Reactor explosion, survival, and Breen.

99.vikram said:
I'm sure Gordon will lose it minutes into Ep 1. Does anybody know if Ep1 includes new weapons?

“Alyx can make new gadgets and experimental weapons”

A quote from the PCGameplay (magazine). So I guess Episode One will include some new weapons. Although I don’t know if you can take ‘experimental weapons’ literally.
Experimental weapons? Maybe combining weapons'd be fun, so you could have an smg and shotgun without switching, but I think what they mean by “Alyx can make new gadgets and experimental weapons” is for Alyx's personal use only, kind of like the poor refugee in the railroad that was attacked by manhacks and defended himself with a piece of pipe. Alyx and a quaterstaff of streetsign?
I believe there is at least one new weapon.

Valve is hidding the game from us. Do you believe that there won't be Vortigaunts in Aftermath? Because we havn't seen them yet in videos or screenshots. I think there could be some sort of twist with them.

But the point is that they want to keep most of the game a secret, while they let out a little bit of info to make people want to play it. I'm sure that once we start playing June 1st we will get a few surprises.
UltimaApocalyspe said:
Do you believe that there won't be Vortigaunts in Aftermath? Because we havn't seen them yet in videos or screenshots. I think there could be some sort of twist with them.

I personally hope that this time the Vortigaunts will make themselves useful in combat. I want to see more of the resistance squad action, but this time with Vortigaunts mixed in instead of just humans.
Definitely. If you spawn a Vortigaunt and have it fight something else, it's pretty apparent that they're a lot tougher than they were in HL1, and much tougher than those piddly Resistance types. Their lightning attacks send zombies flying - it's a sight to behold.
For those who doubt that a Dropship could rescue Breen, I made something in GMod that should put things in perspective.
UltimaApocalyspe said:
I believe there is at least one new weapon.

Valve is hidding the game from us. Do you believe that there won't be Vortigaunts in Aftermath? Because we havn't seen them yet in videos or screenshots. I think there could be some sort of twist with them.

But the point is that they want to keep most of the game a secret, while they let out a little bit of info to make people want to play it. I'm sure that once we start playing June 1st we will get a few surprises.
Few? Well, defenitely much! If VALVe told us to much about the game, it wouldn't be as exciting as when they hide stuff. So they only reveal the tiny secrets that were as almost expected. VALVe is clever. :)
Glenn, ive always agreed with you...anyway about that new weapon OIWC?or comething like that??? you think they'll make it?
Glenn the Great said:
For those who doubt that a Dropship could rescue Breen, I made something in GMod that should put things in perspective.

Naw, that simply wouldn't be feasible. Whilst the Reactor chamber is large it isn't that large. I mean, put it this way. The teleport itself exploded, causing a huge mass of energy to erupt from the de-stabilized reactor, following one of the three relay towers collapsing down into it - not too mention the fact that the entire chamber has gone into critical meltdown. Under those conditions, a strict time-limit and that it's easier for Breen to hop out of his bubble and flee to the platform the dropship wouldn't make it. Not a risk worth taking.

It also has to carry the container.
Samon said:
Naw, that simply wouldn't be feasible. Whilst the Reactor chamber is large it isn't that large. I mean, put it this way. The teleport itself exploded, causing a huge mass of energy to erupt from the de-stabilized reactor, following one of the three relay towers collapsing down into it - not too mention the fact that the entire chamber has gone into critical meltdown. Under those conditions, a strict time-limit and that it's easier for Breen to hop out of his bubble and flee to the platform the dropship wouldn't make it. Not a risk worth taking.

It also has to carry the container.
true, this was after the explosion...but there still is a chance that it could do that still, i mean look at the space that dropship has now, the dimensions will be say 1/5 smaller only...

