Real Life Zombies.

dat is wikad!!!

:) thats i kinda ultra cool i wanna be in a zombie game being shit scared and almost crying
el Chi said:
...and if THOSE aren't the ferverent words of a rabid fanboy, I don't know what are.

For the record, I agree with everything Hectic Glenn said, and trust his oinion on Mr. Brown.
hehe you have no idea how much of a fanboy i am. But you got me worked out, Londoners know each other well eh gov'ner?

In the live show i went to see Derren, he asked people in the audience to stand up if they were in a particular phone book. So my 1 of the people i went with stood up cos he was in it, he asked for their parents second name, and first intial, and he told them their phone number and address with door number. And no my mate doesn't know Derren personally. Hes just got an awesome memory and ability to control people, into something which they BELIEVE is free thought but in fact influenced. Oh and the zombie thing he did is REAL i promise you that. In fact i swear upon his cat called spasm (best cat name in the world).
If indeed it is real (which I'm going to take Hectic Glenn's promise that it is), then I *loved* how the guy dropped the gun at first, and then started realizing he was in a really shitty situation, and went and picked up the gun. This has got to have very severe neurological impacts, though. Shooting a moving, breathing thing has got to have some ramifications. You see guys who return from a small battle in war, their minds tortured by what they did and saw, never being the same again.

Very awesome shit, but again, he must have thought it out very thoroughly to keep anyone from getting hurt / sued.
Yeah he did that test on a few of the other people he works with first, and he was able to prove it to be ok. And on top of that that test only works on a certain type of person, which meant he could undo the process after by explaining a few things to them. I think i have a link to the interview on bbc radio if anyone is interested.

I love the way he shoots Derren when he runs into that room then screams, hes really scared haha. Oh and he asks the bride for help, then he shoots her later! Classic stuff.
Pesmerga said:
Very awesome shit, but again, he must have thought it out very thoroughly to keep anyone from getting hurt / sued.

Yeah, he conducted a seance on C4, which really, really freaked these people out, and at the end, there was a disclaimer saying, 'All of the people in this show were well cared for to ensure there were no lasting psychological effects' or something :O
destroy the brain and the undead will become DEAD..guess its good that the guy didn't pick up a 2x4 or something and crack someones skull!
Hectic Glenn said:
This trick is just that...another trick. But he never uses actors or stooges. You must understand what Derren's work is about, and why he is so good.

Of course... It's TV, it's entertainment, it is not real, everything is staged. Whatever floats your boat man.

Mortiz said:
Better than being a closed-minded fool.

Cry me a river.
why would you pick up a 2x4 when you have a machine gun in your hands?

"oh shit, zombies are coming at me, i better throw away this machine gun and hit them with planks of wood, that will get them".

I just found it funny how he ran at the zombies screaming "i'm gonna f*****g kill you f*****g die".

Ethically, it was perhaps wrong of him to do that but i think a lot of people in here need to go to this link to understand what actually was going on

"why didn't he realise that the sqwibs were going off where he wasn't pointing the gun" well, he was hypnotised...
He doesn' his live performances he throws ****ing frisbees out into the audience, he cant aim a frisbee to an EXACT actor in the audience can he? And those people were used at random, and the tricks worked. Yes its entertainment, but for the purpose of showing you what is possible with the skills of persuation and influence he has without you knowing. Thats why hes so popular, people love to be tricked like that, and think 'how on earth did he do that?' Its not real magic we know, the idea is he just wants to show whats possible and for people to enjoy it. Whats the point getting grumpy about it and calling us gullable...enjoy it.
I was referring to when he tossed the gun away,also known as when he DIDN'T have a gun in his hands..

if he had grabbed the NEAREST weapon...if it WAS a 2x4/metal could have been messy..thats all I was saying..

EDIT:yeah what Hectic said!!
Gunner said:
Of course... It's TV, it's entertainment, it is not real, everything is staged. Whatever floats your boat man.

Derren Brown isn't staged. He's just... indescribably awesome.
I think the place was pretty clear of dangerous objects come to think of it...
Didn't see any metal pipes or anything anyway, can't be bothered checking.
I think the main reason why he didn't react very differently when his "bullets" didn't shatter the glass was because


Seriously, there are so many explanations that could be used to explain why the glass didn't shatter, and he knows that he is fallible to mistakes, like accuracy, or not knowing what the glass was made of, or if there was even glass there. Hell, he might have thought there was no glass at all.

I can also understand why he would grasp the gun like he did before the horn. It's like a wet dream, you're not exactly sure of what's going on, but if you see a really hot woman, you gotta do somethin about it ;)
:E Its the little girl from FEAR
... Glad im not the only one who thought of that straight away.

