Rates and REG


May 17, 2003
Reaction score
HI all!

I looking forward to CS:S so much extemely excited... At this time I am in the period of paranoia if I can play it well in high without AA/AF.
YOu know the paranoa when you first get laid kinda thing...
512mb ram crucial
Radeon 9700 Pr0 128.

Ok so lets move on as the post is really about Rates and Bullet Reg.

Now with CS:S being a whole new engine, new ways! and plenty new things I would of thought Rates and Reg work extemely diffrent than the extremely old HL1 engine.
With HL1 it takes the piss how many people enter servers with such low rates it starts to get called "cheating rates" or something. Luckily alot servers force certain rates.

Anyway is it still the same for CS:S able to set rates as low as possible and crap like that? or will CS:S retail have a option for server admins to force certain rates so everyone is equal instead of putting a MOD on the server?

ALso BUllet REG, alot people just use it as a excuse when they play shit and sometimes it is real..... But by time CS:S is out and this generation I would of thought that crap won't be a problem anymore.
Due to HL1 engine be so old it works by data getting sent etc etc (I dont techi side but I understand basics) to see if you hit the enemy or not or something.

Now i remeber interviews with valve stating yea the netcode is old and shit now and thats why it works like that but with CS:S I would of thought bullets be real time now or new ways like most games like Q3 use or Ut2k4... so you wont get problems like "BULLET REG SUCKS! I SHOT HIM IN HEAD 60 TIMES!!".

Whats everyone elses thoughts on this?

Chuck me your opinions.


I play source every day and can safely say the netcode is worse than HL1. If anyone is over 100 ping shots arent registered as fast, putting 56K and DSL users in the lead. As far as rates go if you have cable use these commands and you should get a constant 30 ping:
rate "10000"
cl_cmdrate "100"
cl_updaterate "100"
Cable doesn't give lower pings than DSL.
Ok then - prove me wrong. Why does a cable connection provide better pings than a DSL connection?

Bear in mind that I've had both, and there's no discernible difference at all.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Ok then - prove me wrong. Why does a cable connection provide better pings than a DSL connection?

Bear in mind that I've had both, and there's no discernible difference at all.

maybe where you live man, but here in canada, adsl ping WAY lower than cable....
I find any ping under 80 is unnoticble, what I talking about is how does CS:S netcode work compared to HL1?

Not lag.... not if seman drops from your arse when getting shot.
But how does Bullet reg (hitting an enemy) work and how well as I know Hl1 bullet reg is rather shit and thats why alot times ur shit em in your eyes but not the computer eyes.
I know because I have cable and play DSL users every day. I have 30-50 ping and they have 100-150. This is always apparent regardless of server or day. Overall cable has higher bandwith anyway, which is what gives the lower latency. Trust me I go to school for this stuff.
Cable or DSL is just the medium for getting the connection to the end user. It's the quality of the network at the other end that makes the difference. This varies wildly from ISP to ISP, and country to country. Stating that cable is better than DSL is a false assertion.
Well I have yet to see anyone with DSL under 100 ping. I have been playing CS for four years. Maybe it's just the eastcoast with slow DSL?

EDIT: Just checked that site linked earlier and saw this: "Cable technology can, in theory, achieve networking speeds of approximately 30 Mbps (using a 100 Mbps network interface card), whereas most forms of DSL cannot reach 10 Mbps."

Not that that is the actual speed you are getting, just the maximum the connection can handle. So even in general cable is faster than DSL, at least in the US.
but the maximum throughput isn't relevant.

I currently use DSL, and my ping is usually around 30.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Cable or DSL is just the medium for getting the connection to the end user. It's the quality of the network at the other end that makes the difference. This varies wildly from ISP to ISP, and country to country. Stating that cable is better than DSL is a false assertion.

Ding Ding Ding Ding...winner!!!

Saying that cable is faster than DSL or viceversa is like saying a 5 year old driving an F1 car is faster than a pro racer driving the same car.
Chaops said:
Well I have yet to see anyone with DSL under 100 ping.

I have DSL and get around 80-100 servers which give me less than 100 ping. 20-30 of those give me ping of under 50 and aroung 15 give me ping of 30.

