Rate the last movie you watched (DON'T POST SPOILERS Y' EEJITS)

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Together online. We do that often. Our bromance surpasses every other ever. And you're totally jealous.

Hardly! I've done the same thing before. I always thought I was alone in having done that though. Since it's kind of weird... but still, beats watching a movie alone.
Rocknrolla 9/10 Only watched it with 80% of my attention, but enjoyed the hell out of what I saw. Gotta give it a rewatch. Scene with the russian mercs is just about as hilarious/awesome as movies get.
Dead Snow - 9/10

See my thread on why. I recommend a watch, even with English subtitles it's awesome.
Knowing - 3/10 - Good lord that was poorly written. Generic redemption of the faithless man story with an ending one can see coming a mile away. The whole thing is full of cleches. Wins back some points for pretty effects and Cage is quite good in it. Loses them again for featuring Ezekiel's Wheel as something other than a stealth tank.

Very definetly not reccomended
The Fountain - 7/10

You know, the themes were there -- it was all good except for the execution, which I thought was a bit eh.

The Land Before Time - 8/10
The Fast and The Furious - 7.5/10...
Fun, never watched the whole thing before.
Sexy cars, hot women, crazy races and decent music.
Oh right, cause having fun watching a movie is frowned upon.

The Lost World: Jurassic Park - 7.5/10...
Alot goofier than the first one, brought the level of unbelievability to new heights but it was fun.
Oh right, cause having fun watching a movie is frowned upon.
It's only frowned upon when you say things like "Sexy cars, crazy races and decent music." about this movie, lol.
It's only frowned upon when you say things like "Sexy cars, crazy races and decent music." about this movie, lol.

Why? I have zero knowledge of cars and so I found these nice to look at and watch them perform.
The races were entertaining and the music was decent because I didn't get a headache from any of it.

It's not like I claimed it was the best movie ever made.
It was just highly entertaining.

Seriously, this thread should be renamed to "Rate the last movie you watched (and get chastised for it!)"
The Fast and The Furious - 7.5/10...
Fun, never watched the whole thing before.
Sexy cars, hot women, crazy races and decent music.

...what? 7.5/10?

Yorick, remember that day you once told me about, where if it appeared one of us was finished, we'd pull the trigger? It's happening now.
...what? 7.5/10?

Yorick, remember that day you once told me about, where if it appeared one of us was finished, we'd pull the trigger? It's happening now.

Can't we just shoot him instead? It seems like it would be better for the world as a whole.
Or you guys could just shoot yourselves, two less assholes in the world. :thumbs:
Or you guys could just shoot yourselves, two less assholes in the world. :thumbs:

I only have one bullet, and I think in a vote it would be two against one that it has to be you. Sorry.
Or you guys could just shoot yourselves, two less assholes in the world. :thumbs:


I only have one bullet, and I think in a vote it would be two against one that it has to be you. Sorry.

2 against 2, what now?

Knowing - 3/10 - Good lord that was poorly written. Generic redemption of the faithless man story with an ending one can see coming a mile away. The whole thing is full of cleches. Wins back some points for pretty effects and Cage is quite good in it. Loses them again for featuring Ezekiel's Wheel as something other than a stealth tank.

Very definetly not reccomended

Just watched it myself and... I did find it watchable so I'll give it a 5.

Some things that pissed me off:

-O hai we're the friendly neighbourhood aliens and we're just going to act like reanimated corpses, stalk you, kidnap your son etc. I'm sure that will get you to trust us...
- What was the point of giving that girl in 1959 information about future disasters since: 1) no one would know about it, and 2) even if they did and tried to stop them from happening it still wouldn't make a difference since the whole world would just be burned to a crisp anyway.:rolleyes:
- Poor writing and nonsensical story at it's finest. Shyamalan would be proud.
- we get to see Manhattan annihilated on the big screen yet again... Honestly Hollywood has a fetish with destroying this city in every way possible...
Then we must be the Good Guys! Look, I mean -- he likes The Fast and The Furious. We are not the bad guys here.
Marley & Me - 8/10...
Made me and my fiance cry like little bitches at the end, **** the haters. :(
Come on fellas, the Fast and the Furious is stupid but it's still pretty entertaining. The first one anyway. The second one was a heap of trash and I imagine the third one was even worse.

