Realization? *sadness*

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Confront her about your feelings, she'll tell you that she will always love you, and will never leave you.

Then she leaves, finds another guy, takes him, breaks up with you over phone/email/IM/VM...anything.

And you're left heartbroken. This is how it's going to work, just nip it in the bud now.

This man speaks truth. Every friend that I have had who left for college while in a relationship eventually broke up over the phone.
don't scrutinize me at the moment, i haven't felt this crappy in a long time, plus i dont drink or do drugs, and I don't cut, so I have no way of getting rid my depression
edit: to caveman

My Mother has leukemia
My ex that I've dated on and off for 3 years is getting married to another guy
I may have gotten a girl pregnant, I find out on monday

I don't drink, use drugs, etc. But i'm still happy. Bud you'll pull thru and laugh when you look back at it in the future.
because I am a sissy, fun little fact about me- I cannot break up with people, people have break up with me first.

I just don't have the balls.

If you don't have the balls to break up with someone, there is no hope for you in life. I'm sorry, if I can do it, anyone can.
Is she the flirtatious, party-goer that easily succumbs to peer pressure? And I don't mean that in the extreme way. Sometimes girls like to hang out with friends, even if it means "lettin' it loose" at a party or get-together. If so, there will be problems when she goes to college.
Confront her about your feelings, she'll tell you that she will always love you, and will never leave you.

Then she leaves, finds another guy, takes him, breaks up with you over phone/email/IM/VM...anything.

And you're left heartbroken. This is how it's going to work, just nip it in the bud now.
Pretty much.
The one difference between our situations, zombieturtle, is that both of us are giving one another a free lease to do whatever the hell we want for the next four years, so I'll be dating and sexing other girls and likewise for her.

I still don't like the idea of her with anybody but me, but given that the college I'm going to is chock full of hawt women, I think I will survive.
Is she the flirtatious, party-goer that easily succumbs to peer pressure? And I don't mean that in the extreme way. Sometimes girls like to hang out with friends, even if it means "lettin' it loose" at a party or get-together. If so, there will be problems when she goes to college.

she doesn't drink or do drugs, she isn't fond of drunk people or druggies. She's also socially inept as I am

The one difference between our situations, zombieturtle, is that both of us are giving one another a free lease to do whatever the hell we want for the next four years, so I'll be dating and sexing other girls and likewise for her.

I still don't like the idea of her with anybody but me, but given that the college I'm going to is chock full of hawt women, I think I will survive.

wow, that is a big difference
well update-

thank god for nightquil, it makes you so... weird when you drink double, so I ended up saying all that I needed to her. If it wasnt for the nightquil intoxication, I wouldn't have had the audacity to say it, but it ended up working well.
don't scrutinize me at the moment, i haven't felt this crappy in a long time, plus i dont drink or do drugs, and I don't cut, so I have no way of getting rid my depression

Go outside, do something, get your mind off of it.
I don't know why, but hearing that statement pisses me off.
Reading that quote, I came up with a solution.

Drink and do drugs.
Go outside, do something, get your mind off of it.
I don't know why, but hearing that statement pisses me off.

sorry, it's just that I know a lot of people who find escape from their problems with alcohol and drugs, it works for them it seems.

I do go outside, I rode my bike for 6 hours around the town and metro parks, it didn't help.

don't think i don't try
or grow up

ble, ble, ble, oh look at you on your high pedestal, god forbid I get in a depressive slum every once in a while because I fear loosing my best friend. What an irrational fear, how rediculous, how dare I have the audacity to be concerned about such matters!

You don't need to be a dick about it, I just wanted to let off some steam, like everyone else does here.
ble, ble, ble, oh look at you on your high pedestal, god forbid I get in a depressive slum every once in a while because I fear loosing my best friend. What an irrational fear, how rediculous, how dare I have the audacity to be concerned about such matters!

You don't need to be a dick about it, I just wanted to let off some steam, like everyone else does here.

Oh please, you're being totally pathetic and everyone here can see that. Most are probably too polite to tell you. Why do you sit there and bitch and moan about loosing your best friend, do you not think countless people will do the same?

You act as if this is the worst thing in the world, you talk about how you could 'never break up with anyone', you need to pull yourself together if that's the case - it's truly pathetic.

I can't think of any other members who have created pointless threads whining about losing a friend. Just get on with your life.
Oh please, you're being totally pathetic and everyone here can see that. Most are probably too polite to tell you. Why do you sit there and bitch and moan about loosing your best friend, do you not think countless people will do the same?

You act as if this is the worst thing in the world, you talk about how you could 'never break up with anyone', you need to pull yourself together if that's the case - it's truly pathetic.

I can't think of any other members who have created pointless threads whining about losing a friend. Just get on with your life.
Give him a ****ing break.
Llama, relax. He doesn't need your tough-talk. Everyone is allowed to grieve over whatever they want, and he received support from us. That's what friends are for.

Reconsider yourself or leave.
I'll leave then. Hey, if you fall for his pathetic attention seeking, more fool you.
"Fall for"?

You have one warped perception, mate.

High pedestal is right.
Oh please, you're being totally pathetic and everyone here can see that. Most are probably too polite to tell you. Why do you sit there and bitch and moan about loosing your best friend, do you not think countless people will do the same?

You act as if this is the worst thing in the world, you talk about how you could 'never break up with anyone', you need to pull yourself together if that's the case - it's truly pathetic.

I can't think of any other members who have created pointless threads whining about losing a friend. Just get on with your life.

I'll leave then. Hey, if you fall for his pathetic attention seeking, more fool you.

Dude relax, everyone has their ups and downs. Don't get me wrong, I know I am not being nailed to a cross or anything, it's just nice to let off some sweat I've been having. We all have our problems, some worse, some not so bad. But everyone has the right to let off some steam.

I wont appologize for having a tough time with my situation, everyone handles problems differently, if me posting a simple thread on a forum bothers you, then ignore it.

Thank you much Vegeta and Stigmata.
The irony is threatening to choke me to death.
I'd appreciate if you kept matters unrelated to this thread (as well as personal vendettas) out of here, please.

Thanks. :thumbs:
Well since you've happily taken it to msn we'll go from there.
I'll leave then. Hey, if you fall for his pathetic attention seeking, more fool you.

This is the 2nd thread from this guy I remember. Same sort of subject too.

I believe I told him to grow a pair of testicles, and to dump the whore.
I love Stardog and his contributions to the forum. I don't think there's anyone quite as to the point and forthcoming as he. We need more such members.
hmph. Where was the backup when I needed it.

<3 Stardog
I guess helping people isn't cool anymore.

Let me go tell people to stop crying and kick them in the nuts.

Will be I cool then? Awesome.

You're acting like a bunch of internet jocks, which is just pathetic :|
Will be you cool then? Most definitely.
they do that to boost theyr e-penis size

"me manley me dont help setimental stuff me have hairs in balls,me so macho me going to watch 300 naked cuz me so macho"
Yeah, that actually got a "what the ****?!" from me too. :|
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