Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Apocalypse Now - horrors/10...
Still the best movie I have ever seen.

Marlon Brando was literally godlike in this.
Troy: Brad Pitt can't ****ing act to save his life nice fights/10
21- why the hell don't people use a safe deposit box/10

actually 8/10
Apocalypse Now - horrors/10...
Still the best movie I have ever seen.

Marlon Brando was literally godlike in this.

Apocalypse Now is probably the best I've ever seen too, but it's just far too depressing for me to fully enjoy it.

In Bruges
- 8/10 - Really good, well written and cast.
There was nothing really wrong with In Bruges. The whole thing just felt kind of boring and unimportant somehow, like watching people eat breakfast.
I have a fetish for the consumption of breakfast by others.
I quite liked In Bruges, though I think I understand what Dan is saying. It was just pretty entertaining to watch funny characters do casual things in ridiculous settings.

Firefly: Pilot Episode What the ****? WHY HAVE I NOT BEEN WATCHING THIS?!
I quite liked In Bruges, though I think I understand what Dan is saying. It was just pretty entertaining to watch funny characters do casual things in ridiculous settings.

Firefly: Pilot Episode What the ****? WHY HAVE I NOT BEEN WATCHING THIS?!

You will cry when it's all over.

Bill & Ted's Most Excellent Adventure - 8.5/10...
This was most triumphant in its endeavor to make me laugh.
Easy Virtue: 7.5/10 - Good writing, fantastic casting, relatively believable plot - but could have been longer with more funny bits

before that,

Watchmen: 3/10 - Decent special effects, some interesting backstories.... and that's all that was good about it.

and before THAT,

Changeling: 10/10 - Angelina Jolie is amazing, performance of her career. Fantastic true story. Could not have been a more epic movie if it had tried.

You're a dick :(

There's just one season... But then there's a movie.

It's pretty cool.
Quantum of Solace - 6/10

I know already that it is not in the league of Casino Royale, but there were a few points that I did enjoy, although the plot was rather basic and poorly executed, I felt some characters were brought in just for the moment rather than having an actual effect on the plot. However, the action was well directed, the fight scenes looked like they took some hints from the truely oustanding fight scenes from the Bourne films. Overall, it was an ok watch but it didn't feel like a full Bond film, I feel the follow on from the last film's storyline may have been a bad move, doesn't really suite the Bond theme.

Body of Lies - 7.5/10

Started off really slow but really picked up half way, the last quarter was an excellent watch, not one of Di Caprio's best films but I enjoyed it nonetheless.
The Day The Earth Stood Still (2008) - 6/10

Not a good remake at all. the entire movie was either rainy or dark, it was boring, the special effects were kinda meh and it was nothing like the original. In the original it took place in one area, this one was a bunch of people driving around in the rain and some explosions and crap. glad i rented it

Role Models - 8/10

Very funny movie and can be considered a modern and more mature Billy Madison. My friend and I were laughing nearly non-stop throughout the movie and it was very well done.
Planet Terror
I laughed my ass off. I recommend watching with a couple of mates while drinking a small bit.

Resident Evil: Degeneration
Definitly for fans of Resident Evil games only. As a matter of fact, only for fans of Resident Evil 2. It interesting to watch. It entertained me but wasn't actually very good. Full of cliches and characters acting stupidly (Claire thinking it would be a good idea for her to go out alone, the dumb bitch). I was disappointed that the God mutant didn't mutate more and the "I don't want to hurt you" was cringe-worthy. I did find it slightly amusing that Leon is wearing the exact same clothes as he was in RE4.

28 Days Later
A very good film that I'd recommend to anyone (except maybe the extremely squeemish). Still my favourite horror film. On the other hand I hadn't realised that ol' big ears Doctor Who was in it. Made me laugh when he appeared.
[Rec] - 8/10

Top notch film if you're into your horrors. I'm betting the hollywood remake Quarantine won't be half as good.

Pan's Labyrinth - 9/10

I just really liked it. Really different to anything I have seen.
Live and Let Die - 9/10

Cracking Bond film, one of the best, best soundtrack too. I have been to the croc farm in Jamaica they used in the film :D
[Rec] - 8/10

Top notch film if you're into your horrors. I'm betting the hollywood remake Quarantine won't be half as good.

Pan's Labyrinth - 9/10

I just really liked it. Really different to anything I have seen.

It's pretty much exactly the same, except replace the actors with English speaking people.

Quarantine - 8.5/10...
Made me jump a few times.
This is how shaky cam should be used.
Yes Man - 8/10

Very funny movie and amazing ending, my friend and I were laughing a lot through this movie but I'm so glad the entire movie was the same theme, and lesson. It makes me want to open up more and do things, because I've become more and more of a recluse over the years.
Fight Club- 8.9/10
Mr. Brooks- 8.3/10
Dexter. S2E1- 9.1/10
The Man With The Golden Gun - 7/10

Pretty enjoyable watch, the duel at the end was great.

Tommorow Never Dies - 9/10

Had a blast watching this, intro was superb and the plot was excellent. Some of the best action i have seen from a Bond film.

From Russia With Love - 10/10

One of my favourite Bond films, the fight with the hitman was amazing.

Yeah they are having some Bond fest on Sky Movies at the moment xD
Stargate: The Ark of Truth - 8.5/10...
Solid ending to a fantastic series.
Nonono, do. not. get the boxed set.
The DVDs don't come in sleeves or cases of any kind, they basically all sit in slots and can easily be scratched.
It's honestly the worst packaging idea I've ever seen.

Better off buying each season separately, tbh.
The complete collection:
This is how shaky cam should be used.

Are you shitting me? Quarantine was a bad movie. Okay, it started good, like it had good potential and shit, but then it turned into garbage. Hot garbage; and that's the worst kind of garbage. The only movie that had ever done the shaky-cam-or-handheld-recovered-footage thing right was The Blair Witch Project. All other movies (Quarantine, Cloverfield) were ass.

I'm just irked because I wasted $7 to see that piece.
Samon and I watched Batman and Robin yesterday.

It may have been the worst movie ever made.
Are you shitting me? Quarantine was a bad movie. Okay, it started good, like it had good potential and shit, but then it turned into garbage. Hot garbage; and that's the worst kind of garbage. The only movie that had ever done the shaky-cam-or-handheld-recovered-footage thing right was The Blair Witch Project. All other movies (Quarantine, Cloverfield) were ass.

I'm just irked because I wasted $7 to see that piece.

Meh, didn't bother me that much.
I didn't really pay anything to see it either.(Netflix ftw)
In Bruges - 7/10

Enchanted - 8/10

Batman and Robin - 0/10

X-men Evolution (All Four Seasons) - 6/10
Samon and I watched Batman and Robin yesterday.

It may have been the worst movie ever made.

How did you guys watch it together? You live in different parts of the world!

Or did you sync it together online.
How did you guys watch it together? You live in different parts of the world!

Or did you sync it together online.

Together online. We do that often. Our bromance surpasses every other ever. And you're totally jealous.
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