Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Smiley Face - 2/10

Worst stoner/weed movie ever made. I could rant about how and why this movie is terrible but I'm just going to leave it at this: **** this side of weed culture
Emperor's New Groove - 9/10

No touchy.

God I love that film. Arguably the best animated film since Aladdin.

David spade is hilarious as Kuzco, his teary, whimpy attitude and slight campness is just perfect.

And omg Kronk. One of my favourite characters ever.
I would agree to that. I've seen the movie so many times and it still retains the same laughs.
Shoot Em' Up: 7.5

Over the top, mindless action. I like these kind of movies, but the plot took several play throughs to understand. Also, the part where Mr. Smith dives through the van window, then turns to blast his foes reminded me of AmishSlayer's avatar. (If he still has it)

Honestly, I wondered if this movie was promoting a pro-gun agenda or anti-gun. It's hard to tell. You just have to watch the movie and try to listen closely at these bits.
Still beats the original.

Truth. The original is excruciating to watch. Bad acting, bad effects (yes, I'm sure they were amazing in the 30's, but they simply don't compare to the remakes) and a really badly fleshed out script.

PJ's Kong FTW.
Shoot Em' Up: 7.5

Over the top, mindless action. I like these kind of movies, but the plot took several play throughs to understand. Also, the part where Mr. Smith dives through the van window, then turns to blast his foes reminded me of AmishSlayer's avatar. (If he still has it)

Honestly, I wondered if this movie was promoting a pro-gun agenda or anti-gun. It's hard to tell. You just have to watch the movie and try to listen closely at these bits.

I lol'd.

The fact that he seems serious is what gets me most.
What are you talking about? Have you actually seen the movie? A few of the old classics, such as Casablanca, live up to the reputation, but most of them don't.

You're stupid because you measure a 1930's film by today's standards. Today's standards would be a whole lot different if it weren't for films like King Kong.
The Bourne Supremacy - 9/10

excellent. exciting. Matt Damon.
You're stupid because you measure a 1930's film by today's standards. Today's standards would be a whole lot different if it weren't for films like King Kong.

Why is that stupid? I'm not watching it in the 30's, we have more modern films and remakes to compare these films too. It's easy to see that films today would be different without films like King Kong, but today they look bad and are painful to watch compared to modern films.
I've always thought that the 30s King Kong had more than a wiff of allusions to the racist caricature of 'The Brute' about it tbh:-


I had my reservations about the remake, however overall I thought it was better, and Kong was made more sympathetic.
You're stupid because you measure a 1930's film by today's standards. Today's standards would be a whole lot different if it weren't for films like King Kong.
Thing like visual effects are meaningless to compare, yes. But not the acting, directing or storytelling. They can be compared between different epochs, and in this case the 2005 version comes out more favourable than the 1933 version.
+1 to all the Emperor's New Groove love in this thread. Watched two movies last night:

The Edukators (German title Die Fetten Jahre sind vorbei) - 8/10
Not sure how to describe this movie, but it was slick and intelligent and charming and I completely recommend it. To hook you: "The Edukators" are a few dissatisfied, revolutionary young adults who break into the houses of rich people, reorganize all of their furniture and things and leave a note saying "Your days of plenty are numbered" (which is Die Fetten Jahre sind vorbei).

Elephant - 7/10
Figured I'd rewatch this since we were discussing it last page and I wanted to see if I still liked it more than Zero Day. I think they're about even now, with perhaps a slight preference for Zero Day. Elephant is for the most part very well done, and I like how Gus Van Sant focuses heavily on extremely long environmental tracking shots following the kids on boring usual school days. It's a pretty effective way to capture the feeling of high school; I was getting deja vu a little bit even. He also does some stuff that bugs me though. First of all, the way he portrayed the killers was a little weird. There was absolutely no reason to insinuate homosexuality, and the way he made the dark-haired one out to be a total emotionless psychopath was weird. I preferred Zero Day's shooters more, just because they seemed much more human and realistic. I think Elephant was a little too overly concerned with style, and as a result suffered a little in the substance department. Nevertheless this is a good, thought-provoking movie.

Thing like visual effects are meaningless to compare, yes. But not the acting, directing or storytelling. They can be compared between different epochs, and in this case the 2005 version comes out more favourable than the 1933 version.

No, Harij has a point. Acting, directing, and storytelling can be compared, yes, but not without taking MUCH into account - the difference in cinema/film as a medium of expression between 1933 and 2005 is vast and important. You have to bear in mind the evolution of film over that time and how the medium changed during it, both on the technical/production side and on the receiving end.


Not bad, but not amazing. Very predictable. I hear Primer is way better.
You're stupid because you measure a 1930's film by today's standards. Today's standards would be a whole lot different if it weren't for films like King Kong.

What else would you measure it with? People are stupid for judging movies by what their quality was when they were made. "Oh it seems silly now, but it was fine for being made in the 30s" is not a justification for liking it more, only a justification for it being of it's lower quality.
ZT: I haven't seen Timecrimes but I'd be willing to bet a lot of money that Primer blows it out of the water. See it.
I've been meaning to, I hear it takes a couple of views to get it.
I pretty much pieced together all of it with my friends after we watched it once, but it's really goddamn confusing. Just pay close attention when they're discussing how their time machine works. It's an awesome film besides the brain strain.
Starship Troopers - 8/10...
Classic gung-ho action, the special effects have stood the test of time beautifully.

Starship Troopers 3: Marauder - 6/10...
Started off awesome and then descended into religious madness.
Also, they should've gave the Marauder suits much more screen time... we only got to see them in action for like 3 minutes ffs.

