie Ransom on Speed

My god that film was brutal.
The day the Earth stood still (2008) - 5/10

uhh where to start...

- 1 point for being overall boring
- 1 point for the cardboard characters which I couldn't care less about
- 2 points for "O hai we're green peace aliens from outer space, be nice to the environment or we kill you" :rolleyes:
- 1 point for the various facepalm moments: controlling helicopters through the targeting lasers; shooting the alien on first sight without any reason; etc.
The Deer Hunter Bored/10

I rented this because its apparently a classic film, one of those major films like err Pulp Fiction, Cassablanca, Shawshank, ones I hadnt seen until recently...jesus thats 3 hours of my life ill never get back.
Bloody philistine! :rolleyes:

I weep for the Playstation generation.
I dunno...like the first hour alone felt like something Hallmark would release, something my mum would watch while ironing.

It didnt capture my attention at all.
Bolt - 8/10

Five of those points are for the Hampster.
The hamster was definitely the funniest thing in the film, the stealth sketch killed me.
Doom is great movie!!!

Sarcasm or no sarcasm? If no sarcasm then (and I'll probably verbally get the shit beaten out of me for admitting this) I agree; if sarcasm then you suck (lol)! But I'm thinking it's most likely the former.
Charley Bartlett 8/10

good solid movie, made me want to redo high school. also it was unpredictable which is always a plus. it wasn't really funny but more heartwarming and relaxing.
There's Something About Mary 9/10

Glad I finally sat down and watched this all the way through. Many good laughs to be had.
Let the Right One In- 9.7/10

Really good. For once a movie has a nice ending.
Sex Drive - 7.5/10

pretty damn hilarious if you ask me
Seth Green is too funny as the sarcastic Amish guy
and James Marsden was surprisingly good as Ian's brother lol
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor - 7/10...

It was fun... felt way too flashy though.
Needed the original chick that played Evey back too.
The day the earth stood still(2008) - 7/10
I don't understand why everyone hates this movie so much. Some of the special effects were a bit out there and the characters could have been better (could have been worse as well). However I think the overall message of the movie was somewhat unique and thought-provoking. Also I thought some of scenes were pretty good like the surgery/lie detector test early on and the "locust" storm.
However I think the overall message of the movie was somewhat unique and thought-provoking.

The only thing the "message" of the movie managed to do is piss me off.
"it's not your planet" Oh, really? We evolved here last time I checked.
We can't let you evil humans destroy Earth bla bla bla. What the flying **** gives them the right to judge us anyway. And on top of that they admit they were in a similar predicament themselves a long time ago, so their hypocrites too...

Very thought provoking, on one hand their trying to promote saving the planet, and on the other hand they sneak in with every possible opportunity products to advertise...

So yeah **** the message.

Highlander V - wtf/10

I was more of a fan of the TV series rather than the movies, but still WTF was this shit. The story is very simple, but it's told in such a fashion that you never have any idea what the hell is going on, where they are, who they are fighting etc. They go from one unspecified place to another place and along the way fight mobs of people that just want to beat the shit out of them for no apparent reason... :|
To give you an idea of how bad it is the first thing that it reminded me of was the second mortal combat movie.
The Day the Earth Stood Still: 5/10

Pretty boring, pretty predictable, pretty lame ending.
However I think the overall message of the movie was somewhat unique and thought-provoking.

Any message that can be figured out from the trailer isn't all that great.
The only thing the "message" of the movie managed to do is piss me off.
"it's not your planet" Oh, really? We evolved here last time I checked.
We can't let you evil humans destroy Earth bla bla bla. What the flying **** gives them the right to judge us anyway. And on top of that they admit they were in a similar predicament themselves a long time ago, so their hypocrites too...

Very thought provoking, on one hand their trying to promote saving the planet, and on the other hand they sneak in with every possible opportunity products to advertise...

So yeah **** the message.

I hated this movie as well, and when I vocalized my opinion my family members proceeded to lecture me on how closed minded I am. I already knew our natural resources are running out. I wanted to go see a movie to forget about how sad life is, but instead, I got it thrown up in my face for 2 hours straight. ****ing hated it.
The only thing the "message" of the movie managed to do is piss me off.
"it's not your planet" Oh, really? We evolved here last time I checked.
We can't let you evil humans destroy Earth bla bla bla. What the flying **** gives them the right to judge us anyway. And on top of that they admit they were in a similar predicament themselves a long time ago, so their hypocrites too...

Very thought provoking, on one hand their trying to promote saving the planet, and on the other hand they sneak in with every possible opportunity products to advertise...

So yeah **** the message.

Sure we evolved here, but so did all the other plants/animals on earth. What gives us the right to destroy their planet? The whole thing with them being in the same situation in the past is part of what neo struggled with. It WAS hypocritical. I agree the blatant product placement was rather annoying tho.

Corp. Sheepo said:
Any message that can be figured out from the trailer isn't all that great.

I agree you could basically figure out the jist of the movie just from watching the trailer, but I don't neccassarily think that makes the movie bad, more like the trailer was bad heh.

Van_Halen said:
I hated this movie as well, and when I vocalized my opinion my family members proceeded to lecture me on how closed minded I am. I already knew our natural resources are running out. I wanted to go see a movie to forget about how sad life is, but instead, I got it thrown up in my face for 2 hours straight. ****ing hated it.

Fair enough but to me the movie didn't come off as being preachy, it just seemed like the environment stuff was an engine to move the plot.
Curious case of benjamin button 9/10

****ing brilliant. Fan****ingtastic movie. Very thought provoking and emotional, also not anyway near as abusively long as people say it is. I think it was possibly better than slumdog millionaire.
Slumdog Millionaire

Compared to the book - 5/10
As a stand-alone film 8/10.

Ehhhh I dunno. I kinda got over the whole 'India's terrible but also so cool' thing some time ago, and so the movie didn't really make much impact on me. However the cinematography was excellent.

The Godfather - 8/10

I was very tired, so everyone turned into a generic Italian and I didn't really know what was going on which was stupid of me.
Sure we evolved here, but so did all the other plants/animals on earth. What gives us the right to destroy their planet? The whole thing with them being in the same situation in the past is part of what neo struggled with. It WAS hypocritical. I agree the blatant product placement was rather annoying tho.

I agree you could basically figure out the jist of the movie just from watching the trailer, but I don't neccassarily think that makes the movie bad, more like the trailer was bad heh.

Fair enough but to me the movie didn't come off as being preachy, it just seemed like the environment stuff was an engine to move the plot.

So basically there stopping us from destroying the world by....... threatening to destroy the world.That makes no sense what so ever.
No by destroying the humans. That was the point of the big globes with the animals in them. After humanity was wiped out the animals would be returned to begin anew.
It's OK the aliens will die of the common cold. And if that fails we still have this:

March of the Penguins 8/10

Not a bad documentary at all...and who couldn't refuse Morgan Freeman's beautiful and charming voice?? It makes me appreciate one of my favorite animals even more.
I just watched old boy and I gotta say 10/10. You have to see this movie its unbelievable.
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