Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 10/10

There are no words for this.
Kaena - 6/10

Yeah s'alright. CG looks dated as ****.
Role Models - 9/10

I really enjoyed this movie. It was a lot of fun to watch.
Lost in Translation - 6.5/10...
Well, I finally sat down and gave this a serious watch.
It was okay, not as great as everyone says it is... definitely not my type of movie.
Laughed at a few parts, glad to see that Bill Murray still has his stuff.

It just really seemed to drag so it hindered my overall enjoyment.
The music left much to be desired, it was all very dull.

I probably will not be watching this again, one time rental for me.
Give it another chance in a year, the first time I watched LiT, I hated it.
Major Payne - 8/10

Kinda childish behaviour and comedy, more of a family film than anything, but did make me laugh pretty hard in some places.
Yes Man: 8/10

Should I have given it a higher score?



I liked it a lot. Much funnier than I thought it would be. Is his boss Murray from Flight of the Conchords?
Watchmen - ∞/10

Just got back from watching Watchmen, it's the coming of ****ing god! Absolutely phenomenal!
watchmen 9/10

****ing awesome!!

franklyn 7.5/10

weird, strange but very clever at the same time.
Master and Commander - 9/10

always heard this was a boring not that great movie but holy god i thought it was awesome
Master and Commander - 9/10

always heard this was a boring not that great movie but holy god i thought it was awesome

Whoever said that was a boring film needs a slap.
Master and Commander - 9/10

always heard this was a boring not that great movie but holy god i thought it was awesome

I heard the same too, but I'm glad I watched it. Loved it also!
I got Master and Caommander on video ages ago and never watched it.

I might watch it over the weekend if i get chance

Thanks for reminding me guys
Watchmen - 9/10

Music choice was... questionable, however the entire movie really rocked. Acting was superb and discovering the characters was a thrill.

"None of you understand. I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked up in here with me!"
I got Master and Caommander on video ages ago and never watched it.

I might watch it over the weekend if i get chance

Thanks for reminding me guys

Awesome movie, great naval battles in it.
It can be a little slow but it wasn't enough to bother me.

Good Morning Vietnam - 8.5/10...
Hilarious, one of Robin William's best performances.
Bear with me.

The Lion King - 10/10

Was forced to watch this whilst baby sitting my nephew earlier, popcorn and a duvet.

I was really reluctant, but damn it this film just captured me AGAIN. Havent seen it in like 10 years. A timeless classic.
I was gonna say have i not lived.

It's never been on TV as far as i know when i have been watching it (which is alot). and i dont have it on DVD or Video. I told a couple of mates once and practically got assualted(you could say deservedly so.) Come to think of it i havent seen any Disney movies before the pixar ones which is weird considering my sister loves disney. I guess when other kids where watching Lion King and Little mermaid i was watching the Terminator and Rambo

Edit:Holy shit i just found the lion king video turns out it was in my sisters room.
I wouldnt worry about it.

I get raped by the ladies when I say I havent watched The Sound Of Music.

Theyre always like 'zomfg HOW have you not seen it!?'
Damn i wont be convinced to touch that steaming pile.

Singing nuns and Nazis

bloody hell i dont know which is worse

Alien Vs Predator 6/10

There is so much goodness here. It is the typical book to movie translation, which is to say, it does a lot of things very right, is very bad in some parts, and it lacks a lot.

Rorschach was pure gold. Nite Owl worked well. Dr. Manhattan was great. The Comedian... eh, I dunno if it ever could've worked. In the book he's a sick psychopath but in many ways oddly sympathetic and relatable. In the movie, well, he's just a psychopathic ass hole. Silk Spectre works fine. Ozymandias... I hated him before the movie started.

You can tell from the start that the action is going to be over the top and pointlessly ridiculous via the Comedian fighting Ozy with lots of "Whoosh!" and "Crunch!" that goes on for way too long and is far too untrue to the book. Coincidentally enough, Ozy's end fight is the only other fight that actually bothers me.

The opening montage was amazing, especially given that it's virtually all scenes made up from the book's backstory and never actually seen in the book. Opening Rorschach scene is fantastic. Ozymandias scene works, although it does use a lot of the film's annoying habit to put as many plot points into one conversation as possible. Next scenes are quite good, the annoying changed plot aspects of Dr. Manhattan working to solve energy problems forever.

