Recommend me a book!

To Kill a Mockingbird is really an incredible book. It's one of the best I've read.
Solaris said:
Well I'm in the UK. And it's incredably exciting, I couldn't put it down. Aticus is a wonderful character.

Atticus Finch was the shit and so was his movie-version actor - Gregory Peck
Sulkdodds said:
Samuel Beckett - Waiting For Godot *

But... nothing happened! OK I guess if you really analyze it then everything gets more depressing during the second round of nothing-happening, and I guess it is a little better to watch it than just read it, but most people in my class thought it was kind of boring.

I think this online Waiting for Godot game sums it up fairly well.

As for my recommendations, anything by Steinbeck, and As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner, although the Faulkner one is actually kind of disturbing.

If you liked 1984, I might suggest some Ray Bradbury (Fahrenheit 451), but I never really liked Bradbury as much as Orwell. Also, I'll never forgive him for the crappy ending to Something Wicked This Way Comes. :(

Also, lots of Michael Crichton books are pretty good.
Ah yeah - Micheal Chrichton, Ray Bradbury and Frank Herbert were the ones I forgot to mention.
dfc05 said:
But... nothing happened! OK I guess if you really analyze it then everything gets more depressing during the second round of nothing-happening, and I guess it is a little better to watch it than just read it, but most people in my class thought it was kind of boring.
It was funny! :D

Game's taking a while for me. D:
JNightshade said:
His Dark Materials
Damn straight!

The Discworld series by Terry Pratchet (the order you read them in doesn't matter)

The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan (the order you read them in does matter) but be warned, it peaks at 6 then goes way downhill. By the 11th (yes there are 11) it gets back on track and the 12th (and final) is due to be out in 2008 (too long:bonce: ). There is also 1 prequil and 2 more prequils are due out (basicly he's a money-grabbing prick)
Ikerous said:

lol, I googled Bull's Balls just to see if was actually a book... It is and it's translated from Spanish or something Juevos de Toro!!! But yeah then on the google thing searching for 'Bull's Balls' I came to this...

I think it's a joke site... hopefully. Anyways yes good books there are a lot. If you're into big Sci-Fi Opera then DUNE is the way to go, the original series. Just google around and you can find some great lists more suited to particular interests. Like if you like Bull's Balls...
Foundation's Edge by Isaac Asimov

It's a horrific and fascinating tale of the galaxy kept in balance by three different forces, each brought together to discover the fate of all eternity.
Lord of the Rings
Human, All too Human
Plato's Republic
The Duty of Genius
Catcher in the Rye
All Quiet on the Western Front
Johnny Got His Gun
Of Mice and Men
Brave New World
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

my favorite books.
Lord of the Rings
Beyond Beef
The Tree
Animal Farm
Commisoned Officers' Field Guide to Tactics
Selfish Genes
Uncle Tungsten

Mother Night

Only book that's brought me to tears.
American Psycho by Brett Easton Ellis
Earth Abides by George R Stewart. Awesome. Speculates what happens when 99.99% of the world population is wiped out in a pandemic. Very poetic)
The Mars Trilogy by Kim Stanley Robinson. Epic saga exploring the supposed political, economic and cultural realities of the human colonisation of Mars.

Oh yeah, Raising The Bar of course!
Nyargh, Kord of the Rings is bollocks! D:

Hell yeah to Catcher in the Rye and Mice and Men too.
Sulkdodds said:
Nyargh, Kord of the Rings is bollocks! D:

Hell yeah to Catcher in the Rye and Mice and Men too.
Sulkdodds is recomending everything you read in English class! D:
"They're a buncha phonies for chrissakes."

"Tell me about the bunnies George."
If I were to mention one book then I'd probably give Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash its 3rd mention in this thread.
wow, this is quite a list! I'm gonna be busy all summer :P

Thanks guys :)
I'm reading 'For Whom the Bell Tolls' after deuxexmachimas reccomedation.
Not to bad a book.
gh0st said:
Brave New World

my favorite books.
Did you actually read Brave New World? That is the most un-interesting book ever written.

Although, I won't argue, Aldous Huxley is an amazing writer.
are you kidding? brave new world is awesome.. its REALLY interesting...

to me anyway.
gh0st said:
are you kidding? brave new world is awesome.. its REALLY interesting...

to me anyway.
Yeah, it's extremely interesting if you like reading boring-ass dialogue 250 pages straight.

The book had no depth, which was why it was boring. Nothing exciting happened at all. Also, it seems like most of your favorite books are the ones they make you read in school. Why don't you branch out?
willho said:
Yeah, it's extremely interesting if you like reading boring-ass dialogue 250 pages straight.

The book had no depth, which was why it was boring. Nothing exciting happened at all. Also, it seems like most of your favorite books are the ones they make you read in school. Why don't you branch out?
or its good if you can actually understand the book.

the only book i've read in school from that list was catcher in the rye.

i think ive branched out pretty sufficiently, quite a few genres are represented there.
gh0st said:
or its good if you can actually understand the book.
Are you insinuating that I didn't understand what was happening in the book?

The lives of the people in the World State are based upon the idea of consumerism (boring). Lenina goes to the savage reservation with the short guy, whose name is not coming to me at the moment (boring). They meet Linda, mother of John, ex-lover of the D.H.C. (boring). Lenina and Shorty bring the savages back to the World State (boring). The D.H.C. is exposed as a father (boring).

More boring events occur, and John eventually hangs himself (boring, and somewhat LOL-worthy).

Boring book? Yes.
CptStern said:
gh0st, I'm surprised you've read BNW .. I recommend Player Piano, you'll like it if you liked BNW
That's because Kurt Vonnegut is a more captivating author.

Aldous Huxley would have been better off writing text books instead of novels.
willho said:
Are you insinuating that I didn't understand what was happening in the book? etc. etc.

Didn't you get banned for being an obnoxious tit and arguing with everybody?

Anyways, everyone seems to be suggesting fiction but A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson is a really interesting read.
Jangle said:
Didn't you get banned for being an obnoxious tit and arguing with everybody?
Actually, I am unsure as to why I was temporarily banned.

And what does that have to do with anything?
I saw you arguing, and I thought I remembered you.
Jangle said:
I saw you arguing, and I thought I remembered you.
That wasn't arguing.

Talk to the hand:
Sulkdodds said:
Oh yes it was!
I'd tell you to talk to the hand as well, but that would result in a ban.

So, don't talk to the hand.
willho said:
I'd tell you to talk to the hand as well, but that would result in a ban.

So, don't talk to the hand.
Just Gtfo out the thread, thanks, bye, don't forget to close the door.

I've really got to stand by what I said about 'to kill a mockingbird', it's fantastic, the depth to the characters is amazing and it was impossible to put down.

'Six Days' is an intresting novel as well, but I've forgotten the author.
Chris Ryans books can be fun too :D