

Jul 17, 2004
Reaction score
Which rates would be recommended for a 2mb connection?

Sorry if there is another post on this somwhere else
whats ur upload?

whats ur average fps?

im guessing ur uplaod is similar to mine as ur UK

i use

cl_rate 25000
cl_cmdrate 80
cl_updaterate 70

have ur updaterate similar to ur average fps

try those vaulesm ur cl_rate wont make much difference tbh, most servers only allow 20k but set to 25k anyway

change ur other rates in small amounts ifur getting choke etc
I upload at around 20kbps and download at about 250kbps
got them at 25000 80 80

i remmeber i used to use 25000 101 101 in 1.6 and they seemed good, ill keep messing around till i find the right ones...
TrippyG said:
I would recommend the default setting for u
Default rates are terrible. I'd only advise people on 56K to use them.
I hate it when people abuse rates and purposly set them low.
Average fps is 100

sometimes it goes to 80 but usually 100 or above.
nice man nice

i can get high fps on some maps but it wil drop on others so mine is lower

set ur cl_updaterate to about 90
As a relative noob I dont really know what your on about can someone please explain what these rates do and how to alter them
mikey388 said:
As a relative noob I dont really know what your on about can someone please explain what these rates do and how to alter them

ive explained it in a few threads in this section, use the search tool and u should be able to find it pretty easily :)
What would the rate be for a 4.5mb downstream and 380kb upstream connection?

(Road Runner hates upload...)
how about for a 2.5mbit cable connection(350 down/30 - 45 up)?
fps is 25 - 40.