Real vid of an Apache attack *explicit*

There was already a topic on this last night, it got deleted (I assume, since it disappeared) since people were spamming stuff, such as "those Iraqis got pwned!"

Anyhow, yeah. It's pretty cool (for a lack of better words), yet unsettling at the same time
umm... wow, uhh.... they seemed so calm about killing people.... it's wierd
if i had just read the story i'd be 'oh yeah they've probably done the right thing, good job i guess'. after seeing the video, i just feel depressed.
Yeah.....pretty sucky. How on earth could they see if they have a weapon or not? No way I'd be able to do that.
Dedalus said:
if i had just read the story i'd be 'oh yeah they've probably done the right thing, good job i guess'. after seeing the video, i just feel depressed.

Yeah thats what i was feeling. It's weird how we can disregard a person's life when it is just written down, and does actually go some way to show how we can be manipulated by the media.
Same here. Maybe someone had super-binoculars? Anyhow, it's sad, less-so if they were carrying weapons.
On topic, in a way. I wonder about the guy who posted this video at his site -- check the root directories. He has a few disturbing mockery photoshop pictures.
I've seen a few of these videos were the soldiers are incredibly calm while they kill people. It's awful, but I think that's how you have to be. You can't stop to think about how these are people you're killing, you'd go mad after a time.

edit: I just thought of something. I wish that war today wasn't so impersonal, maybe we wouldn't be so quick to jump into it. It's one thing for a leader to declare war and bomb the shit out of a country from some remote location, it's another thing to send in 200,000 troops to overtake a country, having them engage in close quarters combat. Maybe people would think twice before declaring war. Then again, judging by the track record of the human race, maybe not. And the other stuff on his site is quite disturbing
qckbeam said:
I've seen a few of these videos were the soldiers are incredibly calm while they kill people. It's awful, but I think that's how you have to be. You can't stop to think about how these are people you're killing, you'd go mad after a time.

edit: And the other stuff on his site is quite disturbing

You have more disturbing video's?

That's fux0red d00d.

And yeah, so is that video, they totally annahilated those people, sick stuff.
nw909 said:
You have more disturbing video's?

That's fux0red d00d.

And yeah, so is that video, they totally annahilated those people, sick stuff.

I don't have them sitting on my hard drive, I've just seen them. There were only three, two filmed in nightvision mode from a distance, like this one. The other was sick, really, really sick. Revolting to the point where I thought I was going to puke. It was the most awful thing I have ever seen.
Oh ok, I thought you meant you kept them on your computer, thank god.
nw909 said:
Oh ok, I thought you meant you kept them on your computer, thank god.

No, I'm not a sadist, or a future serial killer or anything like that :)
I saw one from another Apache helicopter...luckily it they were pretty far away so it wasn't graphic but it was sad...
The clamness comes from the fact that he's taking orders from somebody to attack these targets. Having somebody tell you to shoot and choosing to shoot for yourself is a big difference.
if they are iraqi soldiers, im glad they are dead. just my opinion :\
SubKamran said:
I saw one from another Apache helicopter...luckily it they were pretty far away so it wasn't graphic but it was sad...

I saw a convoy of APC's exploding once, was pretty gross since it was in color.
LoneDeranger said:
The clamness comes from the fact that he's taking orders from somebody to attack these targets. Having somebody tell you to shoot and choosing to shoot for yourself is a big difference.

Military life. When you elaborate on it, he really is choosing to shoot for himself.
Pendragon said:
Did anyone else notice the second guy who got "hit" waving a white flag? That's how it looked to me.

It's not necessarily white, thats an infared camera. It chould be a traditional arab clothing waving in the wind.
Can Apaches land? Why not land? I suppose they could shoot you, but you have a 30mm machine gun sitting next to you... ;)
Pendragon said:
Did anyone else notice the second guy who got "hit" waving a white flag? That's how it looked to me.

Could've been. I haven't seen the vids, so I can't judge them. I can say that:
1. It could've only looked like it.
2. If it was, they may have been going too fast notice.
3. The Iraqis have been using false surrender tactics since the first strike. Sometimes you have to put that behind you, and look out for yourself and your men. You never know when someone's pulling shit.
SubKamran said:
Can Apaches land? Why not land? I suppose they could shoot you, but you have a 30mm machine gun sitting next to you... ;)

Why land? So the Iraqi's can open fire on you endangering your life? I doubt they'd just surrendur when there's just two guys hopping out of an Apache without any sufficient firepower at their hands...

EDIT: That supposed white flag looks like it was a peice of clothing or rag of some kind he just tossed behind him.

Did the apache pilot say, "We're out of range" Then the other reply, "F*ck!" ? That's what it sounded like to me...
GhostValkyrie said:
Could've been. I haven't seen the vids, so I can't judge them. I can say that:
1. It could've only looked like it.
2. If it was, they may have been going too fast notice.
3. The Iraqis have been using false surrender tactics since the first strike. Sometimes you have to put that behind you, and look out for yourself and your men. You never know when someone's pulling shit.

I thought the guy was going to try and hide under it, which made the video even more sickening to me.
AmishSlayer said:
Why land? So the Iraqi's can open fire on you endangering your life? I doubt they'd just surrendur when there's just two guys hopping out of an Apache without any sufficient firepower at their hands...

EDIT: That supposed white flag looks like it was a peice of clothing or rag of some kind he just tossed behind him.

Did the apache pilot say, "We're out of range" Then the other reply, "F*ck!" ? That's what it sounded like to me...