Ríomhaire said:
Glenn what is that trying to show?
Hes is trying to show that a dropship could go near the chamber and pick Breen up...
To get in there a dropship would have to fly out of the citadel and back in the top, where the explosion is and where the falling tower has smashed. Highly unlikly to be done in enough time to grab Breen.
You have to consider though, that all we saw was an initial explosion. If Valve desires it to be so, the room could stay relatively stable for a little while. I just want to show that if Valve wanted a dropship to rescue Breen, they are completely capable of making it happen.
I can imagine it now. Breen, perched atop the dropship, almost riding it like a horse, just on top of the 'head', snarling and shaking his fist at Gordon whilst yelling ''We'll meet again, Freeman!''

... but this is Valve, and thankfully, it won't happen.
el Chi said:
Definitely. If you spawn a Vortigaunt and have it fight something else, it's pretty apparent that they're a lot tougher than they were in HL1, and much tougher than those piddly Resistance types. Their lightning attacks send zombies flying - it's a sight to behold.

Ever have a Vortigaunt attack you? In HL2, it's a 1 hit kill.
TheBleeding said:
I can imagine it now. Breen, perched atop the dropship, almost riding it like a horse, just on top of the 'head', snarling and shaking his fist at Gordon whilst yelling ''We'll meet again, Freeman!''

... but this is Valve, and thankfully, it won't happen.
Ríomhaire, You know what to do...anyway the dropship can still get to breen as we are talking after the explosion...meltdown but possible as ... i once again say
Azner said:
The dropship is biomech
Glen... have you ever tried making a map with a dropship dropping troops? I'm sure anyone who has must agree that they aren't easy to manouvre, and isn't great at navigation. The dropship you've put in there is facing straight up, and like Samon said, has no container attached. And those glass walkways criss-crossing, and the falling junk from up high... And the plot implications. Who in their right mind would send a dropship up to an insane height where an explosion has just taken place and is about to collapse, to navigate a tight flight path to pick up the puny human that may just have cost you your empire in this dimension... And how the hell's the dropship know where he is? Just me, but I'm not for agreeing.

I have no idea about vortigaunts in aftermath, but they must be in there somewhere. I think they'll turn up at the end, so Valve can segue the plot straight from episode one to two. Hopefully we'll get to see them obliterating zombies and combine along with the rest of them :D They're a bit useless against Antlions though, 'cause when the antlions get close, the vortigaunts have to use their claws to attack, which isn't nearly as cool...
Rennmniscant said:
Glen... have you ever tried making a map with a dropship dropping troops? I'm sure anyone who has must agree that they aren't easy to manouvre, and isn't great at navigation. The dropship you've put in there is facing straight up, and like Samon said, has no container attached. And those glass walkways criss-crossing, and the falling junk from up high... And the plot implications. Who in their right mind would send a dropship up to an insane height where an explosion has just taken place and is about to collapse, to navigate a tight flight path to pick up the puny human that may just have cost you your empire in this dimension... And how the hell's the dropship know where he is? Just me, but I'm not for agreeing.

I have no idea about vortigaunts in aftermath, but they must be in there somewhere. I think they'll turn up at the end, so Valve can segue the plot straight from episode one to two. Hopefully we'll get to see them obliterating zombies and combine along with the rest of them :D They're a bit useless against Antlions though, 'cause when the antlions get close, the vortigaunts have to use their claws to attack, which isn't nearly as cool...
Illl make this clear for once and for all
1.Dropship->Biomech=easy to meanuver
2.Breen is still in the bubble
3.The container just makes the dropship have more height it does no add to the width and the length.
4.probably only 2 overwatch troopers presumebly elites are there
5.The tip of dedark energy processor collasped already and we are talking BIOMECH dropship here...
6.The dropship is not dropping troops there its just collecting Breen
I think i made my point
Samon said:
No, you failed.
Then i shall try once again...But first for you ppl whom oppose my theory...
but im not saying that the combine would want to save him though

P.S. Glenn plz make a drop ship and a container and lots or junk(they act as debri...tables cupboard etc)AND SHOW these ppl what we are talking about
Azner said:
Then i shall try once again...But first for you ppl whom oppose my theory...
but im not saying that the combine would want to save him though

