Real Life Hunter

Woah. . the way it moves gives me the creeps. but ya, it does look like a hunter.

neat find.
It looks like imperial walker too me. Not like a hunter.
That does look like a hunter. I laughed at the buzzing noise. The legs are weird
Give it 3 legs and a proper hunter body and aye.

I concur, the way it moves is impressive.

...For a machine.
Man, shows how well the Hunters were animated. They act like real advanced robots!

Watching this gives me the chills for some reason. It is so lifelike, but it is not alive.
this movie gave me the creeps first, but when i saw the robot on the ice in slowmotion i literarly laughed my ass of :D
looked like it was on drugs or something x)
In that instant it slipped on the ice I could have sworn it was two people. It's reactions and movements are incredible.
I find it lacks the...hostility? Aggressiveness? of a Hunter. It jumps, but doesn't pounce. Also it seems pretty slow going uphill. Frankly I'd rather take on one of those than a Hunter (maybe because it lacks the nasty guns and pointy bits :p).
Amazing :O
How come Japanese robot's done move so well like this.
That's really awesome. It's genius, it really is. So incredibly clever. Scary how the future's now.

I'm truly impressed. It's also vaguely creepy in the way that I recognise it when it walks as a living thing. If it weren't for the fact that I've been told that it's not alive, I'd believe it was a creature.
pretty cool but it did move like a horse after a 3 day drinking binge.

Soooo amazing for a expieremental robot but no practical use
We've come a long way.

Just think, in a few years we'll have robo-horsies.

The way it can recover is amazing, especially when slipping.
Amazing :O
How come Japanese robot's done move so well like this.

I'm going to assume you meant "How come Japanese robot's don't move as well as this"

This is because much of Japan's robotic research has been trying to reproduce bipedal movement based on the human physique.
i guess metal gear solid; guns of the patriots, is somewhat on. it features a robotic creature with organic legs on the battlefield. even though this one has mechanical legs it does use legs instead of the conventional wheel or track. And i must add, it does it so superb. i didnt think it was possible yet. very good piece of engineering
Was thinking last night about something Pesh said, and how I was attempting to get a website I was creating as easily manageable as possible...

Robots will inevitably write code for us. Where will man's role be then? Robots can be programmed to do menial tasks. So man still has a job to maintain the robots. But what happens when the robots can maintain robots? We sit around on our arses enjoying life...? There won't be anything for us to work for.
Was thinking last night about something Pesh said, and how I was attempting to get a website I was creating as easily manageable as possible...

Robots will inevitably write code for us. Where will man's role be then? Robots can be programmed to do menial tasks. So man still has a job to maintain the robots. But what happens when the robots can maintain robots? We sit around on our arses enjoying life...? There won't be anything for us to work for.

Your vision is somehow apocalyptic (seen in many sci-fi stories), and what you are saying is quite similar to one of the clips of the Animatrix series. Robots did everything and humans had nothing else to do, but relax. Soon robots began to attack them.

Now about the hunter, it gave me the creeps to, it was incredibly similar to the real hunter's movement.
This is because much of Japan's robotic research has been geared towards creating a Gundam, but as a race they're at a distinct genetic disadvantage in the creation of conflicted, mask wearing villains with Blonde Hair, drastically reducing the speed of their research no matter how red they paint it.

An earlier version of the robot in that video was in some uber-thread about Robotics absolutely ages ago. At one point in this one, I could have sworn that the robot was actually just two, black-clad, drunken rugby fans having a scrum, but I figured I was wrong either because they weren't falling over each other and trying to touch each other's balls in a totally 'straight' way, or because of that horrible whirring sound.
Even tho it's a machine .. I almost felt sorry for it when it's about to fall on the ice, it looks like a retarded animal, lol