Reactor explosion, survival, and Breen.


May 15, 2004
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Consciousness returns. Gordon and Alyx discover they've somehow escaped both the reactor explosion and the G-Man's malevolent grasp. Before they can ponder their miraculous survival, the crippled Citadel lurches back to life just long enough to initiate a self-destruct sequence.

So somehow, they were saved. I imagine they are either transported to another area of the Citadel, or to the ruined chamber itself. Either way they survived the explosion. But what about Breen? Obviously Gman did not save him, and so he was stuck, still, at the bottom of the spire within the now radiation riddled chamber. The large relay towers were collapsing into the chamber, there was the explosion and the outburst of all that energy - which is seeminlgy powerful enough to cause that massive cloud looming about the tip of the Citadel.

Discover what’s become of City 17, Dr. Breen, and the G-Man.

We've seen Alyx, Eli and Mossman, all alive and in perfectly good health - who were also all in close proximity with the reactor explosion. Discover whats become of Dr. Breen....obviously, something has happened to him. He is a brilliant villain, so I doubt he's bit the dust.

What will he walk away from the chamber with? Scars? Loss of limb? Mutated? I think Valve have more creativity and classe than to make him into some towering mutant or 'Mecha Breen'.

"Don't wade into the field, it will peel you apart!"
Angry Lawyer said:

I sincerely doubt that, that's too much of a cliché for the bad guy to turn into some kind of mutant, giant robot or whatever.
Since he was exposed to all that radiation, I can imagine him in some sort of suit to keep him alive

W.Breen: Come Looke, er.. I mean Gordon, meat your destiny!
G.Freeman: Never!
W.Breen: I am your father.
G.Freeman: Nooooo!!!!

Weird enough, I remember catching Breen talking to the adviser about some sort of transplant of his consciousness in a host body.
Angry Lawyer was only joking. ;)

Yes, Breen was talking with the Advisor in the reactor control room about safe passage off Earth via the Dark energy teleporter. Nobody can be certain about how it concluded, but the Advisor seemed to think he should use a host body in order to survive the enviroment he was about to arrive in.
He'll appear with a respirator-wearing slug for a head, and screech, "I WAS ONCE A MAN!"

Here's the short-list of what could've befallen Dr. Breen:

1. Absolutely nothing. Fell down the reactor shaft, bubble deactivated, and he fled.

2. Sustained massive injuries. Possibly only a part of him survived, and somehow he managed to get to some kind of life-support device. (MECHA-BREEN!)

3. Fully or partially merged with a host body. However, I highly doubt this one considering nothing was happening to him before he was about to go through the jump; that leads me to believe that transfer into said host would have occurred post-jump, on the other world.
I'm going for number one, with perhaps a few burns on his clothing, minor scratches on his face. Limping. Stuff such as.
I think they are going to go with what one of the original iterations of Breen, he is probably deformed, or has been so badly injured he is now dependant on combine tech to survive. I think it will be more tastefull than mechabreen, I don't reckon you will fight him.
That'd be interesting, but would he really have time for such a thing given the self destructing Citadel? Either way, the original design was pretty good...but I'm glad they actually changed it come the time when you meet him. It'd kill some of the human of his character.
I'd say the bubble probably protected him somewhat and was able to flee the rest.
Valve are too original to pull of a Mech-Breen. In fact, I can't imagine anything more disappointing for Aftermath than a Breen boss in a giant mechanic robot suit, Makron-style. Heck, Valve could do HL2 without a final boss at all, and it worked out amazingly fine, I'm sure they wouldn't do a Mech-Breen.

I don't know what they'd do with Breen in Aftermath, but whatever it is, I hope we'll hear more quality dialogue from him, Breen's text (and voice acting) were easily some of the best parts of HL2.
ríomhaire said:
I'd say the bubble probably protected him somewhat and was able to flee the rest.

I agree, the bubble protected him from the bulk of the explosion and radiation, so I'm guessing we'll probably see him with some scratches and bruises, but nothing serious.