This was quite nifty. Dangerous though, playing tricks on peoples mind like that.
Hectic Glenn said:
Its not real magic we know, the idea is he just wants to show whats possible and for people to enjoy it. Whats the point getting grumpy about it and calling us gullable...enjoy it.

It actually is real magic. This is exactly what real magic is; its all about deception and misdirection.
Well yes, but hes not pretending to be an actual mind reader, or medium or psychic, hes never said that, he just works using the techniques you said to get the desired effect. I meant as in him pretending to be some of these people that 'talk to the dead' and other spiritual malarkys.
Hectic Glenn said:
He doesn' his live performances he throws ****ing frisbees out into the audience, he cant aim a frisbee to an EXACT actor in the audience can he? And those people were used at random, and the tricks worked. Yes its entertainment, but for the purpose of showing you what is possible with the skills of persuation and influence he has without you knowing. Thats why hes so popular, people love to be tricked like that, and think 'how on earth did he do that?' Its not real magic we know, the idea is he just wants to show whats possible and for people to enjoy it. Whats the point getting grumpy about it and calling us gullable...enjoy it.

Oh my GOD! He can throw frisbees!!!

Jesus what is wrong with you?! PEOPLE DO NOT FALL ASLEEP STANDING UP. Just because he claims he does not uses stooges or actors doesn't mean it's true, c'mon use your brain think for a minute. And in case you didn't know, he faked and staged that russian roulette thing, and admitted to it.
Gunner said:
Oh my GOD! He can throw frisbees!!!

Jesus what is wrong with you?! PEOPLE DO NOT FALL ASLEEP STANDING UP. Just because he claims he does not uses stooges or actors doesn't mean it's true, c'mon use your brain think for a minute. And in case you didn't know, he faked and staged that russian roulette thing, and admitted to it.
Actually, I fell asleep in the shower one time... :|
I love watching Derren's shows, they're so great. The last episode I saw, he went up to random people in the street, handed them a bottle, asked them for directions, then asked for their car keys and wallet. The people just looked normal, handed over their most valuable posessions and walked down the street. After 10 seconds, you see them look back and run after Derren :laugh: The REALLY funny thing is when they talk to him again (the camera is on the other side of the street so you don't hear what they say), they get handed their keys and wallet back, Darren gives them the bottle again, takes back the keys and watches them walk away :laugh:

He's not perfect though, after the credits they sometimes show outtakes where instead of doing what he wants, people just look at him funny and he walks off swearing :D
Suicide42 said:
I love watching Derren's shows, they're so great. The last episode I saw, he went up to random people in the street, handed them a bottle, asked them for directions, then asked for their car keys and wallet. The people just looked normal, handed over their most valuable posessions and walked down the street. After 10 seconds, you see them look back and run after Derren :laugh: The REALLY funny thing is when they talk to him again (the camera is on the other side of the street so you don't hear what they say), they get handed their keys and wallet back, Darren gives them the bottle again, takes back the keys and watches them walk away :laugh:

He's not perfect though, after the credits they sometimes show outtakes where instead of doing what he wants, people just look at him funny and he walks off swearing :D

:laugh: I saw that, it was great. I don't believe it took them so long to realise what they just did :P
Gunner said:
Oh my GOD! He can throw frisbees!!!

Jesus what is wrong with you?! PEOPLE DO NOT FALL ASLEEP STANDING UP.

He wasn't asleep. He was catatonic; still conscious, but unresponsive. You ever seen someone hypnotised before? It's funny :D
Gunner said:
Oh my GOD! He can throw frisbees!!!
Umm... It means that the people he selects are completely random... Wtf kind of argument is "oh my god he can throw frisbees"?

Gunner said:
Jesus what is wrong with you?! PEOPLE DO NOT FALL ASLEEP STANDING UP.
He wasn't asleep, he was tranced, moron. They tranced him so that he would think as if his time being tranced had never happened, and he was still playing the game when he woke up in the zombie house.
Gunner said:
Just because he claims he does not uses stooges or actors doesn't mean it's true, c'mon use your brain think for a minute. And in case you didn't know, he faked and staged that russian roulette thing, and admitted to it.
Just because he faked one doesn't mean he faked them all.

Your arguments are becoming nonsensible.
Gunner said:
Oh my GOD! He can throw frisbees!!!
Read what i said again...i was not bigging up Derren's olympic frisbee skills.

