Real Zero point energy manipulation

Do i have to explain the sub trans atomic dynamics of scalar waves and why they can't exist all over again?
solaris152000 said:
Do i have to explain the sub trans atomic dynamics of scalar waves and why they can't exist all over again?
Yes please
Yeah I want to hear why too!

I So want one of these By the way. Best. Invention. EVER.
Polaris said:
It could be interesting, but my media player cant play wmv. format... :(

That's why you're supposed to have multiple media players or "VLC" which everyone thinks is great but crashes frequently for me.
solaris152000 said:
Do i have to explain the sub trans atomic dynamics of scalar waves and why they can't exist all over again?

Please dont, i understand you. But I also understand that classical theory and quantum theory directly contradict each other at their foundation's, they dont and still dont compliment each other, and have flaw's in respect to cutting and chopping of maxwell's equation's for practicality, to not being able to solve the source charge problem atall or define force vigorously enough and amazingly still falsely assuming flat spacetime in the observer's calculations, when we are not in a flat space time we live in a curved space time. Relative rules apply to curved space time including certain law violation opportunities that wouldnt be allowed in a flat space time respectively.

Ahranov-Bohm effect, respectively proving that virtual component's can have a real effect in an observable system. Present denial of these flaws is nothing more than a perpetual dogma, in maintaining old theories that are placed as if they are the know alls and rules of nature, when they are not, the theories do the job in their respective area's but thats all, yes scalar waves have been disproven to exist in 'a hertzian form' however they are 'not' a hertzian wave form and cannot be detected with regular hertzian detector's, i cant stress that enough they dont even physically propagate through our observable 3 space, they are the zero vector wave pair component's of a detectable hertzian wave, virtual element's creating (to us) real 3 space phenomena, it all fits wondefully in Kaluza klien geometry..

Bearden describes it all in the video's take my word for it. (If you see the extract's of the origional 120 year old write ups he's got on his site, he shows what was axed and why it's hindered modern theory form understanding major problems) discarding the heavside component when inducing electricity into a wire, the energy output is only seen as the measurable work the circuit does which is why we only produce <COP 1 systems. The actual 'energy' flow created in a standard generator potentially far exceeds >COP 1 , like a boat with a small sail that only captures a tiny amount of the wind. most of it isnt harnessed as potential workable energy and is wasted because in standard EM generators the dipole's are destroyed as soon as they are created.
Classical and quantum theory are very not incompatible. The only classical theory which conflicts with quantum mechanics is general relativity. However, the effects of curved spacetime are negligible on the quantum scale, and so can safely be ignored.

Just look at the relative strength of the forces relevant on the quantum scale, electromagnetic, weak and strong, and compare them to the strength of the gravitational force. Using a tiny magnet, I can overcome the force exerted by the entire mass of the Earth.

The only time you need a single theory to describe gravity in a quantum framework is when gravity is significant at the quantum scales, like in the early universe or near a black hole.
I roughly understood about 0% of those last two posts.
Thanks for posting those Tom Bearden videos. Before watching those, I thought he was just another slightly crazy wacko. Now I understand that it's real science, and that the scientific establishment is simply not willing to expand their theoretical models to take into account these real effects.

Epsi: What you say is correct, except that a more encompassing theory is needed to explain scalar waves, energy from the vacuum, zero point energy manipulation, etc.

Check out Professor Myron Evans work at
Apparently, he has discovered a Grand Unified Field Theory. All major physics equations, including General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics can be derived from the Evans Unified Field Equations.

A "descriptive book for all audiences" is available for download: Equations of Unified Field Theory Rev 2.2.pdf
someone who actually understands what im talking about.. all the 'physic's student's' who reply usually dont get that. They think that if its not included in present secular theories it 'doesnt' exist, the problem is even great minds like hawking use the segregated theories to interpret their idea's.

While the work is excellent, to comprehend you need to use factors that are normally considered virtual and non existant (modern mathematical convieniances 'vectors') and treat them as a real working energy, then you can combine general relativity, classical and quantum like Bearden to discover this unified engineerable theory, you then discover that natural zero vector interferance is inputting immense energy into 3space from an other dimensional source, basically everything we see around us isnt static atall.. its constantly being created and destroyed matter being kept in its state because of this natural energy pump, its these snap shots of destruction and creation that create our experiance of time.

Its mind boggling how powerful it is, mainstream resist's it because... well Bearden explains it in the video's better than anyone, it would change the world as we know it forever, which for modern economic reasons.. is a bad thing.

"My acclaimed unified field theory is also developed carefully on already known experimental facts, and reduces to all the major equations of physics, which are of course, well tested empirically. It is a theory which completes the work of Albert Einstein and extends the scope and understanding of Physics far beyond its current boundaries. It has none of the unproven speculations of string theory and unifies general relativity and quantum mechanics. Its major predictions are the B(3) (Evans/ Vigier) field, which is now known to be observable with great precision in many ways, and the presence of an infinite supply of energy that can be extracted from space-time and used to solve the impending energy crisis."

--- Myron Evans