Stalker (Tarkovsky) - 8/10

Holy ****, this movie was weird, extremely low budget, and completely enthralling. Samon, you should watch this.
It's definitely on my Tarkovsky list, but I'm thinking Solaris first? Still haven't got around to seeing that.
Come on fellas, the Fast and the Furious is stupid but it's still pretty entertaining. The first one anyway. The second one was a heap of trash and I imagine the third one was even worse.

Stalker (Tarkovsky) - 8/10

Holy ****, this movie was weird, extremely low budget, and completely enthralling. Samon, you should watch this.

Actually, the third one really wasn't that terrible.
It was just as entertaining as the second.

It's a rental atleast.

I agree that the second one blew hard, it felt like ghetto trash.
Beverly Hills Chihuahua 0/10

I can say with absolute certainty that this is the worst movie I have ever seen. I don't have high standards and have found entertainment value in many movies that most people consider 'unwatchable'. This is different. Do not ever watch this in the hopes that you'll find some sort of ironic humor in it or you'll find it entertainingly bad. The only possible reaction to this movie is to facepalm but you won't because this movie doesn't deserve that much. It's 90 minutes of awful, cliche, mainstream, predictable, corny, and (suprisingly often) racist jokes. I laughed twice, once when a bobcat entered a scene via the worst special effects I've seen in a long time, and when the main character is knocked out and apppears to be dead (how dissapointing). Every thing that's wrong with popular culture and today's society oozes from this piece of garbage. There is nothing to be gained from this movie, no enjoyment to be had at all.
Stalker (Tarkovsky) - 8/10

Holy ****, this movie was weird, extremely low budget, and completely enthralling. Samon, you should watch this.

8/10 seems about right. I saw this years ago in Art College (way before the game). It's cinema in it's purest form. The entire tension of the film comes wholly from the acting and nothing else.

The whole sequence with the 'meat grinder' must go on for about 15 minutes and the tension is palatable.

The original Solaris is well worth a looksee as well.
Beverly Hills Chihuahua 0/10

I can say with absolute certainty that this is the worst movie I have ever seen. I don't have high standards and have found entertainment value in many movies that most people consider 'unwatchable'. This is different. Do not ever watch this in the hopes that you'll find some sort of ironic humor in it or you'll find it entertainingly bad. The only possible reaction to this movie is to facepalm but you won't because this movie doesn't deserve that much. It's 90 minutes of awful, cliche, mainstream, predictable, corny, and (suprisingly often) racist jokes. I laughed twice, once when a bobcat entered a scene via the worst special effects I've seen in a long time, and when the main character is knocked out and apppears to be dead (how dissapointing). Every thing that's wrong with popular culture and today's society oozes from this piece of garbage. There is nothing to be gained from this movie, no enjoyment to be had at all.

What on God's green Earth could've possessed you to watch that?

Farscape: Peace Keeper Wars - 9/10...
I miss this show and I just finished watching the whole series a couple days ago.
Great way to finish it off though, can't wait for the webisodes that SciFi's cooking up.
8/10 seems about right. I saw this years ago in Art College (way before the game). It's cinema in it's purest form. The entire tension of the film comes wholly from the acting and nothing else.

The whole sequence with the 'meat grinder' must go on for about 15 minutes and the tension is palatable.

The original Solaris is well worth a looksee as well.

Yeah, I've got the Tarkovsky version of Solaris but haven't gotten around to watching it yet. You're right about the meat grinder scene in the tunnel, I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. It's amazing how the movie is so intense and engaging despite how incredibly slow it moves, and given the total absence of tangible threats to the characters (just perceived ones). I watched it with a Russian girl, and she told me that the movie was so low-budget that they could only do one take for most scenes, and if an actor messed up they had to pay for the additional film required out of their own pocket. That's pretty incredible given the quality of acting in that movie.

Ong Bak 2 - 7/10. Don't get me wrong, I'm a HUGE Tony Jaa fan, but this movie fell a little short of Ong Bak and The Protector (I'd give them 9/10 and 8/10 respectively). This one gets points off for two reasons. First, there were a lot of weird characters with sort of demonic / supernatural qualities which annoyed me a little. The other reason is that the ending was horribly unsatisfying, huge cliffhanger for Ong Bak 3. Still heavily recommend it though, it's chock full of Tony Jaa ass-kickin'.
What on God's green Earth could've possessed you to watch that?

Spanish teacher offered extra credit for staying after school and watching a movie. She said it was some drama about a military coup in Argentina based on a true story and I was like, "Eh, what the hell". Apparently she couldn't find the movie and this was the most spanishy thing she could find on short notice.

Edit: And thanks Ennui, all those have been added to my netflix.
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