Cable is faster DSL from all I've seen. But the thing is that Cable is usualy shared amongst houses (at least here in Canada). An ISP like Rogers will give you Cable and tell you its amazingly fast but in fact, at peak hours when you most need it, it's slower than dial-up (I'm not kidding). However, late at night it gets really fast and can go up to 1mb/s. DSL is always steady and mine goes at a steady maximum of 360 kb/s.
Chaops said:
I know because I have cable and play DSL users every day. I have 30-50 ping and they have 100-150. This is always apparent regardless of server or day. Overall cable has higher bandwith anyway, which is what gives the lower latency. Trust me I go to school for this stuff.

cable has varied bandwidths as well as dsl. possibly pick a style of dsl and the throughput of the cable line and we can test more accurately.

cable = depends how many peoeple are on the same cable nodes and fiber lines near the user

dsl = depends on the distance away from the connecting C.O.

of course there are about 500 other factors to consider.

oh and...trust me, i went to school for this stuff and work for this stuff.
My point is I have yet to see a DSL user with under 100 ping. If you live in the UK or somewhere not in the eastcoast then your DSL may be better but here it is not as good as cable and costs about as much. That's all I was trying to say.
I have 2mbps ADSL from BT in the UK. It costs me £35 a month and i have never really had a ping over 30 on any online game.
Before that i had 512kbps line and the ping was always the same (20-30) depending on the game and i live about 4 miles from the Phone exchange.
When i visit my friend in the City where they have Cable, he has a T1 connection, but his ping is terrible playing on the same servers as me at different points in the day.
I think it's summit to do with the amount of people on the cable, but DSL is not affected by bottlenecking as the bandwidth is allocated to the consumer by the ISP.
The UK is only just really getting into Broadband compaired to the states and the rest of europe, so maybe thats why we get better pings.
It also depends where the server is located. If i play in US servers i get a 60-70 ping. Anything more than a few thousand miles away reduces my ping by about 5-10 every thousand miles.

Chaops said:
My point is I have yet to see a DSL user with under 100 ping. If you live in the UK or somewhere not in the eastcoast then your DSL may be better but here it is not as good as cable and costs about as much. That's all I was trying to say.

I'm not familar with broadband out of the east coast but i thought it wouldbe the same everywhere for the most part. guess UK is more cable friendly.
I think we need someone who can really tell the base of the netcode..
Like a 56ker..
Like ME.
Me a 56ker notices very little diffrence when playing Cs vs Cs:S.
Look i get the SAME PING, Cs:S has physics which do cause more lag. Thus it has to have a better netcode for a 56ker to play with those physics. Otherwize if i took out those physics it should still be worse.
All in all, Cs:S works better for me. I see NO DIFFRENCE when it comes to lag. So whatever you guys are seeing me a 56ker dosn't.
i dont know about any of you but im always pinging lower than everyone else with my cablemodem in almost every server i join. i dont think it has specifically anything to do with the cable modem but more because im in chicago which is a major hub and we have a lot of fiber running through our city.
Chaops said:
Well I have yet to see anyone with DSL under 100 ping. I have been playing CS for four years. Maybe it's just the eastcoast with slow DSL?

EDIT: Just checked that site linked earlier and saw this: "Cable technology can, in theory, achieve networking speeds of approximately 30 Mbps (using a 100 Mbps network interface card), whereas most forms of DSL cannot reach 10 Mbps."

Not that that is the actual speed you are getting, just the maximum the connection can handle. So even in general cable is faster than DSL, at least in the US.

That has nothing todo with ping times. I always thought the technology in its simplest form, signals through copper wires are faster then those through glass fibers. But as someone said 500 other things to consider so it hardly makes a difference.

(I personally expect a ping of 30 at the most with my DSL in UK servers. Which is better than any cable company also in my area.)
when did this turn from a Cable vs DSL to a My ping is better than yours? from a "Whats the bullet reg netcode work like? worse than HL1? with everyone giving excuses "MY REG IS SHIT!"?
this is a pointless and off topic conversation, so im gonna contribute.

It all depends on what server you play on. In my experience, If you play on your own ISP's server then you should get very low pings (providing u have broadband).

my 512K ADSL on my ISP's cs:s server, i get 30 ping.
my mates uncapped cable on his ISP's server, 20 - 30 ping.
also ive played on different servers with him, sometimes i get better pings sometimes he gets better pings.

Cable is literally faster (in aust anyway) than ADSL. thats a fact. pings to cs depends mainly on the server (and your connection speed of course).

On topic, i find the bullet REG fine. It does depend on your ping tho, theres been a few times where i would have got a good 5 - 6 shots on someone and hit them like once because of an 80 -100 ping :(
Yeah im not trying to start a flame war or anything, I am just posting on personal experience with players using DSL. Also I have only made reference to standard DSL, you guys with ADSL are obviously going to have different bandwith caps. I think we sould all just wait for the final version to see how things are, and if not fixed, then we can argue about net speed.