P.S. Glenn plz make a drop ship and a container and lots or junk(they act as debri...tables cupboard etc)AND SHOW these ppl what we are talking about

Because a dropship is big, slow, ugly and has ten legs.
Azner said:
Then i shall try once again...But first for you ppl whom oppose my theory...
but im not saying that the combine would want to save him though

P.S. Glenn plz make a drop ship and a container and lots or junk(they act as debri...tables cupboard etc)AND SHOW these ppl what we are talking about

Whatever Henry. A dropship cannot, in any way shape or form get down into that reactor chamber and rescue Dr. Breen. Seriously - it's a reactor chamber. And you've just put it into meltdown. Does this have any affect on you whatsoever? Are you aware of what one is? A reactor? Explosion? Dark energy?

Probably not.
Samon said:
Whatever Henry. A dropship cannot, in any way shape or form get down into that reactor chamber and rescue Dr. Breen. Seriously - it's a reactor chamber. And you've just put it into meltdown. Does this have any affect on you whatsoever? Are you aware of what one is? A reactor? Explosion? Dark energy?

Probably not.
I finally accept defeat:x ... Henry?My name aint henry... itz Tim
I would have made the picture more accurate by positioning the dropship correctly, but I'm new to GMod and I still need to figure out how to position it and spawn a dropship that is holding the troop container instead of carrying nothing.
Ok im back to teh *a dropship can menuver there* side
man ill love to kill breen myself instead of him dead already. :cheese: :cheese:
Well, I think they start in the razor train, as you see the Razor Train, then Alyx talking to Eli or someone through a combine console, then she's all like, stalkers! Then you see the gravity gun in hand, meaning that you probably ride on the Razor Train
I don't think someone can spell the word "maneuver" correctly.

Anyway, there are too many sticking-out structure, like racks, pillars and moving-floating platforms, in the reactor, a dropship cannot be maneuvered there.

In the Razor train level, I agree that it is great if Gordon drives a razor train while Dr. Kleiner is talking about his theory. Perhaps it is not the case since the Valve may just try to make the trailer be more exciting.
Black hawk down. I mean, hunter-seeker down.

A helicopter could not have gotten down there without hitting the rotors against something. I think we were safer with the gunship idea. Of course, that's pretty screwed up too.
After the explosien the citadel might be dameged enough to let a chopper down there. You never know.
99.vikram said:
Black hawk down. I mean, hunter-seeker down.

A helicopter could not have gotten down there without hitting the rotors against something. I think we were safer with the gunship idea. Of course, that's pretty screwed up too.
Can you just listen... THE BLOODY DROPSHIP IS BIOMECH... AND THAT CHOPPER DAMMIT ISNT! Anyway saving breen with a gunship? "ok ill just sit at the back...hmmm what are these spinning things AAAAAAAAARGGGGGGGH!

Well there are the dropships that transport combine soldiers. Not much argh there.
Samon, come back here and debate me... ok see, the reactor wouldnt blow up into bits and pices or melt like wax that badly, its a COMBINE MATERIAL, itll probably just become torn here and there and some debri here and there and explosions but still A DROPSHIP CAN GET TO BREEN!
bbson_john said:
stfu. Half-life2 have nothing to do with Starwar. StarWar sucks, HL2 is not sucks. Stop listing up a series of coincidence.

cough cough .... Star Wars RULES. how can you possibly compare a cliche computer game to such a original saga...
Well im not saying a combine dropship whould save him, it whould be rather silly, just thinking about the possibilitys(?) and you see the Citadel crumbling in the trailer. Plus Dog toar up some "combine material". Its not unbreakable.
Rizzo89 said:
Well im not saying a combine dropship whould save him, it whould be rather silly, just thinking about the possibilitys(?) and you see the Citadel crumbling in the trailer. Plus Dog toar up some "combine material". Its not unbreakable.
True, a there probably will not be a dropship saving him... dog can tear combine material? Where? When? Anyway we are debating on whether the dropship can get there, not whether it would...and the citadel crumbling, could be after saving Breen...Saaaaaaaaaamon... i know you're out there