There were also the annoying little additions, subtractions, alterations of dialogue. They take two really good Mars Manhattan lines and akwardly force them into the TV interview along with unecessary overviews of his time comprehension. However the Mars scenes are quite beautiful and work well despite being slightly trimmed. The jail scenes are very good, but Snyder seemed to really zone in gore in this movie for some reason. Why you had to zoom in on the blood sprayed over mobsters' women or focus on the fat guys chopped off hands?

News stand scenes are completely absent, we got one or two shots of them for a few seconds as if it's acceptable to treat one of the books strongest plot followings as an easter egg. Also, Snyder doesn't seem to grasp that you can trim about 80% of his sex footage and get the right feel without making it look like you're watching porn.

And alas, the ending. I won't go into details, but Ozymandias fights off Dreiberg and Rorschach repeatedly, more ridiculous and pointless with each attempt. Actually, come to think of it, that really was pretty much it, other than the altered ending apocalypse and forcing Dan to watch Drieberg's actions and then messing up the Dr. Manhattan/Ozy scene at the end. The very last scenes work pretty well.

And I found the music was pretty outstanding.


If you've read the book and have had an open mind for a movie adaptation, not one of those Samon-esque people who recoiled at the thought, sneering at the screen from your throne of pretentious fine taste. If not, well, it's less likely you'll enjoy it, but I know some people have enjoyed it.

Watchmen 9/10

Sex scenes were pointlessly overdone, but the ending made more sense than it did in the book. I miised the giant Octopus/Vagina Monster, though. Violelce was a little overdone in the begging and end as well. The random references throughout made it quite enjoyable for people who have read the book.
watchmen- 8/10

pretty damn good. Rorshache has a ****ing badass line.
Watchmen, 8/10. Music is questionable at times, sex scenes overdone, but the altered ending is much less nonsensical, and the whole thing was a lot more badass than I had anticipated.
Watchmen - 5/10


I enjoyed the graphic novel a few years back as i hadn't seen any superhero story like it, but it didn't translate that well to film.


The story itself is very good, but there is a lot of terrible dialogue apparent in it that becomes doubly so in the film. Also, Zach Snyder direction is borderline awful. Although i'm not sure if thats because he's not a good director, or if thats because he stuck so closely to the graphic novel. If all the slow motion shots in this film were normal speed, i'm betting the film would be half the length it is now. The chick who plays Silk Spectre is terrible as well and finally i thought the scene with Dr Manhattan revealing his past while on Mars could've been done a lot better. They never explain Eubastus though. Maybe a little too gory at times. Fights were too choreographed for my liking, seem more like dancing then fights.


Great story. Billy Crudup, Jackie Earle Haley and Matthew Goode were all really good. I was skeptical about all of them at first, but after seeing the film it was a really good batch of casting. Rorschach makes the film. The ending is better than the ending in the book, makes a whole lot more sense as well.

All-in-all, i think its largely the direction thats the film's major flaw. Throughout the film i kept thinking "I know this is a slow-building story, but i've seen better direction and acting in a slow building drama via TV shows like Mad Men, The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, The Wire etc etc. This is simply a great story being told poorly". Also, Malin Ackerman is a bad actress. I think the story would've benefitted more by being a mini-series rather than a film.

And The Sound of Silence being played over a funeral montage. That's something a first year film student would do. Think a little harder next time.
Watchmen, 8/10. Music is questionable at times, sex scenes overdone, but the altered ending is much less nonsensical, and the whole thing was a lot more badass than I had anticipated.

You dissapoint me.
Why do I get the feeling that im the only one that hasnt even heard of Watchmen.

Then again, I dont think ive ever read a comic in my life. Not even something as mass produced as Spiderman.

I take it I wouldnt get the film if I didnt know the comic?
I mean, it's only the best movie ever made.


One disagrees......
Sin City - 8/10...
Want the second movie now plz.

300 - 8/10...
Great fun.

Platoon - 9/10...
Best Vietnam movie ever made.
Trophic Thunder - 7/10

Pretty funny, very fun to watch lol.
Grand Torino - 10/10. This movie was hilarious, heartfelt, and it had a lot of soul. Good watch.
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