Real Life Member Meetup

Where should the meet-up be?

  • US Central

    Votes: 6 14.3%
  • US Mountains

    Votes: 8 19.0%
  • US East Coast

    Votes: 6 14.3%
  • US West Coast

    Votes: 5 11.9%
  • Nigeria

    Votes: 17 40.5%

  • Total voters


Apr 1, 2011
Reaction score
I have an idea that I'm sharing with a few of the communities I go to, basically the idea is that a bunch of us members would get together in real life at a park and go camping together. I actually got the idea from Facepunch's annual British camping trip, so I figured we should have an American one here. If the camping trip goes well and we get enough people, perhaps people in other countries will have meet-ups too, and we'll have our Japanese members get together some place in Japan or our Nigerien members get to together in Niger, or our Canadian members get together in Canada, so on and so forth. It would be great, we could all get to know each other better in real life and just hang out around a camp fire talking and what-not.

We could even do some stuff together, like go fishing or some of us could bring a bunch of laser tag equipment for everyone to use (probably Laser Tag: Team Ops). We could also go hiking together or for those of us who are gun owners, we could go to a gun shooting range or something like that. Perhaps we could even have a contest to see who can barbeque the best, or play sports, or something like that. I'm open to ideas, and of course you're all welcome to do whatever you please so long as it's within the meet-ups rules, which are below. This isn't a for sure thing, nor is this even the official thread for the meet-up, should we choose to have one. This is just seeing what people think of the idea. If enough people like the idea, then I'll post an official meet-up thread where people can announce if they are coming or not. So, what do you think of my meet-up idea? And would you like to attend it if you could?

-You must follow all federal, state, and local laws, as well as any rules the park may have.
-You must be at least 13 or older to attend the meet-up.
-You must respect all members at the meet-up, even if you don't like a certain member.
-No littering, if you have trash, dispose of it properly, or better yet, recycle it.
-No elitism, you are no better than any other member.
-No illegal drugs, this includes marijuana.
-No getting too wild or extreme, this isn't a high school or college party, this is members of an online forum having a mature real life gathering.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can I take my girlfriend/boyfriend with me?
A: Yes, if you want to.

Q: Can I take some friends with me?
A: You can take 1 or 2 people with you, but now more than that since this is meant for the members of the forum.

Q: Why can't kids 12 or younger come?
A: This is a meet-up for teenagers and adults.

Q: Who would host the meet-up?
A: I will.

Q: Can I bring alcohol or tobacco?
A: Yes, but do not distribute them to anyone under the age of 18.

Q: If I do something stupid on the camping trip, will I be banned on the forums?
A: No, unless you do something illegal like start stalking a member or try to physically harm another member.

Q: Where would we be having this meet-up?
A: That has yet to be decided, though likely somewhere in the central United States.

Q: Can I bring my gun(s)?
A: Yes, but please be careful and be sure to follow all gun safety guidelines.

Q: I'm a girl, what if a creepy forever alone guy won't leave me alone?
A: Kick him in the balls.

Q: Do I have to sleep in a tent?
A: Not if you don't want to. Feel free to sleep under the stars or in your car if that's what you want.

Q: Can I bring my RV?
A: If the park allows RV camping, sure.

Q: What if someone steals my stuff?
A: Tell me about it and/or contact the police.

Q: If something bad happens to me, can I sue the forum staff or you?
A: No, the meet-up is unaffiliated with the forums and solely run by me, and you can't sue me either since I am not legally responsible for you, if you get mauled by a bear, that's on you. However should another forum member be directly (or indirectly) responsible for putting you in harm's way, and you feel the need to take legal action, then you are well within your right to do so.

Q: Will it just be our community camping or will people from other forums be there too?
A: Just us.

Q: Will transport be provided for me or will I have to come here myself?
A: You'll have to come here yourself, though if some members want to carpool and pick each other up on the way to the campsite, then by all means, do so.

Q: I don't live within the United States, can I still come?
A: Of course, but you'll have to pay for your own transportation just like everyone else.

Q: I'm scared of the outdoors, can I hang out with you guys outside, but sleep at a hotel?
A: Sure, if that's what you want.

Q: Do I have to do what everyone else does and go where they go?
A: No, you're a human being with free will, do whatever you want, but it would be nice if you joined the rest of us.

Q: Can my parents/guardians come?
A: No, unless they are members of the forum, but even then, no.

Q: Can I bring someone who is under the age of 13 to the meet-up?
A: No.

Q: Will supplies and tents be provided, or will I have to bring my own?
A: You'll have to bring your own, though some members may decide to share supplies and bring stuff for other people.
You just joined this site.

