Ravenholm is scary

There is a part in Ravenholm with (near) infinite spawning Zombies.
I never found Ravenholm to be scary. I just hate it because it slows the pace of the game down too much. It would have been better if you didn't run so low on ammo while there. I have never run out while playing it, but I hat having to conserve ammo for certain guns. This is not a survival horror game. Also the mines part at the end of Ravenholm is the absolute worst part of the game. I know its short, but I still hate it.
Ravenholm was kinda scary to begin with the first time I played. Things only got worse as I played on. The fast zombies debut went something like this:


A close second to the scariest moment in that game was just before Nova Prospekt, as you enter the big pipe. Lowlife was also plenty scary. There weren't any scary bits in Episode 2 I thought (cept for the fast zombies again, with another surprise they brought with them).

However, Half Life is NOTHING compared to F.E.A.R.

Dear God, that game is the scariest game I have played to date.
F.E.A.R. isn't scary
unless we speak of those creatures that become invisible and climb walls,I never know where they are or where they will be,which makes me use SloMO when I'm not shooting replica soldiers
No way, Ravenholm has nothing on Ecco the Dolphin. That said, yes, Ravenholm was pretty freaking creepy.
No way, Ravenholm has nothing on Ecco the Dolphin. That said, yes, Ravenholm was pretty freaking creepy.

Ah, I remember Ecco the Dolphin.



I've already seen that video somewhere.

Silent Hill FTW!!! Although it's more creepy than scary.
Wow, so much feedback.

Well, I finally beat it. With a combination of mat_fullbright and notarget, the zombies didn't actually come after me. My graphics card must be a little glitchy, because not only did fullbright turn on all lights, but it made all the textures multicolored, and gave a sort of disco feeling to the whole area. (Yes, I'm pathetic.)

Anyways, I've made it to Nova Prospekt now.
Wow, so much feedback.

It's HL2.net. We live off of feedback.

Well, I finally beat it. With a combination of mat_fullbright and notarget, the zombies didn't actually come after me. My graphics card must be a little glitchy, because not only did fullbright turn on all lights, but it made all the textures multicolored, and gave a sort of disco feeling to the whole area. (Yes, I'm pathetic.)

YOU FAIL! :| Go back to the beginning and try again, cheater.

Anyways, I've made it to Nova Prospekt now.

Cool level eh?
Ravenholm is scary in the least, especially now that I know where all the zombies spawn :D

But my little brother and his friend who also has Hl, hate it, I just hate to think what is gona happen when he reaches the pitch black underground section in Episode 1, now that can be spooky.
The worst part is that the flashlight isn't compatible with my graphics card. It does nothing. D:
Ravenholm was truly scary the first time, but once you learn where the zombies appear and get used to fighting them they pose very little threat, and I think that's the main reason they cease to be scary.

The Trigens in Far Cry scare me more. Why? Because they can rip you apart in seconds. They're dangerous. Regular zombies in Half-Life 2 pose no threat unless you get mobbed, and if you know what you're doing you'll never allow that to happen. Fast zombies can be a little unsettling, but they never show up in sufficient numbers to really get your health down. (Not even at the end with the drainpipes, it's a bit too easy to keep them at bay)
Yeah the Zombies where never much of a threat in any of the games outside of HUGE numbers.

HL2 they where slightly more dangerous in that they could throw stuff.
you mean the stop respawning after many hours?
I seem to remember somebody posting that the infinite respawning zombie area does run out eventually, having never done this myself it could just be disinformation.
At the original poster: I'd recommend taking off your headphones, if you're using them, turning on your speakers and setting the volume as low as possible while still managing to hear something.

It seemed to work for other games, I guess it depends on how scared you are - I can't say anything for sure re. Ravenholm, since despite loving the HL series I've never actually finished any of the games (</cowerinshame>). Or, you could just go watch these guys' videos and have a laugh.
Im new here hello. But never mind that.
First time i played in Ravenholm i almoust pisses myself but now it isnt that scary:D
Dragosbr and cctoide -- Welcome to HL2.net. It's safer here.
hmmm... I was more amazed at the graphics HL2 had to offer then the scariness. Ravenholm was the best level in the game for me.

It wasn't scary though... Try playing Doom 3 or F.E.A.R for the first time. Thats scary...

But HL2 kicks their ass in gaming :p
I flipped when the two spider headcrabs jumped from the ceiling, but now I know they do :p
Ravenholm was atmospheric and spooky, but certainly not scary.

F.E.A.R? Scary? Nooo.

Doom 3 = Fail at scariness
F.E.A.R. = Great success!

I mean, to fully enjoy FEAR, you've gotta play it with some good headphones, and then you CAN'T say you didn't get scared at least a few times.
F.E.A.R. was the only game that had me on edge the whole time the whole missing with tour mind glimpses of Alma.It's alot more scary than Resident Evil and Silent Hill.
I mean, to fully enjoy FEAR, you've gotta play it with some good headphones, and then you CAN'T say you didn't get scared at least a few times.
Maybe it's because Gamespot spoiled the whole Alma thing for me, but I was never scared in any of the supernatural sequences, just...surprised.

I was spooked when those soul things started to swarm you. That was probably more due to tension, though.
No it wasn't. It's crappy horror/cheap scares from start to finish.

I agree, typical non-scary "Hollywood" jump-scare tactics, that's Doom 3.

Maybe it's because Gamespot spoiled the whole Alma thing for me, but I was never scared in any of the supernatural sequences, just...surprised.

I was spooked when those soul things started to swarm you. That was probably more due to tension, though.

That may be the reason. When I started playing FEAR, i had no idea what it was about and had seen NO media of the game before, except the little prologue movie that is on the DVD, so I got pretty scared a few times.
Doom 3 is not scary. FEAR and Ravenholm are more than a little creepy but Silent Hill 2 is terrifying.
FEAR stopped being scary once you realized that shooty bits and scary bits don't go together.

So if you came into an area without enemies you can just expect somebody to jump out and go boo.

PS: Define "hatching" in Advisor context.
I found the visions with Alma and the fire and the blood and the ghosts very creepy and scary, on a psychological level, not in a monster-jump-out-at-you way.
Samon said:
Pesmerga said:
Doom 3 was and still is scary as hell
No it wasn't. It's crappy horror/cheap scares from start to finish.

No it isn't. It was scary as hell.

Certainly the old 'eye of the beholder' adage applies here, in which case sweeping statements of 'fact' (on either side - and as applies to Ravenholm as well for that matter) are pointless and ill-advised. Anything may be scary to some, not to others, and each opinion is equally valid.

For what it's worth, I thought Doom 3 and Ravenholm were scary.
Doom 3 sucked simply because it tried to re-write the original (simple) storyline.
Doom 3 makes you jump at the start, with the monsters popping out of nowhere, but that's not really scary, those are just frights. After a while it gets boring. I never even finished it, which is unusual for me.
He was still hatching.

No it wasn't. It's crappy horror/cheap scares from start to finish.

How can you say that when I'm genuinely scared playing Doom 3.

Hell, Doom 1 and 2 were scary as shit, too. Condemned is the only other FPS that create the same effect. Like, if I see a scary hallway where I *know* they're going to throw loud sounds and big monsters at me, I seriously consider whether I have to go down that hallway.

But at the end of the hallway you get a chaingun so **** YEAH LET'S ROCK.