Really warm core temperature for some reason


Party Escort Bot
Sep 20, 2003
Reaction score
I have a Geforce FX5600 and something tells me my core temperature is unusually warm when i read that it is 90 degrees celcius. What is causing it and is there anything provisoric I can do to reduce it?

The ambient tempreature is 48c and i havent overclocked it or anything. Also, the processor is a pentium 4
You can always remove the cooler, clean the thermal material off, and apply some artic silver 5, and re-seat the heatsink, and see if that makes any change. Or replace the stock cooler with something slightly better.
If you remove the cooler to put better thermal compound on just make sure to clean the chip and the heatsink with rubbing alcohol. Don't want any of the old stuff left behind.

48C is pretty hot for just ambient temp. Your gfx card is only 42c above ambient case temp. Normally my card ran at 80C on load and my case temp was 30C which is 50C above case temp. I'd say your cooler is doing pretty well for it's situation.

CPU max is about 75-85C.
GPU cores are about 110-115C max.
Depends on the processor model though.
3ssence that sounds abit overkill :eek:

Asus, thanks a ton that really made me feel better about this, i'll make sure to keep my window open. right now it's 82C with 39 ambient temperature. i have a really good fan in my room that i'll make sure to keep on more regularly, summer is getting quite hot here in sweden.
Is the 90-82c on load (playing games) or idle (at your desktop)?
3ssence that sounds abit overkill :eek:

Asus, thanks a ton that really made me feel better about this, i'll make sure to keep my window open. right now it's 82C with 39 ambient temperature. i have a really good fan in my room that i'll make sure to keep on more regularly, summer is getting quite hot here in sweden.

Hehe, i take it your not one for tinkering then ?
