Real Life Gravity Gun not so far fetched


Jul 19, 2003
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I thought valve were just hashing theorys together with the gravity gun but it appears it's based on the hutchison effect which has been proven to exist:

The levitation of heavy objects by the Hutchison Effect
is not---repeat not---the result of simple electrostatic or
electromagnetic levitation. Claims that these forces alone
can explain the phenomenon are patently ridiculous, and easily
disproved by merely trying to use such methods to duplicate
what the Hutchison Effect has achieved, which has been well
documented both on film and videotape, and has been witnessed
many times by numerous credentialed scientists and engineers.
Challengers should note that their apparatus must be limited
to the use of 75 Watts of power from a 120 Volt AC outlet, as
that is all that is used by Hutchison's apparatus to levitate
a 60-pound cannon ball.

Maybe Hutchison gives you the manipulator in HL2 :dozey:

It is surmised by some researchers that what Hutchison
has done is tap into the Zero Point Energy. This energy gets
its name from the fact that it is evidenced by oscillations
at zero degrees Kelvin, where supposedly all activity in an
atom ceases. The energy is associated with the spontaneous
emission and annihilation of electrons and positrons coming
from what is called "the quantum vacuum." The density of the
energy contained in the quantum vacuum is estimated by some at
ten to the thirteenth Joules per cubic centimeter, which is
reportedly sufficient to boil off the Earth's oceans in a
matter of moments.

I just extracted the most important bits (AFA HL2 is concerned) it's worth reading all of it, if anyones got better sources I'm interested.
just so you know the kelvin scales zero is -275 degrees celsius because that is as cold as anything can ever get. so freezing point in kelvin would be 275 degrees.
sounds cool, but i need to go read just what the hutchinson effect is.
When you say zero point gun do you mean the anti gravity gun or are you reffereing to another weapon?
I like One of my favourite sites. The Lifter is cool.
mrchimp said:
I thought valve were just hashing theorys together with the gravity gun but it appears it's based on the hutchison effect which has been proven to exist:

Maybe Hutchison gives you the manipulator in HL2 :dozey:

I just extracted the most important bits (AFA HL2 is concerned) it's worth reading all of it, if anyones got better sources I'm interested.

That's all good and all, but you can't say it's been proven because it hasn't. It's not official. It's a very good theory though.
NEWS FLASH - Shitty Geocities sites that haven't been updated in two years aren't things you can trust!
I didnt realise railguns actually existed a while ago, until I did some i-web research... they look quite mean :(
I read about the Hutchison effect and in order to make things levitate, you need an ENORMUS amount of voltage and some very complicated equipment (which I know what that equipment is.)
I wouldn't expect a scientific theory to be updated with vastly different information too often if there isn't much more to discover : | .

Noone has ever reached 0 K because the objects around the thermometer (which try to block out sound, heat, and vibrations) radiate a little themselves, keeping it from absolute zero
Iconoclast said:
NEWS FLASH - Shitty Geocities sites that haven't been updated in two years aren't things you can trust!

What kind of moron are you? Are you even sure you know what the hell Geoshitties is..?
ukfilmer said:
just so you know the kelvin scales zero is -275 degrees celsius because that is as cold as anything can ever get. so freezing point in kelvin would be 275 degrees.


[geek hat on]
That's 273 degrees.
[geek hat off]

Where did you get 273.15 from? Does that mean that since 1(delta) C = 1(delta) K, that absolute zero is in fact -0.15K :-/ ?
Crusader said:
Where did you get 273.15 from? Does that mean that since 1(delta) C = 1(delta) K, that absolute zero is in fact -0.15K :-/ ?

no it means that O°C = O°K + 273.15

edit: and 1(delta)°C = 1(delta)°K still
Me wonders why they teach you things and then later you find they lied to you :/
Crusader said:
Me wonders why they teach you things and then later you find they lied to you :/
Yeah that gets on my nerves too. Just wait till you learn about Einstein's relativity; it throws all the Newtonian mecanics out the window. I'm guessing that as we learn more, everything we learned precedently just falls apart. Balls.
This Hutison guy is a fraud. He has no experimental data. He will not reproduce his experiments in front of an audience. He wont release detailed information on how to replicate his experiments. Every reputable person one who has so far tried to reproduce this effect has failed. He will not release sample of his "bonded" materials for analysis. Scientists can’t be bothered to defunk his work because this guy has never done any science in the first place.

Now the gliders are more interesting these rely on an electrostatic effect of air and DO NOT work in a vacuum.
Crusader said:
Me wonders why they teach you things and then later you find they lied to you :/

It's just because the .15 is generally irrelevant to the work you do on your course and makes things needlessly complex.

When I learned chemistry our book told us absolute zero was -273C. Then it said in brackets that it was in fact -273.15C, but they'd like to keep things simple.
Briderider said:
This Hutison guy is a fraud. He has no experimental data. He will not reproduce his experiments in front of an audience. He wont release detailed information on how to replicate his experiments. Every reputable person one who has so far tried to reproduce this effect has failed. He will not release sample of his "bonded" materials for analysis. Scientists can’t be bothered to defunk his work because this guy has never done any science in the first place.