Cloud someone show me what Breen was originally supposed to look like, I haven't seen that.
Maybe we'll find Breen nearly dead in a part of the Citadel. He'll probably tell you exactly why humanity needs him...
^ And then the twist! You really DO need him to save humanity! ;)
Combine CP said:
^ And then the twist! You really DO need him to save humanity! ;)
"The Combine put a bomb in my stomach! If I don't have a snack in 24 hours, it will detonate, and destroy the entire world! Mwuahahahaha! Now you have no choice but to take me to the closest pretzel stand!"
I actually agree that he may be his host body, or partly merged. OR, like other said, he could be greatly injured and/or dependant on life support. I retract the whole Mecha-Breen thing.
And what about this:
Gordon, most of the humans, the Vorts are "the good guy's" right?
G-Man and the higher powers that he serves are helping them, in a little strange way, but still.

The Combine (and I mean the race, not the soldiers on Earth), and Breen are the 'bad guys'.

What if some other higher power wants to help the Combine, and save Breen, like the G-man saved Gordon?

I find it very exciting, two sides fighting agaist eachother on two levels - on earth with weapons, soldiers and such, and on a 'higher level' using agents like G-Man.

I know this theory need's some work to make it look god, but is it possible? Valve did say in an interview that in EP1 a new 'force' will be shown in the HL universe.
For some reason, I have a strange feeling that Gordon and Alyx may be fighting with the Combine. Well..not all of them, but some of them. I saw in one of the screenshots how Alyx and a bunch of Combine were shooting the antlion. If the Combine had somewhat of a control over the Antlion, they wouldn't be firing at it, they would be firing at Alyx.
Because the city defenses are down, creatures such as the antlions will no doubt be quite common in City 17. As usual the combine focus on killing the bigger beasts before shooting on you, so some kind of co-operation will no doubt be in the game. Whether it will extend any further than that... wait and see I suppose.
dat crazy dj said:
For some reason, I have a strange feeling that Gordon and Alyx may be fighting with the Combine. Well..not all of them, but some of them. I saw in one of the screenshots how Alyx and a bunch of Combine were shooting the antlion. If the Combine had somewhat of a control over the Antlion, they wouldn't be firing at it, they would be firing at Alyx.

At the end of the new trailer, you see such a scene, but Alyx is still firing at the Combine soldier while he's shooting an antlion guard. So they're not working the most, they'd both be firing on the antlions because they perceive them to be the bigger threat. Then they'd turn around and start blasting each other.

Also, Redneck, Breen was originally going to be just a head that was attached to some kind of life-support system. It kinda looked like a head in a jar with a wire coming out of the bottom, as I recall. You can see it in the HL2: Raising the Bar book.
I did not know whether this idea has been mentioned before, but...

Actually, the conversation of Breen and advisor is:

Advisor: You can survive in Xen via a host body.
Breen: A host body? You must be joking, I can't possibly...
Advisor: If you don't want a host body... Well, I really cannot think of any suggestion for the time being. Just go down to the elevator and act that you have entered the teleport chamber. I will sent an actor staying in the teleport chamber and temporize Freeman a bit, so that I can have time to think of an idea.
BREEN: Oh, all right, damn it. If that's what it takes! Just hurry, he's right behind me!

Then, Breen walked into the lift and go down. He didn't get into the chamber. Instead, he went to the path at right and stayed in a VIP room for all the time. The person in the teleport chamber is not him but an actor look like him.

At last, I wish I am not going to against Breen in HL2 Aftermath. You know, I get bored of that in HL2.
darktori said:
And what about this:
Gordon, most of the humans, the Vorts are "the good guy's" right?
G-Man and the higher powers that he serves are helping them, in a little strange way, but still.

The Combine (and I mean the race, not the soldiers on Earth), and Breen are the 'bad guys'.

What if some other higher power wants to help the Combine, and save Breen, like the G-man saved Gordon?

I find it very exciting, two sides fighting agaist eachother on two levels - on earth with weapons, soldiers and such, and on a 'higher level' using agents like G-Man.

I know this theory need's some work to make it look god, but is it possible? Valve did say in an interview that in EP1 a new 'force' will be shown in the HL universe.

I don’t think the Combine would want to save Breen. He means nothing to them. Besides the Combine aren't happy with Breen’s failure to deal with Freeman and the resistance.
Which might actually mean that Breen, in EP1, might want to *truly* cooperate with Gordon. After all, Breen cares about saving his ass. The Combine are very unhappy with Breen and the fact that he didn't manage to keep Earth under Combine control. Moreover, just two weeks after Gordon Freeman (whom the Combine somehow know as seen in Red Letter Day) appears in City17, Breen loses control of the situation entirely. Given the circumstances, Breen is likely to understand that the Combine won't care about him anymore, so maybe Breen will turn to Gordon in hope of being saved.

