Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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I just saw Shanhai Knights. They had to save some damn princess. Per-se
Last movie I saw that I'd bother giving a plug was In Bruges. As I told a friend, it's a pretty good movie but it's really well done.
Idiocracy - 8/10

I always see this one on the shelves and always pass it by. But last Saturday, a few friends of mine and myself picked it up and it turned out to be incredibly funny.

BASEketball- 9/10

I've always loved this movie, and always will. Trey Parker and Matt Stone are awesome.

Let's Go To Prison - 8/10

Great movie. Dax Shepard is an awesome actor. He's in Idiocracy as well.
Vozvrashcheniye (Russian, 2003) english - The Return - 9/10

Pretty intense coming of age film, except very Russian. Good characters and cinematography, it's a bit slow and artsy but I enjoyed the hell out of it.
La Haine (French, 1995) english - Hate - 8/10

My friend threw a movie night for this last evening, quite the movie. Vincent Cassel's performance is phenomenal.
Tropic Thunder

Robert downey jr stole the movie, jack black was far less annoying than usual and Ben Stiller was Ben Stiller

tom cruise, **** I hate that guy, and I hated the character he played but damn he played it well. Cruise is best when he plays a self-centered egotistical assholes like in Magnolia or Tropic Thunder ..guess he's just good at playing an asshole which probably doesnt call for too much "acting" on his part
Coraline - 8/10

Good, but some parts were just :|
I saw Coraline a week ago: 8/10

I feel like it depended too much on just weird shit happening to be entertaining. I mean, it was entertaining, but since the focus was on weird shit going on, the plot dragged.
Humboldt County - 7/10. Its a serious stoner movie with some deep moments. Who knew right?
The Day the Earth Stood Still - 6/10...

Well, it was bad but it wasn't the worst movie that I have ever seen.
It was very slow and the plot was just laughable, I mean really... it's like Green Peace wrote the script.
The special effects were great except for Gort, what the **** did they do him?!

Splinter - 7/10...
Fun low budget horror movie with decent acting.
A parasitic black slime that forms splinter sized spikes kills people and shit.
Ken Park - 2/10

Is this a movie or porn? They have shit more explicit in this than in softcore cable porn(which isn't very explicit, but still).

I mean ****ing come on... an entire ****ing full fledged "god will it ever end" scene of auto-erotic asphyxiation with a cumshot and everything?

Where the **** was the god damn plot and story? It was just teen sex scene after teen sex scene... and even some good old "dad on son drunken blowjob" bullshit.

Not to mention the story had nothing to do AT ALL with the title character, who was just used at the beginning and the end for no point whatsoever.

I dare say the average crappy american porno sex scenes make more sense than these ones.
Ken Park, eh? I may have to check this out. I wasn't going to until you mentioned..
"dad on son drunken blowjob"
Ken Park, eh? I may have to check this out. I wasn't going to until you mentioned..
"dad on son drunken blowjob"

Thankfully that part wasn't as lengthy or explicit as the rest. lol

I got interested in the movie when I saw I think it was Krynn post a gif of the "Ken Park" character. I didn't know what I was getting into really.
Raziaar, think that was bad, try watching Shortbus. It's pretty much straight-up gay porn, 3-way circles of guys sucking each others dicks and all kinds of weird shit. Lots of titties though. Not a bad movie aside from the naked man-train (many of them), but it tries as hard as humanly possible to make you uncomfortable while watching it.
Into the Wild - 8.5/10...
Fantastic, finally got it on DVD.
I love the soundtrack.
Have to agree with Into The Wild's soundtrack.

Taken - 10/10

I havent seen a film that kept me this interested in ages. Liam Neeson's best performance in years, he's incredibly dark in this film and a complete badass.

Its like a dark version of The Bourne Identity, with all the awesome hand-to-hand combat in the film. A mix of that whole Harrison Ford's 'gimme back my family' films with Bourne's badass..ness.

Good bits of action, light comedy at the start but keeps you engaged as it doesnt take too long before the films gets good, and a seriously gripping thriller.
Taken 9/10


SO much ****ing awesome and badass stuff crammed into an hour and a half.

I find it shocking that reviewers thought this movie was crap. It's one of the best movies I've seen in recent memory. Watch it NAO! :D
Taken 9/10


SO much ****ing awesome and badass stuff crammed into an hour and a half.

I find it shocking that reviewers thought this movie was crap. It's one of the best movies I've seen in recent memory. Watch it NAO! :D

I think it has a B average for the rating, that's far from crap.

The Bourne Identity - 8.5/10...
Awesome, one of my favorite action movies.

The Bourne Ultimatum - 8.5/10...
Just as good as the first, the shaky cam didn't bother me in the least.

Wish I had the second one. :(
Human Traffic - 7/10

Decently fun movie about british 20somethings doing ecstasy in the 90s, weird as hell though
friday the thirteenth- 6 or 7 out of ten

I went in expecting a horror movie... it was more like a comedy with some "boo" moments.
Punisher Warzone 9/10

Now this is how a punisher film should be, with an uncompromising Frank Castle who doesn't care who dies as as long as they have broken the law, with Stevenson making the best Punisher yet.
Plenty of gore and blood also mean it's not afraid to be like the comics.
With Ray Stevenson saying he'd like to do more, I'm hoping we see more like this.
Lucky Number Slevin - 8/10

Solid movie. Quite surprising and clever.
Wow, those critics are snobby cocksuckers who wouldn't know entertainment if an explosive car chase happened in their house.
Sure, it had a slow start but it was building up the characters so you'd actually care about him finding his kid.

I thought it had a surprisingly quick start, unless I really lost track of the time when I started watching it and when it ended.

But yeah those reviews on Metacrit are bull. If thats the case, no film would get over 80 because its always the same as another movie in ways. Cant believe these people get paid.
Colverfield - 9/10

I finally got around to see it, brilliant. The terror felt by the main characters was brilliantly executed and felt very real.
Starship Troopers - lol/10
How can you possibly give that movie a hundred and one out of ten?

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - 8/10

Brilliantly executed, flawless acting, and the visual effects were very well-done and fairly accurate. -1 for seeming to lose focus about halfway through. But I guess that's one of the points of the story, so...

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - 9/10
It's one point one. He does his periods funny sometimes.
a/k/a Tommy Chong 10/10

Great documentary. Tommy Chong is such a charismatic guy, even just in his aged appearance.
Taken - 4/10

So obviously, that was an incredibly turd film, but it was an incredibly hilarious turd film. Liam Neeson pretty much shit all over Paris, reduced the population by about 25%, sent house prices plummeting and, taking it apart piece by piece, twisted the Eiffel Tower into a giant phallus.

"When do you want it?"


Death Race = 7/10...
Highly entertaining popcorn flick.
Mmmm 'splosions.

Max Payne - 0.1/10
Jesus ****ing Christ this was painful to watch... I couldn't stop yawning.
The shootouts towards the end were the only redeeming part of the movie but not enough to save it from the trash bin.
Taken - 4/10

So obviously, that was an incredibly turd film, but it was an incredibly hilarious turd film. Liam Neeson pretty much shit all over Paris, reduced the population by about 25%, sent house prices plummeting and, taking it apart piece by piece, twisted the Eiffel Tower into a giant phallus.

"When do you want it?"

It's transporter bad, but there's no denying that it's a fun ride as well, and Neeson kicks ass.
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