Roughnecks: Pluto Campaign - 8.5/10...
Jesus, I'm so glad I picked up this series on DVD.
Sure, the CGI itself is really showing its age(hell, it's a little over 10 years old now isn't it?), but it's definitely watchable... the characters, the locales, the effects, the music, and the story.

7 more campaigns to go and then some bonus stuff.
I pretty much pieced together all of it with my friends after we watched it once, but it's really goddamn confusing. Just pay close attention when they're discussing how their time machine works. It's an awesome film besides the brain strain.

Primer gets a wtf/10 from me. I watch it once by myself and about half way through I gave up. Though it gets major points for looking the way it does with the budget they had.
La Haine- 9.2/10

Really great, thanks for the recommendation Laivasse.
Death Race - HOLY ****ING SHIT!/10

That was the most awesome movie that has ever been awesome. Kicked too much ass.
Slumdog Millionaire - 8.5/10

I doesn't deserve as many Academy Awards as it recieve, but otherwise it was very pleasant to watch. Also I had a tough time understanding what they kept saying throughout the movie and I know Indians speak English better than some Southern Americans do but for me it was hard to understand what people were saying but otherwise it definitely had great characters and a deep story
The Mist - 3/10

Bad directing, bad acting, bad CGI and so on. How this shit got %76 on RT?

Oh, by the way. I met Ed O'Neill yesterday. :D
Why is that stupid? I'm not watching it in the 30's, we have more modern films and remakes to compare these films too. It's easy to see that films today would be different without films like King Kong, but today they look bad and are painful to watch compared to modern films.

Apples and oranges.

Thing like visual effects are meaningless to compare, yes. But not the acting, directing or storytelling. They can be compared between different epochs, and in this case the 2005 version comes out more favourable than the 1933 version.

Alltsa du fattar val sjalv att du inte kan jamfora en film som ar snart 80 ar gammal med nat som slapptes 2005? Precis som blockbustern du sag forra veckan antagligen kommer suga 2090 nar du ser filmer genom nasan, eller nat. Det gar inte att jamfora filmer rattvist i sana har sammanhang. Och nej, den nya King Kong var inte battre. Visst, bra effekter, okej skadisar. Inget nytt.. Nar King Kong kom ut -33 blev folk dovstumma av den nyskapande tekniken.
Det var en av de tidiga talkies ocksa. Alla inom filmbranschen vet att film (i allmant) som konstform har lidit oerhort av den alltfor snabba overgangen mellan stumfilmer till talkies. Ljudet kom for tidigt helt enkelt.

Mitt argument handlar om att respektera nyskapande. Alfred Nobel sprangde ihjal sig sjalv med sitt experimenterande med nitroglycerin etc. Ingen idag kallar honom for klantarsel bara for att vetenskapsman inte utsatter sig for sana risker nufortiden.
Alltsa du fattar val sjalv att du inte kan jamfora en film som ar snart 80 ar gammal med nat som slapptes 2005? Precis som blockbustern du sag forra veckan antagligen kommer suga 2090 nar du ser filmer genom nasan, eller nat. Det gar inte att jamfora filmer rattvist i sana har sammanhang. Och nej, den nya King Kong var inte battre. Visst, bra effekter, okej skadisar. Inget nytt.. Nar King Kong kom ut -33 blev folk dovstumma av den nyskapande tekniken.
Det var en av de tidiga talkies ocksa. Alla inom filmbranschen vet att film (i allmant) som konstform har lidit oerhort av den alltfor snabba overgangen mellan stumfilmer till talkies. Ljudet kom for tidigt helt enkelt.

Mitt argument handlar om att respektera nyskapande. Alfred Nobel sprangde ihjal sig sjalv med sitt experimenterande med nitroglycerin etc. Ingen idag kallar honom for klantarsel bara for att vetenskapsman inte utsatter sig for sana risker nufortiden.

Ikea knulle WUT?
Ikea knulle WUT?


roughly translated: if you don't post this to at least 4 other people, king kong will come back from 1933 and eat your brains. however, if you do post it, you will get a nobel prize and a chair from IKEA. this is so scary cuz it really works.
chick flicks today, but both exceptional ones

Revolutionary Road - 7/10. Extremely strong acting all around, emotionally powerful but not at all uplifting. Kate Winslet is so goddamn beautiful it hurts.

Amelie - 8/10. Watched it at the recommendation of a Russian female pursuit of mine who lived in France for several years. It's her favorite movie and that fact only makes me want to do her more after seeing it. Quirky and imaginative.
Magnolia - 8.5/10

One of the few movies that almost made tears roll out of my eyes. I was like "I won't cry, you cocksucker!".

I didn't really like the
frogs falling out of the sky thing. I know it occured a few times in history (however I doubt it happened with such intensity), but it was over the top nevertheless IMHO.

Loved Tom Cruise in this one (though I generally like him, unlike many members here) and it was nice to see Philip Seymour Hoffman in such an innocent role, especially since the last movie I saw him in was I think Mission Impossible 3, where he was playing the villain and a total prick :p
I don't think I reviewed this but here goes.

Transformers 1: The Movie - 9.4/10

Absolutely love it, one of the best movies that I've ever seen, if not the best. I mean, what's better than awesome giant alien robots that talk, explosions, and an epic sound track? Not many is greater. Who cares if it doesn't have much for a plot, its action what makes this baby go.
The Big Lebowski - 8/10

And yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, my opinion, man.

First time I've seen it properly. Seen it come by on tv, watching it with half an eye, but never sat down for it.
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