Now the gliders are more interesting these rely on an electrostatic effect of air and DO NOT work in a vacuum.

Not according to this website

Richard Hull implicates invisibiility of Hutchison Effect. See "Electrice Spacecraft Journal" back issues.
Ken Shoulders duplicates heating of metals without heat on small level written up in "New Energy News" by Hal Fox.
Lockhead and Martin, Spentworks, duplicate the Hutchison Effect see TLC Broadcast June 28, 2000.
Australian team duplicates Hutchison Effect movements relayed through the International Consciousness Research Labratories.

Physical Lab Test Done

Scanning electron microscope, x-ray defraction, flouresant analysis, nuclear, chemical . Grain structure magnometer tests,microscopy, computer, x-ray, field measurments spectro Analysis, film analysis results published Canada, U.S.A, Germany Japan, England, Greece, Swiss, Showing momentary transparent metal on film magnetic monopoles, shifting magnetic fields transmutations, atomic changes pure elements forming within blocks of metal wood in metal. Levitation's showing powered take offs tranlational Movements upwords or downwords sideway movements floatations looping Floatations all materials water, metal, plastic, wood any size shape weight.
All reports on hands videos, samples, books. Letters-Phone Bills, Lab Reports.

After reading some webpages I'm a bit suspicious but I wouldn't rule it out completely, as a couple of sources say he has recreated it and has shown it to external resources but more importantly the quoted webpage says others have recreated it.

Unfortunately he sells the videos of the experiments which sounds like a scam to me. I'll E-mail Rick and see what he thinks :E
In fact, a man came to my school to discuss zero point energy a while ago. I unfortunatly couldn't attent because of finals but it sounded pretty interesting. Still, some of my friends who saw him thought he was pretty nutty. He made it sound like zero point enery was a "forbidden-enregy" and that when he was attempting to release the results from his experiments some buff government-type people would corner him on the street and intimidate him death-treath-style.

Omg teh conspiracy :O
This reminds me of the man who claimed to have made a full scale mech with old cars. There were videos where you could see this thing moving incredibly fluidly and intelligently, for example seeing it stop a car being driven towards it. The videos were all suspiciously blurry and low quality.
Complete hoax, look at this video:

(Save As, I don't think stream works...)

At the top left of the screen you can see, quite clearly, the STRING that the man is pulling on to lift the saucer in the air. It vibrates only when the saucer bobs about. Such a hoax.
I thought that zero-point energy had been quantified? Except it was an extremely small number... Keep in mind, too, that for a given amount of energy, it also has a quality. I saw a picture of Hutchison the other day... kinda crazy looking guy :-P
Orange said:
I wouldn't expect a scientific theory to be updated with vastly different information too often if there isn't much more to discover : | .

Noone has ever reached 0 K because the objects around the thermometer (which try to block out sound, heat, and vibrations) radiate a little themselves, keeping it from absolute zero

Physicists don't measure temperatures that low with thermometers. No thermometer or thermal diode would ever survive temperatures that low. Instead they measure how long it takes for a supercooled subject to rise to ambient temperatures in a controlled evironment.
I've got a whole load of 'zero point theory' from a book I've been reading called The Field, basically going into what causes gravity and inertia. I can post excerpts if you like.
outpost233 said:
Intamin, read the part on the bottom of this page

Heh, well thnx for pointing that out...i guess :). But really, why did he move the camera over so you couldn't see it anymore, you know? Also, the saucer bobs about in the sort of flipping motion you get when you yank hard and then yank again when the saucer is on the way down. Oh well, I doubt it's real, but it could still be possible.
all i see is bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla.............

but thats just me :D
ValVed RaY said:
if you look at his sillyness you can see at the left hand side on the dark wall there is a string being pulled OOooo real proffesional

Yep, that's what I was sayin on pg2. Who knows, it's supposed to be some highly scientific physics apparatus--sounds suspicious to me.
Hmm..the first video kinda looked intresting at least, but I'm still wondering WHERE ARE THE TESLA COILZ, or the electromagnetic field in that video, could you really stand as close to it as in the wonders.

a quote from the site

"When two or more Tesla coils are run in close proximity to each other, they tend to create pockets of higher and lower energy where the Hertzian waveforms intersect. "
Ok one web site has vague information on follow up experiments. Unfortunately the only ones that actually lead anywhere are those with names like "Electric Spacecraft Journal" there is no mention of this from Lockhead and Martin and god only knows what "International Consciousness Research Laboratories" are?

If this guy isn’t a fraud then why doesn’t he.

1) Release / patent his machines design
2) Let independent sources verify his claims

People are offering massive amount of prize money for any one can actually reproduce anti-gravitational effects so why doesn’t he claim them and get his haircut?

Also this is funny

is not string but #32-gauge double polythermalized wire on a takeup up reel with 20 to 50000 volts DC.

His "50000V” ultra thin DC wire that hasn’t melted looks suspiciously like fishing reel and what the blazes is "polythermalized" this is a made up word? Now I like a mystery but this guy must be laughing his head off. If you like this kind of thing you have to check out the “Coral castle” his a wired news report on it that’s not to “Got to be aliens”