If we were going to have a meetup we certainly don't need you as our 'organizer'.
I barely know 1/4 of the regulars at this forum well. I'm not prepared to meet anybody in person.
No thanks, I rather not find myself in a bathtub filled with ice and without a kidney and other vital organs.

On another note, I'm not a very social person, at least I'm not one now. I doubt that even if I had the money to go to the US, I'd do anything other than stand around being awkward.
Camping is a pretty creepy way to meet up with people you don't know. At least make it in a public place. That said, still, no. (I am not a very social person either).
No thanks, I don't go to any functions where I can't get extreme.
We all know if there's going to be a meet, it'll be in New Zealand!
You just joined this site.

If we were going to have a meetup we certainly don't need you as our 'organizer'.

Of course we would meet up like a year or two from now, if we actually do it. At which point I will be a long time and respected member.

As much as I would love to meet most of if not all of you, this would just be strange and expensive. Also gun-filled.
If this does go ahead, I would like to point out that I don't have my own tent. who wants to share?
If this does go ahead, I would like to point out that I don't have my own tent. who wants to share?

DW you can use mine, some say it looks like a rape dungeon but I have a feeling thats going to be a theme of this meetup anyway.
I've got a huge tent that can hold like 15 people, so anyone who needs a place is more than welcome. Just one rule, leave your guns and pants at the zipper flap.

Of course we would meet up like a year or two from now, if we actually do it. At which point I will be a long time and respected member.

Judging by your OP, you're most likely a republican (I can tell because only a republican would think "shooting range" when thinking of a place to meet and hangout with people you don't even know). If thats the case, then I imagine that in a year or two from now, you'll have been gone from this site for 8-20 months by then, and have a searing hatred for all of us.
I do feel compelled to drive across the country to camp with you and I will most certainly be bringing my guns. In fact, I'll bring enough guns for everybody. Also, we should play kickball.
I think we established long ago that these types of things would never happen. At most individual members could orient themselves.
How 'bout we rent out a fancy hotel's event area, fill it up with computers, have a crab buffet, and book a Britney Spears performance instead? All expenses paid by the OP, of course, including plane tickets for all those interested (no matter the country).
First off... isn't this site based in the UK? A sizable chunk of the people here are from non-US places. Not to mention the people actually in the US are all over the damn place. Also I wouldn't even consider crossing town to eat a bagel with people here... let alone a road trip to camp with them. Plus I'd venture to say most people around here haven't even slept outside... so there would probably be some deaths. What a strange idea...
Are you joking? Who actually in the right mind would join a forum briefly and then decide everyone should meet up, AND GO CAMPING?! I simply cannot take you seriously, you simply MUST be a troll, I mean our Nigerian members? I actually burst out laughing when I heard that.
-You must follow all federal, state, and local laws, as well as any rules the park may have.
-No illegal drugs, this includes marijuana.
-No getting too wild or extreme, this isn't a high school or college party, this is members of an online forum having a mature real life gathering.
Boy, what a party that will be!

Of course we would meet up like a year or two from now, if we actually do it. At which point I will be a long time and respected member.
Wow, for a moment you had me thinking you weren't a troll. If you had been more subtle you could have fooled a lot of people for a long time.
This thread really made me chuckle :D I can see like a TF2 meetup or meeting online in the virtual, maybe someday we can emote hug, hold hands and walk into the sunset in Second Life or something. Actually a Second Life meetup would be hilariously bad but its all for a good laugh
I dont recomend to bring your girlfriends,cuz they will leave whit me:afro:
I'm sure I'd have to get ALL of the wood for the campfire because most of you guys can't even pick up a stick, you're so weak. No, it wouldn't work. I'm not going to break my back for these lumberjacks.
I've got an even better idea; let's all meet at a LAN cafe and post on the forums together.
I'm sure the OP is a hungry cannibal. I voted US mountains to keep him happy.

Q: If I do something stupid on the camping trip, will I be banned on the forums?
A: No, unless you do something illegal like start stalking a member or try to physically harm another member.
This is true, you would definitely get an infraction if you killed someone.
Only if you did a bad job of hiding the evidence.
Oh I can never meet with any of you! Ever! Otherwise I'd have the urge to hunt the most dangerous prey of all. Especially if we were in some national park.
Oh I can never meet with any of you! Ever! Otherwise I'd have the urge to hunt the most dangerous prey of all. Especially if we were in some national park.

I feel like most of is probably in ridiculously bad shape. It would be like shooting fish in a barrel.