Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Why do I get the feeling that im the only one that hasnt even heard of Watchmen.

Nope you're not the only one. If I didn't frequent these forums I probably still wouldn't know that either the graphic novel and the movie exist...
Might watch it when it's on TV, right now not interested.
Dead Leaves 8/10

Quite possibly the most disturbing and funny anime/manga i have ever seen! it has so much crazy action going on i have to see it again. also it was only like 45 mins long, but i watched it netflix and highly recommend it for those bored with the same old type of movies.
Deception - 7/10

Went in without really knowing anything about it. Took a while to get going, but ultimately a very enjoyable, nicely put together movie. I thought it came apart a little towards the end but the ending was satisfying enough. Loved Ewan and Hugh, they were both perfect for their roles, though I didn't think much of whoever played the love interest. Music didn't fit very well with the tone of the movie, seemed much too upbeat in places.
The Bourne Indentity - 10/10


matt damon!
The Unborn - 1/10

Ugh, just awful. But a hilarious movie to dub your own dialogue into with a few friends.
The Unborn - 1/10

Ugh, just awful. But a hilarious movie to dub your own dialogue into with a few friends.

Seriously? The trailer looked kinda cool. Not This-Will-Be-A-Classic-Cool, but Lets-Get-Cheaply-Scared-A-Few-Times-And-Laugh-At-Each-Other-Cool. At least something watchable.
Analyze That - 8/10...

Hilarious, want more.

RIP Joe Viterelli
Revolutionary Road - 8/10. It was a thrill to see DeCaprio and Winslet together again, as they're both some of the best actors of their generation.

Let the right one come in - 9/10. Probably the best vampire movie I've ever seen. It was both cute and horrifying.
Harry Potter 1 - 8/10...
Good fun, crap acting but it doesn't deter my enjoyment at all.

Harry Potter 2 - 8/10...
Basically the same as above.

Harry Potter 3 - 7/10...
Could've been maybe an hour longer, they left a bit too much out.
Their acting is improving.

Harry Potter 4 - 7.5/10...

**** the haters, I loved these books as a kid and seeing the films was awesome for me.
Seeing it all come to life, not to mention that the soundtracks for them all are excellent... especially the main theme.
The Beach - 9/10

Fantastic, Danny Boyle truly is a legend.
Charlies Angels - 1/10

Seriously? This movie is pathetically bad. It sucks, because there was 100% nothing else on TV. And that's saying a lot for those other shows.

Afterwards, MASH was on...so it was all better.
Eagle Eye - 8/10

Great action, crazy plot, decent actors and unbelievable stunts. I had an open mind going in and I knew it wasn't going to be the best but for the 2 hrs that it ran for it was a blast

Roswell Season 1 - 8/10

I kinda wish I watched this show when it first aired back in the early 2000s but my friend and I both liked it so far. Reminds me of those crazy years in high school and how much fun they were
Gladiator - 8/10

After watching Master and Commander I wanted some more Russell Crowe in my life, and Gladiator totally satisfied me (and also spawned a Wikipedia reading spree about cool Roman dudes that lasted for hours). My opinion of this movie may be biased because it came out when I was in elementary school and I thought it was the coolest thing on the planet until the Matrix entered my life.
Flightplan - 8/10
3/10 after picking apart the massive plot holes with a friend.
Eagle Eye - 8/10

Great action, crazy plot, decent actors and unbelievable stunts. I had an open mind going in and I knew it wasn't going to be the best but for the 2 hrs that it ran for it was a blas

totally agree.loved the stunts. ending was abit meh though.

Body of Lies
Expected this to be another run-of-the-mill hollywood flick, which it kind of was, but there's alot of value to this film. I can't really put my finger on it, the realism, the nonbiased depiction of the Middle East, all in all it really grabbed my attention. Both the action and the intrigues were excellently portrayed.

Science of Sleep 8/10
Very funny and inventive french film. Weird as hell romance plot in it.

2001: A Space Odyssey 10/10
Any kind of motivation would be redundant. A feast for the eyes and for the mind.

Chaos 6/10
Pretty interesting, but easily forgettable action flick about an odd bank job.
Wesley Snipes was brilliantly cast in this one.

Flawless (2007) 9/10
I loved this film. Demi Moore plays an old lady telling an interviewer about her job as a secretary (or something) at London's 1950's diamond industry, and her eventual decision to steal it's diamonds. Very realistic, abit quirky, very british, fun all in all. Great acting by Michael Caine.
Eagle Eye - 8/10

Great action, crazy plot, decent actors and unbelievable stunts. I had an open mind going in and I knew it wasn't going to be the best but for the 2 hrs that it ran for it was a blast

Aye the stunts were amazing, but I thought the final plot was just a reworked rip-off of I-Robot.
The Hulk (2003) - 5/10

I'm not particularly a fan of the Hulk in the first place, and I can't say this movie changed my disposition toward the material. You know, this was such a hit-and-miss film -- not the piece of trash I was led to believe, but far from anything of genuine quality. Banner isn't particularly engaging, and I wasn't too sold on his relationship with Betty in this film. It just didn't click. Nick Nolte was awesome as the antagonist, and he definitely made all of his scenes watchable. The rest of though was pretty much a profoundly meh and average experience. For shame, Ang Lee. For shame.