BTW, interestingly, there was some level of "cooperation" between you and Combine in Nova Prospekt already. You were both blasting antlions away - well, you were blasting antlion guards. Like the last one (just before the Entanglement chapter), first a squad of Combine Soldiers shoots at the guard, and then you come in to finish it off. EP1 is thus likely to be very hectic, with the Overwatch soldiers, the wildlife, and you + other resistance. And there might even be a fourth power - the larger Combine forces who (possibly) will even not hesitate to attack the Overwatch troops.
Solver said:
Which might actually mean that Breen, in EP1, might want to *truly* cooperate with Gordon. After all, Breen cares about saving his ass. The Combine are very unhappy with Breen and the fact that he didn't manage to keep Earth under Combine control. Moreover, just two weeks after Gordon Freeman (whom the Combine somehow know as seen in Red Letter Day)
"I am all but certain it was...Gordon Freeman"
The way he says it is clear that the name has signifigance. They must have know about him.
Yep, that was what I was referring to. I'm not positive, though, as to WHY the Combine would know Gordon. So Gordon freed Xen, but Xen wasn't Combine-occupied. Doesn't seem like that's worth remembering him for. Gordon started the whole interdimensional mess 18 years ago, but that doesn't sound like a reason for the Combine to remember him, either.

Hmm, this gets me thinking. Consider this, Breen was VERY worried when Gordon appeared. Gordon appears, and the next thing Breen does is to call the Combine Advisor. Moreover, Breen immediately places the Citadel on full alert and dispatches soldiers to search for Gordon. Breen was, in fact, scared as hell of Gordon.

Why? As Breen says later, "[Freeman] is just that, an ordinary man". But Breen is afraid of Gordon because he knows that the G-Man is behind Gordon. Breen knows that, and thus, when Gordon appears, Breen knows that it means the G-Man is interfering. And that's why Breen freaks out and tries to kill Gordon.

Another indication that Breen knows about G-Man and Gordon is when Breen says that Gordon was, in the recent years, in a "state that precluded further development of covert skills". Breen knew Gordon is in G-Man's stasis, and Breen's comments at the end of the game (about the highest bidder) also suggest that Breen knows about the G-Man.

So, to summarize. Breen fears Gordon because he knows that Gordon is a pawn of the G-Man and Breen likely has some idea of what the G-Man is. And, Gordon being an employee of the G-Man is the reason why the Combine know about Gordon.
bbson_john said:
I did not know whether this idea has been mentioned before, but...

Actually, the conversation of Breen and advisor is:

Advisor: You can survive in Xen via a host body.
Breen: A host body? You must be joking, I can't possibly...
Advisor: If you don't want a host body... Well, I really cannot think of any suggestion for the time being. Just go down to the elevator and act that you have entered the teleport chamber. I will sent an actor staying in the teleport chamber and temporize Freeman a bit, so that I can have time to think of an idea.
BREEN: Oh, all right, damn it. If that's what it takes! Just hurry, he's right behind me!

Then, Breen walked into the lift and go down. He didn't get into the chamber. Instead, he went to the path at right and stayed in a VIP room for all the time. The person in the teleport chamber is not him but an actor look like him.

At last, I wish I am not going to against Breen in HL2 Aftermath. You know, I get bored of that in HL2.

No....just no. Besides, he wasnt' going to Xen. Yeah, I'm aware the majority of that post was joke but...

I'm pretty sure they are aware of Gordon because somehow a lab scientist managed to enter his planet and species into a cosmic war wherein he succeeded in toppling an alien super power (Xen).
Solver said:
Yep, that was what I was referring to. I'm not positive, though, as to WHY the Combine would know Gordon. So Gordon freed Xen, but Xen wasn't Combine-occupied. Doesn't seem like that's worth remembering him for. Gordon started the whole interdimensional mess 18 years ago, but that doesn't sound like a reason for the Combine to remember him, either.

Hmm, this gets me thinking. Consider this, Breen was VERY worried when Gordon appeared. Gordon appears, and the next thing Breen does is to call the Combine Advisor. Moreover, Breen immediately places the Citadel on full alert and dispatches soldiers to search for Gordon. Breen was, in fact, scared as hell of Gordon.