Igneri edit: Not seeing anything funny in this quote. No need for a "haha" anywhere.
GhostValkyrie said:
Military life. When you elaborate on it, he really is choosing to shoot for himself.

Yes he could choose to shoot or choose to disobey orders which would get him into deep shit. I dont think that any of us have the right to judge our troops for doing there job, if they kill 3 iraqs because they were ordered to do it then its fine with me, and its not that i dont question the government beucase i do but if they thought it was a weapon then i think they made the right descion, and since none of you have any military exeperience (me either) then you cant question what they did by saying why dont you just land and check them out, because who knows what could have happened, maybe that thing was an RPG and they culd have blown the helicopter apart, or taken the crew hostage, regardless i cant specualte on that stuff anyway, im just saying dont be so quick to say these guys are doing the wrong thing (or at least implying it) since they are protecting us (not just Americans too).
SubKamran said:
Can Apaches land? Why not land? I suppose they could shoot you, but you have a 30mm machine gun sitting next to you... ;)

The whole reason they attacked them was because that long tube thing that the iraqi dropped was most likely an RPG.
The third guy was wounded and he killed him anyway... That was very sick. This is why if there's a draft I'm leaving this country.
LittleB said:
The third guy was wounded and he killed him anyway... That was very sick. This is why if there's a draft I'm leaving this country.

Better than letting him die slowly and painfully by bleeding to death, IMO.
LittleB said:
The third guy was wounded and he killed him anyway... That was very sick. This is why if there's a draft I'm leaving this country.

What if the wounded iraqi was still able to function well, and got a weapon, and shot the apache down?

Very true also LD. It would have been way more sick if he was left there. Think of the slow, painful death he would have had rather then just putting it to an end in a fraction of a second.
I guess that's true... But it was still bad. We need more non-lethal weapons. I read in popsci mag about "pain beams" that make a 5x5 inch piece of skin on your body feel like the worst pain in the world, but leaves absolutely no damage. Only redness. Hehe.
I don't see how this could be much of a surprise to anyone if you've even thought about it before.
Christ guys, this is war, what did you expect? I don't get it, a war with no one killing each other? It's like that, if you are in the wrong place in the wrong time, you will get shot, and that's about it. Soldiers? They are doing their job.

I think news channels need to show more of footage like that one on TV, so people would understand better.

Edit: Bleh, I came a little bit harsh. I mean, while video is disturbing, what else could anyone expect.
LittleB said:
The third guy was wounded and he killed him anyway... That was very sick. This is why if there's a draft I'm leaving this country.

You are retarded. Thats all. Its war not ****ing dodgeball. Ill ask you if you still want to live after being hit with 33mm cannon rounds.

Anyway its a pretty good case that they were insurgents. They brought the RPG out to the field , looked around to make sure they were alone and then brought in a tractor to bury it so they could set up an ambush later.
Mr.Reak said:
Christ guys, this is war, what did you expect? I don't get it, a war with no one killing each other? It's like that, if you are in the wrong place in the wrong time, you will get shot, and that's about it. Soldiers? They are doing their job.

I think news channels need to show more of footage like that one on TV, so people would understand better.

Edit: Bleh, I came a little bit harsh. I mean, while video is disturbing, what else could anyone expect.

I agree , they should show a little more of it , but not to the Aljazeera degree , just remind people its not nintendo.
so to my understanding, u guys r saying if someone is wounded in a war, they should just be put down like a dog rather than have medics attempt to save their life. I gotta say, thats kinda strange. How do u know he wasn't beyond recovery. Also, considering they didn't even know where the shots were coming from, or even that there was an apache there for that matter, i find it difficult to see how he could have been a threat. He was incapacitated. He wouldn't have been "left there to die" because ground forces are going to go there after. US army isn't going to leave an rpg out in the field along with a destroyed truck and some rotting bodies.
JonTheCanuck said:
so to my understanding, u guys r saying if someone is wounded in a war, they should just be put down like a dog rather than have medics attempt to save their life. I gotta say, thats kinda strange. How do u know he wasn't beyond recovery. Also, considering they didn't even know where the shots were coming from, or even that there was an apache there for that matter, i find it difficult to see how he could have been a threat. He was incapacitated. He wouldn't have been "left there to die" because ground forces are going to go there after. US army isn't going to leave an rpg out in the field along with a destroyed truck and some rotting bodies.

First of all, the Apache is ill-equipped for medical recovery and rescue.

Second, like you said from that distance we don't really know the condition of the guy. Maybe he was simply crawling to pick up his RPG or wanted to radio his commander that the outpost is lost and that there are Apache's in the area.
He wouldn't have been "left there to die" because ground forces are going to go there after.

The man was hit by a 30mm, unless he lost his big toe (he wouldn't be crawling if he had) he would have been dead by the time the ground forces had reached him. If you remember from the article ground forces were not very close thats the whole reason the apaches engaged instead of waiting.
What did you expect? The Apache to shoot each guy in the leg, have the nearest Ranger squad to move into that position, secure them, and ship them to the local hospital for warm food and a bath? This is war people. If you can't handle it, I'm sorry. The people of the world have Army's for one purpose, to fight, secure, and kill if need be. In war, you kill. It happens on some distance battlefield far from home (Hopefully) so people don't usually understand what war 'Really' is. People die. I'm 16 and I get it, why can't you? Those 3 Iraqi soldiers, they didn't 'have' to guard there. They could have disbanded like others have. But they didn't, they wanted to fight. They wanted the risk. And they lost.