The Incredible Hulk (2008) - 4/10

Wow, this sucked even more than the first attempt. Yeah, the action scenes hit the right dose of "yay, 'splosions", but that's far from enough to elevate this turd burglar of a film. I liked Norton as Banner, and I kind of liked Tyler as Betty, and though they had some chemistry going they were mostly surrounded by cardboard cut out characters. Poor Tim Roth and William Hurt. Those guys rock, but you know, they were given some seriously shitty characters. What a crappy antagonist. "GRRR, GIVE ME A GOOD FIGHT." Yeah whatever, go take your head for a shit. They want to use the Hulk as a weapon? Super soldier serum? Fail alert, fail alert, please evacuate, cliche-overload imminent.

Shallow and boring.

Third time lucky, maybe?
The Hulk (2003) - 5/10

The Incredible Hulk (2008) - 4/10

Wow, this sucked even more than the first attempt. Yeah, the action scenes hit the right dose of "yay, 'splosions", but that's far from enough to elevate this turd burglar of a film. I liked Norton as Banner, and I kind of liked Tyler as Betty, and though they had some chemistry going they were mostly surrounded by cardboard cut out characters. Poor Tim Roth and William Hurt. Those guys rock, but you know, they were given some seriously shitty characters. What a crappy antagonist. "GRRR, GIVE ME A GOOD FIGHT." Yeah whatever, go take your head for a shit. They want to use the Hulk as a weapon? Super soldier serum? Fail alert, fail alert, please evacuate, cliche-overload imminent.

I'd have to agree. I mean the whole 'omgz bigger hulkszzz' and then an obvious fight between them was incredible lame.
Star Trek: The Motion Picture - 9/10

Although very slow paced I really liked the story and the entire mood of the movie. The characters are all interesting too, but this may be because I never really watched the show at all. I heard this movie wasn't praised by die hard fans but as a semi-fan of the series/movies I really enjoyed it. Best part of the movie is when Spock cried
The Trench - 7/10

I missed the first quarter but the rest was interesting, decent acting. The ending was rather intense, had my heart pounding before they went over the top for the first wave of the Somme as I know from knowledge that hardly any from the first wave in the early hours of the battle survived. Was a good, gritty take on the true reality of war.
Burn After Reading 7/10
Enjoyable Coen brothers movie but clearly an in-between. Some memorable moments - George Clooney's contraption, the scenes in CIA HQ, Brad Pitt acting goofy - but besides that quite forgettable.

Romancing the Stone - 4/10

Fun, I guess.

Oh man, I loved that movie when I was 12.
Roswell Season 1 - 8/10

I kinda wish I watched this show when it first aired back in the early 2000s but my friend and I both liked it so far. Reminds me of those crazy years in high school and how much fun they were

Season 1 was good. Season 2 was OK...a little over the top..but still not bad. Season 3 was WTF crazy stupid. At least it ended on a note that I found good.
Harold and Kumar Visit White Castle

Greatest stoner movie ever. Although Guantanamo was awesome too.
I remember going to the cinema when I was a kid to watch Romancing the Stone. Loved it :)

The Jewel of the Nile too - all good.
Casino - 7/10

The movie was pretty good. The second half to third things got kind of all over the place though. I enjoyed the first half the most.
The idea of Samon, all serious and dour-faced, sitting down to watch Romancing the Stone really tickles me.

Big Fish- 8/10

For some reason I've been putting off seeing this movie for ages more or less arbitrarily... I've gone a bit cool on Tim Burton and didn't want watching this to bring my opinion of him down any more, but I needn't have worried. Wasn't too interested in the characters or even the acting at first, but my interest grew and by the end of the film I was quite touched (that is, I played right into Burton's hands). Definitely recommend this for its quirky sentimentalism.

Pretty ****ing scary/10 (take that as a positive or a negative according to your scare-o-meter)

Spanish Horror Movie piqued my interest because of the Hollywood remake (quarantine) with Dexters skinny sister and I saw it going cheapish in Zavvi and thought it was worth a pop.

Basically a film crew are at a fire station at night and tag along when there is an incident at an apartment complex..and then it all goes decidedly wrong....

Takes a leaf from Blair Witch, but much faster paced given it's pretty much happening in real time (and less time for snivelling). If you like your horror, you'll dig it a lot I suspect. Me..I'll be sleeping with the lights on tonight :eek:

PS: Manuela Velasco is pretty damn hot in a chipmunk grin way a bit like Marisa Tomei is :naughty:

PPS: there's some seamless CGI in there that is pretty damn impressive as well
Demolition Man - 8/10

Ahhh, I don't care about you guys, but the acting makes me laugh, the story is so offball that it is good to me, and the one liners are fun.
american teen 8/10

an interesting expose into the lives of high school students. It certain;y clicked with me as I found myself being reminded of myself through the geek character and then thinking to myself "thank **** I didn't turn out like him."
I've been wanting to see this, though I'm kind of opposite and think Tim Burton is wholly overrated. Maybe I'll watch it tonight.
I think he's overrated too, but only sometimes. I really love some of his movies (Big Fish, A Nightmare Before Christmas, Edward Scissorhands, Sweeney Todd) but many of the others range from mediocre to downright crappy. I'd definitely recommend Big Fish though, it's not quite as Burtonesque as most of his films, although there's still his trademark imagery and Helena Bonham Carter :p
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