Why? As Breen says later, "[Freeman] is just that, an ordinary man". But Breen is afraid of Gordon because he knows that the G-Man is behind Gordon. Breen knows that, and thus, when Gordon appears, Breen knows that it means the G-Man is interfering. And that's why Breen freaks out and tries to kill Gordon.

Another indication that Breen knows about G-Man and Gordon is when Breen says that Gordon was, in the recent years, in a "state that precluded further development of covert skills". Breen knew Gordon is in G-Man's stasis, and Breen's comments at the end of the game (about the highest bidder) also suggest that Breen knows about the G-Man.

So, to summarize. Breen fears Gordon because he knows that Gordon is a pawn of the G-Man and Breen likely has some idea of what the G-Man is. And, Gordon being an employee of the G-Man is the reason why the Combine know about Gordon.
Play Water Hazard again and listen to Breen's speach on 'the One Free Man'. It is clear that Freeman was a name all the citizens knew, it was a powerful name and I'm sure the Combine care about the balance of power on their worlds.
I take full credit for starting this MechaBreen talk - and I was joking at the time :LOL:
ríomhaire said:
Play Water Hazard again and listen to Breen's speach on 'the One Free Man'. It is clear that Freeman was a name all the citizens knew, it was a powerful name and I'm sure the Combine care about the balance of power on their worlds.

But there's a difference, and a big one. A difference in how the citizens know Freeman and how Breen knows him. To citizens, Freeman's a hero, probably a beacon of hope and whatnot. However, the citizens have no idea where he was for the last two decades and so on - while Breen knows about the G-Man and thus fears Freeman much more.

What Breen says in his propganda speeches can, after all, hardly be a good indication if his real thoughts and motives.
Reading this whole thread was amazing. Very interesting ideas and points. I seriously wouldnt be surprized if some of these ideas are true. This is seriously an insane world with insane story and mistery. Cant wait to play.
Yea too bad you're gonna be playing for only about 5 hours. Then you're gonna have to wait another 8 months for another 5 hours and so on until these damn episodes are done and they finally release HL3 to finish things off.
I really wonder how long VALVe can go on with the episodes. This is gonna be a very interesting plotline.

And also, I dunno, but it also seems like your going to be going reverse through Half life 2. You know? Your basically doing the whole thing again, but backwards. Since your "escaping" from City 17.
There are 3 episodes that wrap up this story thread, then episode 4 which introduces new things to the universe.
Episode 1 is very much HL2 in reverse, but its not the same City 17. Things have changed, aliens have broken through the defences, the Combine are also trying to escape...theres going to be enough change to show its not just a simple case of running backwards.
Samon said:
There are 3 episodes that wrap up this story thread, then episode 4 which introduces new things to the universe.
Episode 1 is very much HL2 in reverse, but its not the same City 17. Things have changed, aliens have broken through the defences, the Combine are also trying to escape...theres going to be enough change to show its not just a simple case of running backwards.
Also, you know, they can throw in any location they'd like and say; "Oh this is the East side of City 17, you were on the West side in HL2."
Solver said:
Which might actually mean that Breen, in EP1, might want to *truly* cooperate with Gordon. After all, Breen cares about saving his ass. The Combine are very unhappy with Breen and the fact that he didn't manage to keep Earth under Combine control. Moreover, just two weeks after Gordon Freeman (whom the Combine somehow know as seen in Red Letter Day) appears in City17, Breen loses control of the situation entirely. Given the circumstances, Breen is likely to understand that the Combine won't care about him anymore, so maybe Breen will turn to Gordon in hope of being saved.

That sounds interesting. But I don’t think Alyx would want to help Breen in any way :)

Samon (in an other thread) said:
On Earth, Breen has promised them Eli's local teleportation technology. One place to another in close proximity, rather than say, universe to universe.

If Breen can still deliver the local teleportation technology to the Combine (which isn’t very likely),or let the Combine believe he can, Breen has some value to the Combine after all. Maybe they will spare his life.
Why don't you think my theory, Breen is not in the teleportor, is correct?
Samon said:
Because its truly ridiculous. :p

That is not anything odd. A fake has always be used in police's VIP transport mission in reality.