Gunner said:
And in case you didn't know, he faked and staged that russian roulette thing, and admitted to it.
Source for that? I know quite a bit about him, but i didn't know that. As far as im award Derren is a very clever man, i very strongly doubt he would come out and say 'ooooh yeah i staged that one with actors!' Who would believe any other of his tricks in the future? In all interviews with him he has maintained he did that act without and parts being staged. In fact all you must do to work out how he did that is listen to his speach before he puts the bullet in the barrel.

put the one bullet in one of the slots, Once in the one chamber put the cover on, once im not looking...ok give me one second...etc

He put the bullet in chamber one funnily enough.
Ol'Master said:
Sorry, I don't have a source, but I heard on Radio 1 after the Russian Roulette thing that he used blanks. However, blanks would hurt a hell of a lot at that distance.
Wait. I saw that awhile ago, dident he do it at point blank a couple of times?
Ol'Master said:
Sorry, I don't have a source, but I heard on Radio 1 after the Russian Roulette thing that he used blanks. However, blanks would hurt a hell of a lot at that distance.

Yeah I heard something like that, but he said the thing is even if they were blanks he'd still die if his head was up against the barrel apparently.

Still, Derren Brown rules, I would've hated to be that guy though, I really would've shit myself.
vegeta897 said:
Umm... It means that the people he selects are completely random... Wtf kind of argument is "oh my god he can throw frisbees"?

He wasn't asleep, he was tranced, moron. They tranced him so that he would think as if his time being tranced had never happened, and he was still playing the game when he woke up in the zombie house. Just because he faked one doesn't mean he faked them all.

Your arguments are becoming nonsensible.

LOL! "He wasn't asleep, he was tranced, moron"... Tranced isn't even a verb but who cares right? and the amazing part is you fervently believe it, it's incredible! Well whatever, you and Hectic can believe whatever the hell you want, Darren Brown, Santa Claus, Martians... Enjoy life!
Ol'Master said:
Sorry, I don't have a source, but I heard on Radio 1 after the Russian Roulette thing that he used blanks. However, blanks would hurt a hell of a lot at that distance.

Edit: Here's a source, but it says that Jersey Police said that it was blanks, and not Mr.Brown or Channel 4 -

I'm not surprised tbh. I doubt Channel 4 would let one of their television stars shoot themselves in the head for a television show. I doubt Channel 4 could handle the publicity. I think the Russian roulette with the blanks was a given since he could still do the trick (guessing the chamber) but without the risk of blowing his brains out and the subsequent collapse of channel 4.

Not even Channel 4 was mad enough to let him use real bullets. So it wasn't fake, it was just that the risk wasn't there.
It doesn't matter if it's real or fake, just that it has entertained me and that's the most important thing in the world.

SimonomiS said:
A point blank blank (:laugh:) is no risk??

Blanks still contain gunpowder. You don't want that near you when it's exploding.
Gunner said:
LOL! "He wasn't asleep, he was tranced, moron"... Tranced isn't even a verb but who cares right? and the amazing part is you fervently believe it, it's incredible! Well whatever, you and Hectic can believe whatever the hell you want, Darren Brown, Santa Claus, Martians... Enjoy life!

Tranced isn't a verb, but you know what he's saying, right?

And why are you getting so worked up? :|
Gunner said:
Oh my GOD! He can throw frisbees!!!

Jesus what is wrong with you?! PEOPLE DO NOT FALL ASLEEP STANDING UP. Just because he claims he does not uses stooges or actors doesn't mean it's true, c'mon use your brain think for a minute. And in case you didn't know, he faked and staged that russian roulette thing, and admitted to it.

Erm, he didn't ever say it was staged. What he said was that even if the gun was using blanks, he would've still been seriously hurt. My dad was in the army and I remember him saying that whenever you were firing blanks, you always aim away from people. They can still do damage.

On a different note, I was going to post about this when I first saw it, I just never got round to it. for more Derren Brown stuff. Including videos.
Gunner said:
LOL! "He wasn't asleep, he was tranced, moron"... Tranced isn't even a verb but who cares right? and the amazing part is you fervently believe it, it's incredible! Well whatever, you and Hectic can believe whatever the hell you want, Darren Brown, Santa Claus, Martians... Enjoy life!

Have you got any proof that it was fake? If you watched any of his shows, you'll see that he does a lot of stuff similar to this. Maybe not as extreme but there's a lot of stuff which you think would not be possible.
I don't see why you people doubt this, I don't see anything "extreme" about it. Hypnotism and trances are incredibly effective and work that way most of the time, he was obviously very confused and dizzy during the sequence, everyone would be if they "wake up" in an environment like that.

You complain that he didn't notice the glass etc, that's just ridiculous, for instance, how come you don't know you are just dreaming when you're in a bad dream? That's pretty much what it seemed to have felt like for that person, being trapped in a bad dream but unaware of it.

And you say people can't fall asleep standing up? Seriously, why do you claim these things about subjects you have zero knowledge about?

I have to say it was a ****ing awesome experiment, I'm definitely going to read more about this Derren Brown guy.