Recent update gave me STUTTER


Dec 5, 2004
Reaction score

I apologise as I realise that this problem has existed since hl2 release, but amidst the valve praises for this recent update which has cured the stutter problem for many individuals, I find it important to raise the issue that this recent update has given me the stutter problem from an otherwise "stutterless" pre-update game.

I used to get little stutter at beginning of levels and in autosaves, but it was very short, lasting for a maximum of 3 seconds, and being very small in stutter size. However, now I get huge stutter and it can last for the whole duration of the time playing. Before the update this did not happen, but now after the update, it does, and makes the game unplayable.

I feels like super connection interruption lag that I used to have when I had a 56k connection playing online games like quake3. If it lasted for only a few seconds I wouldnt mind much, but its fact it will last the entire time, making the game very unplayable indeed.

This stutter is also happening in CSS, before I never had a problem with CSS, but now I get the exact same stutter.

I have always used the heapsize 256000 so its not that, and I also tried the mat_forcemanagedtextureintohardware 0 from steam faq and that did nothing to solve it either.

Any ideas? I have sent valve a question regarding this on steampowered, hopefully I will get an answer. Thank you

My game settings, basically everything on high, 2x AA, 2 x AF, no vsync, and I have the following:

P4 2.6c @ 3.4 ghz 260 FSB
1024 MB @ 5:4 divider
radeon 9800 pro @ 400/373 with catalyst 4.12
raid 0 2 x raptors
I have the same problem my friend... this sucks, wish I had a solution.
If you have tried any of the temp fixes before the patch came out, try removing them.
ie in your launch properties or an autoexec file.
tomo13 said:
If you have tried any of the temp fixes before the patch came out, try removing them.
ie in your launch properties or an autoexec file.
I never had the stuttering issue in the first place, so never tried the temp fixes from valve.

Ive been reading other threads here and there and seems it HAS gotten worse for a lot of people, hopefully valve will do something about it quick :(
Bad news, looks like this issue will never be resolved, everytime they get closer to fixing the issue for people who have always had it they adversly effect someone elses games that never had the stuttering the first place. Sounds like its just one of those engines thats never going to be happy. Bring on some HL3 screenshots so we can forget about HL2. ;)
Flyingbig said:
Sounds like its just one of those engines thats never going to be happy. Bring on some HL3 screenshots so we can forget about HL2. ;)

I already have. I'm off to get drunk and eat lots, this game isn't the only turkey that needs roasting this xmas :D

merry xmas all
I just back from trying to play CSS. The stutter there makes the game UNPLAYABLE. I dont know WTF happened but that damn update broke HL2 AND CSS and it is very annoying. Im not asking for much, I just wanna be able to go back to the preupdate games, anyone know exactly what the hell this latest update did or what it added because whatever it is I want to turn it off.